Face Your Financial Fears with Meredith Stoddard

by | Jan 25, 2023 | SEP IRA | 40 comments

Meredith Stoddard (Life Events Experience Lead at Fidelity Investments) stops by to discuss how life events and their emotional components can impact finances and the overall human experience. Meredith explains the similarities between life events planning and therapy, practical ways to make financial literacy more accessible to all, and reasons to avoid comparing your financial status and goals with others. Mayim and Meredith consider the benefits of starting small when working toward your financial goals, framing money conversations around wishes instead of fear, and normalizing financial discussions within the family unit. They discuss changing generational attitudes, goals, & behavior toward money and combating misinformation around finances on social media. This content was created in collaboration with Fidelity. Thank you Fidelity for sponsoring this podcast! Fidelity is here to help you with all life’s moments – beyond just retirement. Join us in January for Financial Wellness Month at #ad

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Theme Song Written, Produced, and Performed by Ed Robertson. Mixed by Kenny Luong.

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  1. Nancun

    Face my financial fears?
    When you have worked for 40+ years.
    Now with $7850/ year from social security (because of low paying jobs), no deductions, no Medicare (because affordable care isn’t extended in Texas)
    Then had all your savings and retirement stolen?
    At 73 and disabled, most Americans don’t understand.
    All to do is try to get through each day

  2. Mimmy Cal

    6:20 pm pacific
    This was great…will forward to my 2 spoiled Millennial sons.

  3. Morah Jayne

    Your timing is always so ‘spot-on’! In addition to putting yourself out there to help others not feel embarrassed by their naïveté, your guests are so knowledgeable, genuine and truly solicitous in helping others make peace with their issues. Together your ‘tribunals’ continue to give such quietly needed HELP and positive guidance in negotiating challenging moments and how to get through them. THANK YOU Mayim and Jonathan for each episode which also includes your brand of repartee and humor.

  4. J B

    Thank you so veryyy much for this video!

  5. Mar'keke

    Can I be on your show

  6. jts jtsm

    Mayim, I appreciate you, but people still do work all the time to make it to a place in life where you have some breathing room in America. I don't think much has changed.

  7. Fabiola

    Thank you Mayim!

  8. L DeBs

    Please, please… Get Selena Gomez

  9. Liam Whalen

    One method of providing options to homemakers is ensuring they are self-employed. The homemaker would need to learn all of those details (creating a business, filing business tax returns, etc.), which will help reduce a lack of options by giving them skills and confidence. The wage earner would need to pay the homemaker, which would decrease the household income due to taxation, but there are many supports that would be added to the self-employed homemaker depending on the nation's options for self-employed individuals to participate in government programs.

  10. dakine

    I keep being broke and having to scrimp.

  11. Jason price

    Would you have strayed from me if we were together intimately

  12. Jason price

    The show is hilarious the silica wizards pelvis sorcerer's wand that's not composed out of pure love and light

  13. Becky R

    I kind of think it’s funny she’s being interviewed on a YouTube channel but wouldn’t want her son to start one in order to make money. People can make money on YouTube it just takes work and knowledge.

