El mejor plan personal de retiro

by | Feb 19, 2023 | Simple IRA | 5 comments

El mejor plan personal de retiro

401k, IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, etc. Hay varios caminos para llegar a la jubilación y en este video hablaremos de las características y beneficios de los planes de pensión más populares.

 IRA tradicional o Roth
 Solo 401k
 Plan de beneficios definidos

¿Cuál es el mejor? Dependerá del ingreso total de tu hogar, de tu edad actual y del momento en el que prefieras pagar los impuestos.

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DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: LUIS SILVA, SIGMA OPTION LLC incluidos, entre otros, los invitados que aparecen en sus videos, no son asesores financieros / de inversión, corredores o dealers. Comparten únicamente sus experiencias y opiniones personales; por lo tanto, todas las estrategias, consejos, sugerencias y recomendaciones compartidas son únicamente con fines de entretenimiento y educación. Existen riesgos financieros asociados con la inversión y los resultados de Luis Silva no son típicos; por lo tanto, no actúe ni se abstenga de actuar basándose en la información transmitida en este video, página web y / o links externos. Para obtener asesoramiento sobre inversiones, busque el consejo de un asesor (es) financiero / de inversiones; y realice su propia diligencia.

#planderetiro #finanzaspersonales #401k #IRA #RothIRA…(read more)




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The Best Personal Retirement Plan

retirement planning is an important part of ensuring financial security in the future. The best personal retirement plan is one that is tailored to meet the individual needs of each person. The plan should be based on the individual’s current financial situation and future goals.

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The first step in creating a personal retirement plan is to determine how much money is needed to retire comfortably. This can be done by calculating the amount of money needed to cover living expenses, such as housing, food, and medical expenses, as well as any other expenses that may arise in retirement. Once the amount of money needed to retire comfortably is determined, it is important to determine how much money will be needed to save in order to reach this goal.

The next step in creating a personal retirement plan is to determine the best investment options. This includes choosing the right mix of investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other investments, that will provide the best return on investment. It is also important to consider the tax implications of each investment option.

Once the investment options have been chosen, it is important to create a budget that will help to ensure that the retirement plan is realistic. This budget should include all of the necessary expenses in retirement, such as housing, food, and medical expenses. It is also important to consider the amount of money needed to cover any unexpected expenses that may arise in retirement.

Finally, it is important to review the retirement plan regularly. This is especially important as the individual’s financial situation changes over time. It is important to make sure that the retirement plan is still on track and that any changes are made in order to ensure that the individual’s goals are still being met.

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Creating a personal retirement plan is an important step in ensuring financial security in the future. It is important to consider all of the necessary factors in order to create the best plan possible. By taking the time to create a plan that is tailored to the individual’s needs, it is possible to ensure that the retirement plan is both realistic and achievable.

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  1. G P

    Luis, como va el reto de LA MANZANA?

  2. SER UR

    Hoy x hoy valdrá la pena , seguir haciendo aportes en el IRÁ Roth y 401K , con esas continuas caídas ?

  3. Hernan Viola

    Luis, gracias por la información. Soy empleado y tengo un 401K que maximizo (19.5K anual) que otro plan puedo adicionar para mi jubilación, un IRA tradicional?

  4. G P

    Y como lo aplico a mi pais Uruguay con un costo de vida altisimo?


    Hola Luis.
    Buen dato…esto son solo para los trabajadores en EEUU.

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