🔴 Episode 893: Latest Economic Data Confirms Enduring Inflation Trend

by | May 13, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 40 comments

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Recently, a crop of economic data has been released that confirms the presence of entrenched inflation in the economy. The data suggests that the current inflationary pressures are not temporary and could persist, creating challenges for both policymakers and consumers.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the price of a basket of goods and services, increased by 0.9% in June, surpassing the 0.6% rise that was expected by economists. This spike is the largest monthly increase since 2008, and it has increased the year-over-year rate of inflation to 5.4%.

Another key indicator is the producer price index (PPI), which measures the price of goods and services before they reach consumers. PPI increased by 1% in June and has increased by 7.3% over the past year. This increase in price is primarily driven by rising energy and transportation costs, which affect the entire supply chain.

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One of the reasons for the entrenched inflation is the supply chain disruption caused by the pandemic. The global supply chain was severely disrupted, leading to shortages of raw materials, components, and finished goods. This, in turn, has led to an increase in prices.

Additionally, rising wages and the increase in demand for goods and services as the economy reopens have added to the inflationary pressures. Many businesses are finding it challenging to attract workers, leading to increased competition for employees and, in some cases, higher wages.

The Federal Reserve has stated that it expects the current inflationary pressures to be transitory. However, the latest economic data suggests that the inflation could be more prolonged. The Fed has also indicated that it may take a more relaxed approach to inflation, allowing it to move higher than its target of 2% in the short term.

The entrenched inflation has several implications for policymakers. It could lead to higher interest rates and a tightening of monetary policy. It could also lead to a drop in consumer spending as people reduce their spending due to higher prices. It could also lead to businesses passing on the increased costs to consumers, leading to higher prices.

In conclusion, the recent economic data confirms that inflation is entrenched in the economy, and it could persist for some time. This presents challenges to policymakers and individuals, as they grapple with higher prices and a possible tightening of monetary policy. It’s essential to monitor the situation closely and prepare for potential changes in the economy in the coming months.

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  1. R

    Yes it is obvious the jobs report is a fictional product to ease the fears of the voters. It’s totally bogus and fabricated by politicians and their advisers. We all know people that have been laid off. Those people haven’t returned to work. In fact most seem to be prepared to be out of work for months. Faking the jobs reports did support their action to increase the interest rate. Is the jobs report real? I would say its as real as a mirage. By all evidence that every single American can see with their own eyeballs that report is not a reliable source of fact that we all are experiencing. The job report is absolute fabricated bull crap. I am sure the powers that are truly impacted by the job situation are in fact aware of the reality surrounding the job market and unemployment. Gov: “We are going to pretend it never happened.” None of the government entities have a shred of integrity at this point.

  2. James Moran

    Peter. I'll keep poking all your videos with the real inflation rate. Up over 80 percent since 2020 and climbing. You are part of the problem.

  3. Ivanka Gel

    The market and the Fed consistently underestimate the sticky nature of inflation. The markets are still unsure if the Federal Reserve will continue to its plan to raise interest rates until inflation is under control, despite the fact that bond yields are rising while stock prices are falling. What is the greatest strategy to take advantage of the current bear market while I'm still deciding whether to sell my $401k worth of stocks?

  4. Leona Rodwell

    With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly—which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stocck portfolio

  5. Corbin

    Increasing productivity does not mean wages will increase. Just look at what happened during the technological revolution over the last 30-40 years. Productivity is exponentially higher now than it was 30 years ago yet average wages remained completely stagnant.

  6. Ty

    Yet gold can’t get to a record high and nothing ever happens.

    Predict rain long enough Peter and the gold I’m setting on has done nothing to protect my family from inflation.

  7. TrollMeister

    Entrenched demoncraps= entrenched inflation. Next qvestion…

  8. King King

    What are you drinking ?

  9. Leonardo Scott

    Everyone has been preaching "buy now, stocks are at a discount" but I've been buying stocks since the beginning of the year and yet nothing's changed, but I've been reading articles of people still in the same market pulling off over 350k in just a couple months, what am i doing wrong?

  10. Bruce Dye

    1 trillion $ platinum coin? So instead of printing the money, mint the money. Oh, right, that’s way different.

  11. lion

    big investors are putting money back into USA big five banks…and in to USA bonds

  12. Bobby mainz

    Recession is most likely the result of an external factor. For the first time in decades, the United States is losing its clout as a federal reserve currency. They don't have any more economies to use to control inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than in the past. They all lend support to the idea that a new multilateral world order is in the works.

