Elon Musk’s Alarming Prediction for 2022 Has Joe Biden Concerned

by | Aug 25, 2023 | Silver IRA | 26 comments

Elon Musk’s Alarming Prediction for 2022 Has Joe Biden Concerned

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Title: Elon Musk Makes Nightmarish Prediction For 2022…And Biden Is Freaking Out!


In a recent turn of events, Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has made a startling prediction for the year 2022 that has caught the attention of not only the general public but also President Joe Biden himself. Musk’s prediction, described by some as nightmarish, has injected an element of uncertainty and concern into the realm of future technological advancements. Let’s delve deeper into Musk’s prediction and the potential implications it holds for the year ahead.

Musk’s Prediction:

Elon Musk, known for his visionary ideas and bold predictions, has claimed that the year 2022 will mark the advent of an era in which artificial intelligence (AI) will far surpass human intelligence. He anticipates that AI-powered systems will evolve at an unprecedented pace, achieving a level of cognitive capability that surpasses the combined intellect of the entire human race. While Musk has been a vocal advocate for AI development, he has also expressed apprehension about its potential dangers.

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Concerns and Speculations:

Given Musk’s reputation and influence in the tech industry, his prediction has sparked widespread concern and speculation. Many experts fear that such a scenario could have grave repercussions, including economic upheaval, social disruption, and potentially even the replacement of human labor across various industries. Musk himself has warned about the existential risks posed by AI, previously stating that it could be humanity’s greatest threat if not carefully regulated.

Biden’s Concern:

President Joe Biden, already grappling with myriad challenges ranging from the pandemic to climate change, has reportedly expressed concerns over Musk’s prediction. The President is cognizant of the need to strike a balance between embracing technological advancements and ensuring the well-being of humanity. In a recent press conference, Biden emphasized the importance of proactive regulation and collaboration between government, tech industry leaders, and AI researchers to steer the development of AI in a way that benefits society as a whole.

Critics and Skepticism:

While some view Musk’s prediction as a valid warning, others remain skeptical. Critics argue that his statements may be driven by self-interest, as they could potentially boost interest in his own AI-related ventures. Additionally, some experts argue that achieving such an immense leap in AI capabilities in just one year may be overly ambitious, considering many of the current challenges faced by AI researchers and developers.


Elon Musk’s prediction for 2022, suggesting the rise of super-intelligent AI, has stirred a storm of debate and concern among experts and policymakers. It serves as a stark reminder that the advancement of technology, while promising extraordinary opportunities, also carries significant risks. President Biden’s concerns reflect the need for a careful and holistic approach to AI regulation and development. As we move forward, it is imperative that ethics and humanity remain at the forefront of our focus, ensuring that AI truly becomes a tool that benefits rather than threatens humankind.

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  1. Lisa Haven

    Happy New Year to all of You! Love you all!

  2. Sunshinedaisy

    Ever one of this administration needs to be voted out and all these leftist groups like Who, FBI, CIA… ended!

  3. Ragnar Pro Gaming

    Any Commander/ Chief has a job and that is to please the Big Banking Cartels.

  4. Dylan Freeman

    It's extremely astounding & astonishing that these so-called Extraterrestrials (i.e. Pleiadians), are telling everyone on this planet to 'forgive' everyone else on this entire World; also they have been harping on about how we 'Westerners' should be 'accepting' of, the recent Mass Invasions from the East to West! Recently, I learned through the Grapevine, that the 'Pleiadians' have now been given complete Authority over this World and Solar System. BAD IDEA!! Also, to condone the outrageously 'Life-Destruction of Human Beings, by various Despots, is an entirely BAD IDEA!!

    So, as this planet is regarded in Galactic terms as a 'Free Will Zone', anyone (or anything), are thus permitted to do anything they wish to, is that correct?? Including, the 100s of millions of Murders and Rapes that have transpired over the years, and are still transpiring; 'forgiveness' for such people (or beings), should never be contemplated by any other Human Being…simply because this is still, in 2022, a very DANGEROUS planet!

