Fed using the tools at their disposal

by | Nov 4, 2022 | Resources | 33 comments

Fed using the tools at their disposal


Fed using the tools at their disposal

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Fed using the tools at their disposal

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Fed using the tools at their disposal

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Fed using the tools at their disposal




  1. KalleDomNik

    In the short term, an economy has to decide between inflation and unemployment.

    The 10th economic rule

  2. HarborVanir

    Funny enough, that is an actual goal the fed has with raising interest rates.

  3. True707

    I can’t lose my job if I have been unemployed for almost a year

  4. Modsarenotgay

    Thing is, isn’t the hot labor market partly demographic? Boomers have been gradually retiring and decreasing birth rates over the years likely means less people for working. Even if the Fed knocks things down for a bit wouldn’t this still be a long term thing for America to deal with?

  5. bottom_jej

    Interest rate is really the only tool the Fed has at its disposal. You need congress to get its shit together to enact more effective policy.

  6. FreeFree01

    Just when I was getting the hang of this quiet quitting.

  7. iwantac8

    The problem is, Little Jerome, Pelosis and a bunch of other government officials timimg the market perfectly. Their pay was also handsomely adjusted for inflation. But as soon as it’s time for pay increases for everyone else, it’s a problem.

  8. flipper99

    Unite brothers! Together in our collective homelessness we can all slay inflation!

  9. bleh19799791

    Mom’s basement here we come.

  10. AutomaticJuggernaut8

    Could just tax the fuck out of industry for a while. Why not do that and pay off some debt instead of just ballooning government debt simultaneously.

  11. mokshahereicome

    We’re getting Farkwadded

  12. cabinstudio

    I’m doing my part. Unemployed 2 years.
    Help fight inflation

  13. Maskedbandittrader

    Exactly how it is

  14. Worldly_Ad8977

    Ha! Way ahead the game! Take that fed!

  15. TrueNeutrino

    Wholesome for the whole family, except all you working class. Oh and you middle class. Oh and everyone else.

  16. gridflash

    How much inflation do you want?

  17. Wirecard_trading

    that meme is right on.


    Gubment and the Fed: the cause of, ‘solution’ to and perpetuator of all of life’s problems.

    401k = 201k

  19. darkfred

    In the long term preventing moderate inflation only really hurts those who have assets and cash to lose relative value in… Inflation does a lot of harm to consumers in the short term. But in a society with years of wage stagnation and incredible wealth inequality, in the long term it just puts everyone back on the same ground. Debts inflate out of existence, wages eventually catch up etc.

    Run-away inflation or inflation that is permanently in the double digits will hurt everyone. But trying to undo the effects of the pandemic instead of just letting rich people take that hit in the pocket books now is going to destroy our economy long-term.

    There are numerous examples of other countries that tried this and destroyed the working class for decades.

    It isn’t the working class and consumers crying for inflation reduction right now. Not with 3% unemployment and even terrible retail jobs paying $15-$25 an hour now. It’s owner’s and businesses trying to get wages and competition for workers back down by imposing an entirely artificial recession.

  20. PenisJuiceCocktail

    Mr.Handyman aka.FED.

  21. OwnDuty8342

    This one hit me in the feels.

  22. Terminator154


  23. YoureGrammarWronger

    Sacrifice? That makes it sound like a side effect. Increased unemployment is the goal.

  24. echofreak

    Don’t forget how we have too much savings. Won’t pivot until we have no savings left is what I heard.

  25. Griffin90

    Lol!!!!! Based. That movie is hilarious

  26. MGarroz

    Also ask how many millions of useless jobs are out there? We all laugh and troll these TikTok posts of “a day in the life of xyz manager” where they do nothing but drink overpriced coffee and have fake meetings. When the going gets tough all those jobs get axed. It’s important to rid the economy of useless jobs and turn those individuals into legitimate productive members of the economy rather than leeches living off the surplus.

  27. Haswdt

    Catch 2022

  28. moderatevalue7

    Legitimately this was talking to WSB hero and saviour E Musk

  29. WeedSmokingAMCape

    I’ve been preparing, it will either be next week or the week after. I’m ready. I’ve been learning 2 years so when I lose my job, I can lose all my savings in 2.5 trading days.

  30. Duchamp1945

    They will need unemployment at 6% by their measurements to properly cool off the economy.

  31. nostoneunturned0479

    That is basically it. Once I finally understood the mechanics of fed rate changes, it actually nauseated me.

  32. Maleficent_Sound_919


  33. trading4dummies

    As someone who is in the middle class I have to say…. fuck the FED for basically saying they are okay with making people like me unemployed to fight inflation. Why didn’t you assholes think of inflation when you printed 2 trillion in 2020 to 2021 or when you gave half a trillion to students loan relief for spoiled college kids.

    I understand the situation now means we have to cause pain. I get it, let’s do what we need to in order to fix this. But these dipshits need to be held accountable.

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