England No Longer Recognizes Money #shorts

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Invest During Inflation | 22 comments

When Money Stopped Existing In England #shorts

In a surprising turn of events, the concept of money has suddenly disappeared in England. This unexpected occurrence has left many citizens bewildered and unsure of how to navigate the new economic landscape.

Without money, businesses have ground to a halt as transactions can no longer be made in the traditional sense. People are unable to pay for goods and services, and the economy is in a state of disarray.

The government is scrambling to find a solution to this unprecedented situation. Without a medium of exchange, the very foundation of society is in jeopardy. How can people survive without being able to buy and sell goods?

In the absence of money, bartering has become the primary means of trade. People are exchanging goods and services directly with one another, relying on a system of trust and mutual benefit to survive.

Some are hailing this new development as a return to a simpler way of life, where community and cooperation are paramount. Others are struggling to adapt to the sudden upheaval and uncertainty.

As the government works tirelessly to restore some semblance of order, the people of England are left wondering what the future holds. Will money ever return, or is this the beginning of a new economic era?

One thing is for certain: the disappearance of money has had a profound impact on the country, shaking the foundations of society and forcing people to reconsider the true value of wealth and possessions.

Only time will tell what the ultimate outcome of this strange and unprecedented event will be. In the meantime, the people of England must band together to navigate this new reality and find a way to survive in a world without money.

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  1. @liamcassidy5992

    Amazing, so much you said was wrong

  2. @mynameisjoejeans

    Pre-currency barter is a complete myth told by economists, that doesn’t fit any historical or anthropological data. People didn’t barter – they lived in communal societies where perfect individual accounting wasn’t necessary. Barter only arises in post-currency societies, or in adversarial encounters. There’s an excellent book on this called Debt: the first 5,000 years.

  3. @Booth-

    The image and language shown here implies the notion of England, a Country that did not exist until 900-ish an the idea that a couple of people in coats were bartering for a chicken is laughable.

  4. @A190xx

    Yeah but what else did the Romans do for us

  5. @vasuk5927

    I'm going to ban money

  6. @MyFaithfulSword

    Dude. WHAT?! I think you need to double check your work man

  7. @ginoclaves

    … This is straight up wrong. And just takes mote than a 5min dive into archeological records. Money never was just coin minting, and barter-only economies is just theoretical myth.

  8. @adityajakhalekar1950

    Serves as a reminder that……..
    Yeah no reminders were set you're gonna wake up late for work now.

  9. @gudea5207

    Coins predated the arrival of the Romans in Britain within the east and southeast of the island. Roman coinage was not even the first to arrive there. The first coins to be copied in Britain were based on Gallo-Belgic copies of Macedonian Stater.

  10. @MrTravel4nutin

    This tells me that money is a tool of conquerors.

  11. @sliceofcheese3890

    England didn’t exist during this time anyway

  12. @falconJB

    "serves as a reminder that…."
    That what?

  13. @mjantunezl

    There can be credit systems without coinage. Please read Debt: The first 5000 years by David Graeber.

  14. @kaisahfx1246

    5th century? stick to economics

  15. @neilog747

    Based on archaeological finds, coinage was already in use in Eastern Britain before the Romans came. Also, England (Angeln) existed in Jutland at the time. It was not in Britain.

  16. @mathdhut3603

    1. Roman coins didn't stop existing just because Roman presence in Britain stopped existing. They were still used for 250 years before Alfred the Great founded the Royal Mint.
    2. Britons minted their own coins in this period. They were so proficient at it, they copied foreign stylages of coinage as well, such as King Offa of Mercia, who minted Gold dinar coins (an Islamic coin standard) in the style of Abbasid currency.
    3. Already raised by others, go team, but there's no evidence that Britons used bartering in post-Roman Britannia.

  17. @Gayoinion

    Honestly bring it back

  18. @Happy_Shopper

    With how the UK economy is looking at the moment I think I might be better off bartering than using the pound in the not so distant future

  19. @majorfallacy5926

    This is the first video from this channel i've watched in a year and apparently it has moved from somewhat sketchy research to flat out bullshit with the tiniest grain of truth in it.
    Great job, why create actually educational content when you can make more money with much simpler disinformation? Genius.

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