Former FDIC Chair, Sheila Bair, Discusses Bank Runs and Bailouts in FOLCS Headlines

by | May 27, 2023 | Bank Failures | 1 comment

Former FDIC Chair, Sheila Bair, Discusses Bank Runs and Bailouts in FOLCS Headlines

“You can take that to the bank,” no longer offers the same certainties these days.  Can we?  Should we? Rising inflation, creeping interest rates, and now bank failures?  For those who endured the Great Recession of 2008, these recent events cause all sorts of economic anxiety. Many are thinking, “Will my retirement money be there when I need it?”  Others are wondering whether “too big to fail” means something else this time.

On March 23, 2023, FOLCS was joined by Sheila Bair, former Chair of the FDIC from 2006 to 2011. Time Magazine named her the “little guy’s protector in chief.”  Having been a key player in navigating our country through the 2008 financial crisis, very few are better suited to answer the big economic questions on our minds, and make sense of what happened….(read more)


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In the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, bank runs and bailouts became a common occurrence in the banking industry. To shed light on this issue, FOLCS (Forum on Law, Culture & Society) recently organized a virtual event titled “Bank Runs and Bailouts: Past, Present, and Future” with Sheila Bair, former Chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

During the event, Sheila Bair shared her insights on the causes of bank runs and bailouts and discussed the importance of regulatory reforms to prevent future financial crises. She highlighted the need for greater transparency and accountability in the banking industry to restore public trust.

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One of the key takeaways from Sheila Bair’s talk was the importance of addressing the underlying issues that give rise to bank runs and bailouts, such as the risk-taking behavior of banks and the lack of regulatory oversight. She emphasized the need for a balanced approach to regulation that enables banks to innovate and grow but also protects consumers and taxpayers from the risks of financial instability.

Another aspect of the discussion was the role of the government in bank bailouts. Sheila Bair provided a detailed account of the FDIC’s role in managing failed banks and minimizing the impact on consumers. She also discussed the challenges of implementing policies that strike a balance between protecting the interests of taxpayers and avoiding moral hazard, where banks engage in risky behavior knowing that the government will bail them out.

Overall, the FOLCS Headlines event with Sheila Bair provided a valuable discussion on the complex issues of bank runs and bailouts and the need for regulatory reform in the banking industry. It highlighted the importance of transparency, accountability, and responsible risk-taking in ensuring the stability and sustainability of the financial system. The event also served as a reminder of the ongoing need for public education and engagement on these critical issues.

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1 Comment

  1. Jack Conley

    Great talk, needs many many more views. Fed, Banking crisis, regional banks, monetary policy, all great insight. Thanks to you both for putting this on

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