  14. Jason price

    Penny's a weiner dog

  15. Jason price

    How many Johnny Carson bingo pieces ate there

  16. Jason price

    Will Lenard do a show I want to see his mind

  17. AuntBeeDoesLife

    I'm 42 been married 19 years had 5 within the marriage 2 prior to marriage yes 7, I stopped working in 2002 lost my 2 girls Aug 2002 biggest loss, ,and became a stay at home mom Nov 2003, kids were 99, 00(first two lost to corrupt system that set me up told me I had everything done let's go get your kids going into court lady pulled a Jekyll and Hyde and flipped the script said I refused to do court orders I didn't know about, things I had said were taken out of context and made me look like the poorest excuse for a human being. It's a long story. Then 03 boy, 05 Boy, 08 girl passed from HLHS and Turner's syndrome long story part of why I'm divorcing, 11 boy stillborn long story another reason to divorce but I didn't have a job and couldn't work because of PTSD in the workforce also a long story, and last one 14 girl, hysterectomy on husband's birthday ironically not at all planned on my part in 2018 we think. I had L5S1 fusion surgery in July 2016 a few days after Pokemon go was released, it was another reason I'm divorcing I was left alone shortly after I got released from the hospital and I wasn't helped by my soon to be ex another reason. My now 19 yr old shortly after my surgery laid me on my back yanked my phone and keys from my hands and went to pick up his friends because I wouldn't cuz o couldn't I just had surgery. He did lots of horrid things to me over the years over powering me. Another reason I want a divorce so I can leave him behind. I don't know what job I can physically do with my hips hurt (arthritis, bone spurs feel like razors, impengments, and tears but good news according to my hip surgeon the conditions don't emit the amount of pain I express they emit, that's just my fibromyalgia amplifying the pain and my wheelchair I finally got my life with is unnecessary…wish my body got that memo) so last Feb I signed up for technical college and hairline fractured my C4 and had to leave for than need to go back in Feb or have to pay loan in full. I need to go to state mental hospital because the psych hospital here doesn't treat pain and I need medical attention for my pain conditions

  18. rebecca long

    MAYIM & JOHNATHAN: you should talk to Dr. John Deloney

  19. Ana del Valle Ojeda

    what a great episode. You 3 were so articulate, clear and entertaining. Such a relief that there were not all those ads that are included in the other episodes. I am eager to know more about Meredith and Fidelity.

  20. Dani Elle

    Jonathan said it so well, I struggle with the same issue: what is enough? Will it ever be enough? This is what I am working on defining

  21. Mrs. E

    Nothing throws you into fear, overwhelm and chaos as having to figure out financing for nursing home care for loved ones!!!!

  22. ϟEllyßoltϟ

    Great video! I really do have a quick question. For someone with less than $10,000 to invest, How would you recommend we enter the market? I am looking study some traders and copy their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally. Whats your take on this approach?

  23. asp

    World War I (28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918), often abbreviated as WWI, was one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. Belligerents included much of Europe, the Russian Empire, the United States, and the Ottoman Empire, with fighting occurring throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and parts of Asia. An estimated 9 million soldiers were killed in combat, plus another 23 million wounded, while 5 million civilians died as a result of military action, hunger, and disease. Millions more died in genocides within the Ottoman Empire and in the 1918 influenza pandemic, which was exacerbated by the movement of combatants during the war.

    Prior to 1914, the European great powers were divided between the Triple Entente (comprising France, Russia, and Britain) and the Triple Alliance (containing Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy). Tensions in the Balkans came to a head on 28 June 1914, following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb. Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia, which led to the July Crisis, an unsuccessful attempt to avoid conflict through diplomacy. On 28 July 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, while Russia came to the latter's defence. By 4 August, Germany, France, and Britain (along with their respective colonies) were also drawn into the war. In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary formed the Central Powers, and on 26 April 1915, Italy joined Britain, France, Russia, and Serbia as the Allies of World War I.

    The German strategy in 1914 was to concentrate its forces on defeating France in six weeks, before moving them to the Eastern Front and doing the same to Russia. However, this was defeated at the Marne in September 1914, and the year ended with the two sides facing each other along the Western Front, a continuous series of trenches stretching from the English Channel to Switzerland. The frontlines in the West changed little until 1917, while the Eastern Front was far more fluid, with both Austria-Hungary and Russia gaining and losing large swathes of territory. Other significant theatres included the Middle East, Italy, Asia Pacific, and the Balkans, which drew Bulgaria, Romania, and Greece into the war. Both Russia and Austria-Hungary suffered enormous casualties in the East throughout 1915, while Allied offensives in Gallipoli and the Western Front ended in failure. In 1916, German attacks at Verdun, and a Franco-British offensive on the Somme, led to heavy losses for limited strategic gains, while the Russian Brusilov offensive ground to a halt after early success. By 1917, Russia was on the verge of revolution, the French Nivelle offensive ended in failure, and British, French and German forces experienced heavy losses in Ypres, leaving all

  24. kathy Thompson

    Great podcast Jonathan & Mayim! I also wanted to know more about the Chinese Buffet Lunch! I always love these insignificant BUT very significant learning experiences! Happy New Year!

