Explanation and Tips on Beating the Market

by | Apr 23, 2023 | Fidelity IRA | 3 comments

Explanation and Tips on Beating the Market

If you’re an investor, you know that beating the market is the ultimate goal, but what exactly does it mean? In this video, we’ll explore the concept of beating the market, the different ways investors have done it, and how you can do it too.

At the most basic level, beating the market means achieving a greater return on your investments than the overall market average. For example, if the S&P 500 returned 10% last year, and your portfolio returned 12%, you would have beaten the market. However, consistently beating the market is difficult and requires skill, knowledge, and a bit of luck.

So, how can you beat the market? There are different strategies investors use to try to outperform the market. One approach is to invest in stocks that are undervalued by the market, using a value investing approach. This involves identifying companies whose value is higher than the current market price. The idea is that the market is undervaluing these companies, and they will eventually rise in value to reflect their true worth. This strategy was famously used by Warren Buffett and his mentor Benjamin Graham, and has been successful for many investors.

Now, let’s look at some investors that have successfully beaten the market. One famous example is Peter Lynch, who managed the Fidelity Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990. During that time, Lynch achieved an average annual return of 29%, compared to the S&P 500’s 15%. Lynch’s approach was to invest in companies he understood and believed in, and to hold onto them for the long term.

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Another successful investor is Joel Greenblatt, who developed the “magic formula” approach to investing. Greenblatt’s strategy involves identifying companies that are both undervalued and have strong earnings growth potential. His approach has achieved an average return of 11.4% per year over a 12-year period.

So, how can you beat the market? One approach is to use fundamental analysis, which involves looking at a company’s financial statements, management team, and industry trends to determine its true value. By identifying undervalued companies that have strong fundamentals, you can potentially outperform the market over the long term.

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0:00 Intro
0:42 What is beating the market?
3:39 How can you beat the market?
6:13 Examples of investors that have beaten the market
7:00 Beating the market using fundamental analysis
9:44 Conclusion…(read more)




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Beating the market is a term used to describe an investor or trader who achieves returns that are greater than those of the overall stock market. In simple terms, it means that you have outperformed the market as a whole. While this may sound like a challenging task, there are certain strategies and methods that can help you beat the market.

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The stock market is often viewed as a benchmark for measuring the performance of your investments. The overall performance of the stock market is measured by various indices such as the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. To beat the market, you need to achieve higher returns than these indices.

One of the most popular strategies used to beat the market is known as active investing. Active investors make informed decisions based on research and analysis of individual companies and their stocks. They use techniques like fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and market trends to make smart investment decisions.

Another strategy that investors use to beat the market is called value investing. Value investing involves buying stocks that are undervalued or trading at a price that is lower than its intrinsic value. In essence, value investors believe that the market has mispriced a stock, and they buy it at a discount in the hope that the market will eventually recognize its true value.

Investors who achieve long-term success in the stock market also tend to be patient, disciplined, and have a long-term mindset. They do not get swayed by short-term market fluctuations or panic when the market is in a downturn. Instead, they stay focused on their investment objectives and stick to their investment strategy.

If you want to beat the market, you need to have a strong understanding of market trends, economic variables, and individual company performance. You should also be prepared to put in the time and effort needed to conduct thorough research and analysis of potential investments. In addition, it’s important to be disciplined and patient in your investment decisions, and avoid making rash decisions based on emotions or speculative trends.

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In conclusion, beating the market is not an easy feat, but it is possible with the right strategy, research, and mindset. It requires careful analysis, discipline, and long-term thinking, and investors who succeed are those who are dedicated to their investment goals while keeping a level head in turbulent markets. With the right approach, you too can beat the market and achieve long-term success in the stock market.

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  1. David Christopher

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    Another thing I am trying to learn is the ‘intrinsic value’ of a stock. This video touched on that, so I will have to study it more. I just am reluctant to spend money to try a ‘thing’ like Wise-sheets, until I understand how to use it. But, I can not learn to use it for free. I am tired of spending money when I am trying to make money.

  2. Midnight Hawk (MH)

    Great video, Can you go over the category: "Margin of Safety" for an individual portfolio (Cash, stocks, precious metal, etc.)?

  3. Duncan Holtappel

    Love your content, much appreciated!

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