Expert: Canada’s Economy Likely Approaching or Already in Recession

by | Sep 24, 2023 | Recession News | 37 comments

Expert: Canada’s Economy Likely Approaching or Already in Recession

Canada’s annual inflation rate rose to 3.3 per cent in July, but one economics professor says last month’s lower inflation number was likely an “illusion,” and warns that the country may be about to enter a recession.

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Expert: Canada likely entering a recession, or already in one

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused havoc on economies around the world, and Canada is no exception. With businesses shuttered, unemployment skyrocketing, and consumer spending plummeting, experts are warning that Canada is likely entering a recession, if it hasn’t already.

David Rosenberg, a renowned economist, recently expressed his concerns that the Canadian economy is on the brink of a recession. He argues that the combination of the pandemic-induced shutdowns and the declining oil prices are significantly impacting the nation’s economy. He also noted that the second quarter GDP could contract by more than 40%, which would be the steepest contraction in Canada’s history.

One of the key indicators of a recession is the rising unemployment rate. In April alone, Canada lost nearly 2 million jobs, pushing the unemployment rate to a staggering 13%. This is the highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression. Large sectors of the economy, including hospitality, retail, and manufacturing, have been hit hard by the lockdowns and are experiencing significant layoffs.

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Another factor that suggests Canada may be entering a recession is the steep decline in consumer spending. With businesses closed and people practicing social distancing, Canadians have drastically reduced their spending. A recent report by RBC Economics shows that consumer spending has fallen by almost 20%, the largest drop on record. This reduction in consumer spending has a ripple effect on businesses, leading to further layoffs and closures, exacerbating the economic downturn.

Furthermore, Canada’s housing market, which has been a significant contributor to the economy in recent years, is starting to show signs of strain. The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation predicts a significant decline in housing prices, potentially dropping by 9-18% over the next year. A decline in housing prices not only affects the real estate sector but also impacts homeowners’ ability to access credit, hindering domestic consumption further.

The federal government has implemented various measures to offset the economic damage caused by the pandemic, such as the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). However, these measures are temporary and may not be enough to fully mitigate a recession. As the restrictions are gradually lifted and the economy starts to reopen, the true impact on businesses and the overall state of the economy will become clearer.

It is worth noting that while all indications point towards Canada entering a recession, the severity and duration of the recession are yet to be determined. The speed of the economic recovery will depend on several factors, including the containment of the virus, global trade, and government policies aimed at stimulating the economy.

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In conclusion, Canada is likely either already in a recession or on the verge of entering one. The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic, declining oil prices, rising unemployment, reduced consumer spending, and a weakened housing market are all signs of an economic downturn. As we move forward, it is crucial for the government to continue implementing policies that support businesses and individuals, with a focus on recovery and long-term stability.

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  1. wayne topolnicky

    u need to get a loan to buy beef in canada now

  2. Carter Thurston

    venturing into the trading world without the of a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine her skills set is exceptional.

  3. Marcus Aurelius

    Cutting the mass immigration into Canada would really help and Canadians wouldn't have to go broke as they are with record high interest rates.

  4. Scott Mores

    With uneducated liberals and NDP in charge, it’s only going to get worse

  5. Dartalien Charo

    Get rid of the pos trudouche and MAYBE we will survive!

  6. B1maxc

    Canadian need to do personal cpi . Food, shelter, water bill, electric bill , interest on debts, rental cost, cost of transportation to get to work. and whatever else is in your basket. That will give you a real indication of inflation.

  7. Cory C

    And who was it raising prices causing inflation….?

  8. Moose Racks


  9. devinmcmanus

    2:23 With all due respect, most average Canadians are primarily concerned that we're working more, our pay remains the same, and the cost of housing and food is increasing at an alarming rate. We want solutions, not explanations.

  10. Roger Rabbit

    According to libs theres no problem. We have lowest inflation ever even though housing, food , and gas has doubled and tripled. Voting Pierre poilevre this time..

  11. Flailmail

    Crazy an expert is needed to say whats been obvious since the beginning of the pandemic.

    Wonder if it wouldve been different if we didnt shut down our economy and instead shut down our borders/flights/ports…

  12. Chris

    Thanks, captains obvious. Trudeaus CT, Trudeaus reckless govt spending every time he gets on his carbon jet is the main cause of sustained inflation.
    Expect it to get worse as long as Trudeau is in office.

  13. Carlos Rodriguez

    Hey Canada:
    How is the Liberal/NDP governance working out for you?

    I hope it’s getting worse, much worse. Pain teaches!

  14. andrews

    Liberals need to go, time for an election

  15. Gary Thornbury

    Liberal party and NDP worst government ever under Trudeau and his leberals and NDP leader Jagmeet jag sold out Canadian s to walk and hold trudeau s hand can't believe Jagmeet support s the worst government ever under Trudeau

  16. marryson123

    It doesn't matter if Canada is in a recession or not. Canada's economy sucks it might as well be in a recession 24/7 365. No1 on earth would care about Canada's economy.

  17. Adam D.

    We are "entering" a recession? We are already in one! haha. These experts…

  18. Chris Mifflin

    Don't worry everything will be fine. Remember to vote for Blackface.

  19. ryan oliver

    Supply chain issues? Is anyone still believing that excuse?

  20. lplt

    welcome to what we knew 18 months ago

  21. Allen McGill

    We are likely to be in a recession. We are in a recession. Stop trying to sugarcoat how bad it is.

  22. LG

    …OR entering a new one. So the “experts” don’t know? Isn’t there a definitive sign to signify we’re in a recession?

  23. James Chou

    Justin must be proud

  24. ricky starduster

    more like were in the next great depression or going into it

  25. Fed Up

    We know who to thank, it just keeps getting worse.

  26. Robert Ghazarian

    Thank goodness for those experts, otherwise how would we know that inflation is up?

  27. Bruce C

    Ask 10 economists about the economy and you get 14 opinions – ask a Professor of Economics and you get 20 opinions

  28. Dwight

    We’ve been circling the bowl since Turdy and his liberal minions were elected 7 long years ago,now we’re being flushed.

  29. king1

    Not yet. With the crazy spending in the malls and restaurants, like a drunken sailor, using credit cards and credit lines, no recession yet till we have massive layoffs

  30. Eric Fraser

    Simple stop the immigration

  31. Tom Cotter

    Flush it
    Liberals NDP let it make skid marks on the way out.
    I’m 100% to vote ☑️ Poilievre!!

  32. Dougie P

    Its not even close to being done..the real inflation rate is about 20 percent. The real unemployment numbers are about the same..i can see 20 % interest again coming

  33. Captain Trips

    Thats some awful background graphics. And why choose to have the inside of an empty building?

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