Eleanor McMahon introduces the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan Act on February 24, 2015

by | Mar 22, 2024 | Retirement Pension

Eleanor McMahon introduces the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan Act on February 24, 2015

Eleanor McMahon’s Debate Statement in the Legislature regarding “Ontario Retirement Pension Plan Act 2015” on Feb. 24, 2014….(read more)

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Eleanor McMahon, a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP) in Ontario, took a major step towards improving retirement security for all Ontarians with the introduction of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan Act on February 24, 2015. This act aimed to establish a provincial pension plan to supplement the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and provide additional support for residents during their retirement years.

McMahon, who was serving as Minister of Advanced Education and Skills Development at the time, recognized the growing concerns surrounding retirement income and the need for a more sustainable pension system. She saw the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP) as a solution to address the gap in retirement savings for many individuals who were not adequately covered by workplace pension plans or private savings.

The ORPP was designed to be a mandatory, publicly administered pension plan that would require both employers and employees to contribute a portion of their earnings towards retirement savings. The contributions would be pooled and invested by a professional team to generate returns that would provide a secure and predictable retirement income for participants.

While some critics argued that the ORPP would impose additional burdens on employers and reduce competitiveness, McMahon defended the plan as a necessary measure to ensure that all Ontarians have access to adequate retirement income. She emphasized that the ORPP would help bridge the gap between CPP benefits and the rising costs of living, particularly for those who were not covered by workplace pension plans.

See also  Mitzie Hunter re Bill 186 - Ontario Retirement Pension Plan 04 20 16

In addition to introducing the ORPP Act, McMahon worked to raise awareness about the importance of retirement planning and encourage individuals to start saving early. She believed that a combination of public and private pension options was essential to provide a comprehensive and sustainable retirement income for all residents.

Unfortunately, the ORPP faced challenges and obstacles in its implementation, ultimately leading to its cancellation by the subsequent government. Despite this setback, McMahon’s efforts to improve retirement security in Ontario did not go unnoticed, and her advocacy for a more robust pension system continues to inspire others to take action towards a more secure retirement future for all.

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