  13. lion

    Canadian banks may implode….Big money is leaving Canada.

  14. Boris Perez

    Assume is the dirtiest word of all, not allowed in my household. There are no solutions, only compromises, or as Sewell said trade-offs

  15. Chris

    In an inflationary environment companies compete on price by reducing quality. This is annoying and if we had gold as money they would be competing more in quality? They would compete to have a superior products more so.

  16. Maurice Rush

    Says inflation been going down but I haven't seen prices go down not one but

  17. Anonymous

    If the sovereign financial situation would not be so dramatic, Your explanation would sound really funny.

  18. Flora Stark

    The rich stay rich by spending like the poor and investing without hesitating then the poor stay poor by spending like the rich yet not investing like the rich

  19. Web Comber

    Love Peter Schiff! Continuing to stack gold square combo clip off bars, while taking massive shorts on BTC!

  20. barnabus doyle

    I think it’s funny that Peter says here that you can’t have wage increases without productivity increases. We have had productivity increases pretty steadily for the past 40 years with little to no wage growth the entire time. Wages should go up when company profitability goes up, where a lot of companies now have record breaking profitability, but very little wage growth

  21. dsscam

    What a shocker. Peter WRONG again. Stock bubble and crypto still pumping. Gold and silver mining stocks still trading like death.

  22. thelastunicorn1987

    A number of the most eminent market experts have been expressing their views on the severity of the impending economic downturn and the extent to which equities might plummet. This is because the economy is heading towards a recession and inflation is persistently above the Federal Reserve's 2% target. As I'm aiming to create a portfolio worth no less than $850,000 before I turn 60, I would appreciate any advice on potential investments.

  23. apollocreed1000

    You've got to hand it to the Fed – that are geniuses. They get a lot of unfair criticism. CPI just came out 0.4% mom and 4.9% yoy. So inflation really was transitory all along. It only took small increments of rate rises to bring CPI down. 10% inflation brought down by raising rates to only 4%. Now real interest rates are nearly positive.

    Peter really has to reassess his belief that QE creates rising prices. That has now been totally disproved.

  24. Desi Expat

    Fantastic idea to have a Plan B for debt ceiling not being raised !!

  25. Desi Expat

    Great points. Fiscal irresponsibility has the consequences. Unless the govt deficits are reduced there is no way to control inflation. Debt is outbof control.

  26. Ada Misha


  27. jon jones

    M2 money supply has fallen faster and further than ever before in the last 60 years! Forget talk of Recession. Forget runaway Inflation. We're talking Depression! This is gonna get Bad folks. You got money, hold on to it. You aint seen nothing yet.

  28. Clara Lynn

    Every day we have a new problem. It's the new normal. At first we thought it was a crisis, now we know it's a new normal and we have to adapt. 2023 will be a year of severe economic pain all over the nation.. what steps can we take to generate more income during quantitative adjustment?I can't afford my hard-earned $280,000 savings to turn to dust.

  29. niceuneasy

    You've talking same old doom sh*t for years

  30. H C

    Peter I saw your Google talk from like over 10 years ago….on point!

  31. Politically Cleansed

    “We” didn’t do this. The Biden Fraudministration did!

  32. Roger Budney

    “ All fiat (paper) currencies eventually reach their true intrinsic value….zero .” Voltaire

  33. Dustin

    Productivity going down doesn’t mean workers have to be paid less.

    It means workers have to be paid less OR corporations make less profit. Less profit still equates to profit…

  34. JSICycles

    Just wondering if the market takes into account these jobs reports are going to be revised downward

  35. Jason Fc

    Prepare more gold & Silver

  36. Robert L

    27:50 Peter the problem with this is that because the banks can use those savings to justify more lending, inflation has no mechanism to stop. If you put money in your bank account, with the intention of lowering demand on goods, then the bank turns around and gives out a loan or some other kind of speculation, meaning the demand still exists – and you now have cash in your savings account worth less than when you put it in there.

  37. Gout Kattenberg

    Under this debt money system, to reduce the debt is to reduce the national money. The only solution is to restructure our monetary system to forbid government borrowing. Fortunately, this is nothing new.

  38. Zach Zimmerman

    Glad you brought up the fact that times are so hard that many people have multiple jobs. My wife and I have 5 jobs between us.

  39. cj Swa

    People will spend in the USA..they don't care what the price of money is

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