Fighting Inflation: Where Should You Park Your Money? | Money Mind | Inflation

by | Dec 14, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 21 comments

How can you take advantage of rising interest rates in an inflationary environment? Options for maximising yield, and minimising the impact of higher borrowing costs.

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  1. Devin Morris

    Park in crypto.

  2. Stella Tonin

    ‘’Courage taught me no matter how bad a crisis gets … any sound investment will eventually pay off."

  3. G Wong


  4. JJ01

    So many crypto scam around the comment

  5. FIRST $1M Vlog

    Take time everyone!… will be good for another 2 years to invest!

  6. megadisc1982

    thanks government

  7. Deepsea ASMR

    Bank doesn't physically lend you the money. Its just all on papers. I'm definitely taking all my money out from bank. Don't wanna risk getting frozen assets. Increasing interest rates just a big red flag

  8. Aden McAnelly

    The burdens of high inflation fall heaviest on those who are least able to bear them." The solution which is higher interest rates , reduced demand , higher unemployment will also fall heaviest on those who are least able to bear them. For the rich this is a massive

  9. antihunter

    interest rate so high, affecting the REITS interest cover. But the "expert" ask you to buy REITS…. something is wrong with the recommendations. I am doubtful on the "experts popular recommendation" invited by CNA. Its no wonder those who follow closely with these experts keep losing money and worsening their financial positions overtime. Please be responsible for your words and recommendations, and not making citizens sink deeper into debts or financial losses during this period of hard time.

  10. fturla ___

    This video didn't provide any information useful to just about anyone thinking about utilizing their money in any way. So, I will give advice that is more valid. If you have high inflation then you buy consumables in larger quantities to save because you intend to buy the same items infrequently during times where prices will increase. If recession begins and remains, then you stock pile raw cash and tradable assets that retain their value over time. When there's inflation means you lock in loans at a lower rate and not to acquire any more loans during the inflation period unless they are locked in which means your borrowing costs decline because of inflation. You begin buying stocks and locked in bonds at higher rates when the recession period appears to be ending before everybody else starts buying those assets which will increase the prices.

  11. Fer P.

    Due to effect of Covid pandemic and war between Ukrain and Russia, the world economy is now experiencing inflation and possible economic recession.

  12. V Sohn

    I hate looking the parking spots, so I just spend all my cash.

  13. Balzinder Chhabra

    It should be a crime to be this incompetent at your job.

  14. Great Asia

    Just park in property and stock markets, can help PAP to pump up this paper economy.

  15. william zabiski

    Go with singapore dollars. Much surplus with many rich mainland sending money to singapore for safe keeping plus buying up real properties. These are cheap low cost money.

  16. MrBoliao98

    People like to think holding cash is bad, but right if you don't have the cash when you need it, how?
    Short term parking, fixed d is pretty comparable at 2.6 2.7%, like RHB, Bank of China

  17. Arianna Cookey

    I’m so opportune that irrespective of the economy crisis and financial conditions I am still able to earn $19,500 returns from my initial $6,500 every 10 days. Crypto investment is the really profitable…

  18. Ryan


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