  25. H H

    I would definitely leave my abusive boyfriend if I didn’t need his financial support. My rent tripled and since he moved in with me and he is my roommate… It’s so difficult right now. And I feel my life is spiraling out of control if I keep letting him beat the shit out of me.

  26. Kerrie

    How do you find a great financial advisor

  27. Eickhoff

    I've been saving for awhile, so I can put my money to work, came across a success story of an investors that made up to $700,000 in few months from investing just $250K and I'd really appreciate it if I could get clues and pointers on how to make better profit

  28. ADP

    Do you have financial fears when you’re a millionaire? Asking for a friend.

  29. Brian Piddick

    Mayim and John, awe where to start, a million thoughts from this discussion, nothing to do with money as the underlying concern is our lack of communication between two, supposedly close, humans. As expressed by a wiser person than me, the only thing humans have to do with each other is communicate and that is the only thing that they cannot do with each other. Mayim, why are we so scared of offending/upsetting the one who we should be safe with? Too scared to inform of a bill, can't afford, a new problem not of anyone's making knowing that we are scared …less of the others response, the fight, the argument, the return of childhood emotional responses when parents were screaming at you. 

    The tip of the iceberg as the underlying current of life's woes are still present even when 'there is enough money'. Thank you for your service and education of us.

  30. Cathy Downing

    Great episode. Question – in the shopping outlet/ Chinese food incident who paid for the rental car?

  31. marisa martinez olivera

    Whatching this episode I humbly recomend an stage at my Catalonia. We’ve family convos ab money value and money related from the crib equally with boys and girls so normalized from centuries, that when we hang out with friends we pay “Catalan way”: everyone for what everyone actually consumes, (that is a great waiters training btw..). So the 10$ Chinese lunch story told here is our normalcy. Even after marriage we women have absolutely separated accounts, incomes, bills, properties, mortgages, investments with absolute independence and freedom to use money (traditionally, since XIII C. till past one it was a way to protect a heiress from “pretenders” who wanting her for her money couldn’t get a cent from her but resulted in protecting women in husbands banksrupcies, abuse, divorce). To avoid stupidities (here with money) we have a word, “seny”, imprinted in our DNA. A kind of mix of common sense, sanity and mental weighting. It worked and still works. The phrase “Don’t put all eggs in one basket” I think was written in our bibs, LOL. Are we better prepared? I don’t know. But I do know that at least regarding money, our Mental Health was quite prepared.
    Instructive episode..

  32. Tom Birney

    One of the most impactful women i ever met was born in Germany in the 1920s. She was very rebellious about wearing dresses, loved school and took advantage of the rise of the military in her teens to become a truck/jeep driver shuttling equipment around for the army. She met like minded teenage girls and bonded. That bonding led her to train as field army nurse, keeping primarily in the company of other women her age. After WWii she emigrated to America and became a pacifist who only worked in public health (no money) so she exchanged care giving for elderly women at night in exchange for paying rent.

  33. B. Garland

    Great topic!

  34. Maja Dronic

    You are absolutely awesome! Loooove your sense of humor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  35. Essential Oils 4 U

    Dave Ramsey's Youtube channel has helped me a ton to understand personal fiance. I just can't get behind him on working towards a zero credit score. But I understand the thinking behind it because people do get into a lot of trouble with credit cards, car loans and student loans.

  36. James Marlow Ryan

    Mayim please have Meredith on again and do a do a deeper dive with her. Even though her company sponsored this podcast. There is more to learn. James

  37. Anne Scholten

    This sounds interesting because I have some very conflicting emotions about money and personal finances. Thank you Mayim for inviting her!♡

  38. wednesday6

    Can you please make it more visually obvious that this was a sponsored episode? Did I miss the disclaimer that this was an ad?

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