Face to Face with Retirement Security and the Canada Pension Plan

by | Mar 1, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 7 comments

Face to Face with Retirement Security and the Canada Pension Plan

Organized labour wants to expand the Canada Pension Plan to provide a better retirement for people. Private pensions are having problems, the CPP can provide a successful alternative as long as we are careful about how it is managed. We all know about the CPP, but maybe not as much as we think; Stan Dzbik of the Victoria Labour Council fills us in, along with Ken Georgetti of the Canadian Labour Congress, Mike Eso of the VLC, Dr. Michael Prince UVIC Professor of Social Policy, BC Forum president Gerry Edwards and Hassan Yussuf, secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Labour Congress.
An important issue that we’d better be keeping our eye on.

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As Canadians, we all strive for a secure retirement. But how can we ensure that our retirement is secure? One way to do that is to understand the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

The CPP is a national pension plan that is funded by both employers and employees. It provides a monthly retirement income to eligible Canadians after age 65. The amount of the pension is based on how much you have contributed to the CPP over your working life.

It is important to understand the CPP and its benefits in order to ensure that you have a secure retirement. To do this, it is important to have a face-to-face conversation with a retirement security advisor.

See also  Retirement in Canada | Canada Pension Plan | Should I Take CPP EARLY?

A retirement security advisor is a professional who can help you understand the CPP and its benefits. They can provide you with personalized advice and guidance on how to maximize your CPP benefits. They can also help you understand the rules and regulations surrounding the CPP and how to best use it to your advantage.

Having a face-to-face conversation with a retirement security advisor allows you to ask questions and get answers in real-time. They can help you understand the CPP and how it works, as well as how to maximize your benefits. They can also provide advice on how to save for retirement and how to plan for the future.

Having a face-to-face conversation with a retirement security advisor is an important step in ensuring that your retirement is secure. They can provide you with personalized advice and guidance on how to best use the CPP to your advantage. With their help, you can be sure that you will have a secure retirement.

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  1. enzo enzo

    I think the reason they want us to get supplemental CPP is so that is one more thing that they can steal from us when the shit hits the fan 

  2. enzo enzo

    When the USA goes bust, they will take Canada with them and our CPP, GIC, Mutual funds RRSPs etc!

  3. orangedac

    how about cutting income taxes and putting that money into the CPP.

  4. Michael Mappin

    @sanbuenaventuraman: truly frighting! It used to take me 10 minutes to drive to work, now it takes me over an hour! This needs to end!

  5. Michael Mappin

    @sanbuenaventuraman I agree. I have no problems with immigrants, but only as long as there are enough jobs and infrastructure to support them. As it is, our infrastructure can not support the population we already have. The corporations want us competing with each other in order to keep the cost of labor low.

  6. james flack

    big problems facing Canada's future:
    : Aging population
    :declining Birthrate
    :stagnant wages
    :high taxes and high user fees
    :high real estate
    loss of manufacturing jobs (basically net exporter of Raw resources)
    too many issues and now we are about to become a gigantic Prison

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