Former TD Ameritrade CEO advises investors to avoid extreme positions at present

by | Apr 6, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 21 comments

Former TD Ameritrade CEO advises investors to avoid extreme positions at present

Fred Tomczyk, former TD Ameritrade CEO, joins ‘Closing Bell: Overtime’ to discuss how investors should add balance to their portfolio, classic mistakes investors make in this environment and more….(read more)

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With uncertainties looming overhead in the stock market, investors are advised to steer clear of taking extreme positions at the moment. This piece of advice comes from Joe Moglia, a former CEO of TD Ameritrade.

The stock market has been on a rollercoaster ride ever since the pandemic hit last year. While the market has recovered to a certain extent, the volatility continues to persist, and economic uncertainties seem to be increasing. Given the current scenario, investors face a tremendous challenge in striking the right balance between risk and reward. Moglia believes that taking extremely bullish or bearish positions is not the right way to deal with the situation.

Moglia, who has more than four decades of experience in finance, believes that investors must adopt a rational approach and evaluate their risk tolerance levels. According to him, taking an extreme position in the current economic conditions increases the likelihood of significant loss.

The former TD Ameritrade CEO suggests that investors should not make impulsive decisions driven by sensationalist news headlines. Instead, they should maintain a long-term outlook and keep a diversified portfolio. Investors must evaluate their risk-appetite, and invest in stocks accordingly.

Moglia’s philosophy is based on the principle that the markets operate in cycles, and that patience and discipline are key qualities to achieve success in the market. He believes that investors who take a long-term approach and invest systematically are likely to reap the best returns, even during uncertain times like the current one.

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In conclusion, Moglia’s advice to investors is that they should maintain a balanced approach to stock investing in these times, keeping both the rewards and the risks in mind. In this way, investors can avoid extreme positions and mitigate their exposure to risks while still benefiting from the market’s growth. Investors should avoid making hasty decisions based on short-term news and focus on the long-term outlook for the market, keeping in mind the principle of patience and discipline.

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  3. Bill Moyer

    Fred is talking like a trader, not an investor

  4. Marta Tavera


  5. Marta Tavera

    Creditobidenjuecorte deconetarrepublicancongreso

  6. thomasucc

    Hey, it's the poor that pay, why worry

  7. Philip Bell

    He’s blowing confidence all over everybody on this stream. Desperation is tangible right now.

  8. Benbred doe

    Don't take extreme positions lol um why? Maybe bc these brokers like TD have to have margin for that n their liquidity is already razor thin?
    How would this guy know what risk each of us can take?
    I love that they bring these bank heads broker heads n the like n then expect me to believe they're speaking the truth of anyone but the banks n brokers they represent. So in this I see TD begging its users to help them keep margin as low as possible n nothing more. Pretty sure we all know the climate of today's market banks economy n so on.

  9. Marta Tavera


  10. Marta Tavera

    África nonbrebrasilcumunicador

  11. Marta Tavera


  12. Marta Tavera


  13. Marta Tavera


  14. Marta Tavera


  15. Marta Tavera


  16. True Persona

    Basically ride the financial FIAT TSUNAMI !
    Less and less liquidity in banks equals to less and less confidence in the USA banking system.
    Switzerland’s emergency rescue of Credit Suisse bank could cost $27,000 for each and every ADULT SWISS person !
    If the US Fed prints money to save USA banks then under the clause of EMINENT DOMAIN they need to compensate all the US citizens for the financial damage and devaluation they are causing since 2001 !
    In simple terms your property is your cash ASSET. Any destruction or devaluation of your asset has to be compensated by the US government if they are responsible for the causation. We are not questioning the actions of the US Government in "saving" banks but when they are destroying the value of the asset of any or all US citizens then the government has to by decree of EMINENT DOMAIN compensate for the damages and devaluation done.

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    I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market. i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making over $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000. i need to know how to go about it.

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    Moass pay what is owed

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