    It is around about this time; that anyone 'Dreaming' about the Pleiadian Race are here to 'Save' this planet, should forget that idea, once and for all! Their main role in all of the Pandemonium that this World is; is merely as 'observers'…but simply because Humans have some of their DNA coding; to be then given the Full Responsibilities over this entire planet and Solar System is completely and utterly ridiculous! However; within the auspices of Outer Space, there appears to be two opposing 'Decision-making Groups'; one being the 'Galactic Federation', and the other the 'Galactic Federation of Light'; and it is my understanding that those Pleiadians are part of the second of these Groups.

    However; there has been some Activity over recent years, in that the Andromedian Race, has been almost single-handedly responsible, for the destruction or removal of most of the Reptilian influence over this Earth; except for many of those at the 'tip of the Apex'; who are still causing many of the main problems for Humanity. So, how will this all eventually 'pan out'…

    Well, as it now seems entirely conceivable that a Third World War will soon begin; I can inform you each and all categorically; that it will not be those 'Pleiadians' who will be 'saving' us; as they will simply abandon this planet to it's own Fate. May I suggest you all view the upcoming Youtube clip; because, even though many will be 'disagreeable' with what that Andromedians tell you within it; I can personally confirm what they tell you as both Presently and Historically accurate – which is far more credible, than the 'airy-fairy' content being pumped-out by all of those so-called 'Pleiadians'.


    Incidentally; a Youtube clip entitled: 'Edward Snowden: Alien Video' has recently disappeared entirely. In it was describe a Nuclear Holocaust, which would be initiated by an American President, who would only be in Office for a short time. Could this be 'sleepy' Joe BIDEN??

    Yours Sincerely,

    Stevo X, (11th Dimension, League of Truth).

  5. lilacbunches

    Is this what Biden’s administration is telling him, or does he really know what is going on?

  6. Warren Rodgers

    Jesus is the only way humbly ask he will answer

  7. Paul LaRue

    Kazar Mafia is on the move


    So you're telling us that we are not in a recession?Then what the hell do you call higher food prices higher clothing prices higher gas prices everything going up including taxes.

  9. Lavonne Younan

    I thought Biden was on vacation ! This old senile man needs his naps ! Mr. Trump don’t let yourself and your family clean up this mess ! Let Americans enjoy the Democrat
    Government they deserve and seem to want !

  10. Michael Martin

    They lied to get this guy in office and it worked they lied to get us to surrender to this covid in the vaccine and it worked what makes us think that they won't lie about everything and demand us to believe it. So some of us know better from the beginning to the end.

  11. Fancythat

    Elon Musk is a fraud, wake up people!

  12. chris merryman

    He's off his rocker! Done fell off the wagon.

  13. PattyAngel64

    Happy New Year.. you sound sick Lisa, I hope you feel better!

  14. Louis Pawloski

    The bad thing is that this is all manufactured and the Democrats keep acting like this is inevitable

  15. Dikskillet

    They are fighting the recession until next election, watch they will try to hold the flood gates back, why else tap into our oil reserves!will be bad either way probably even worse with their manipulating!

  16. redneck suburban idiot

    Well the blunt of it all hasn't really hit most people yet. Especially those who live week to week by paycheck. We have always been used to being brok so it's not really changed from my perspective

  17. Lou Aguado

    Sometimes I wonder if Biden knows he's lying or if he's so clueless that he thinks he's being honest. Either way is bad for the U.S. citizens!

  18. Mobile only

    Wellthanks forallupdates dearsis. Butwho said JBdidnotachieve prosperity? Hehas ismaking himselfproperous andi.e, iswat hewas sayingabout selfnot thecitizens!! Godblessu andall!!

  19. Jeff M

    Joe Biden in the Emperor’s new clothes

  20. Harbinger 8

    Biden & Harris’s Folly =26AUG2021

  21. Veteran US NAVY

    Happy New Year Lisa…Been watching you for a long time…

  22. Walter Williams

    Marilyn Manson: keep people scared and they will consume….Fact.

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