View Reddit by Plane-Meat-6697 – View Source
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So you didn’t do anything since like March, gg
Yo we used to do this thing around here – positions or gtfo – mods be slacking.
Liar. 11mo ago you posted owning DK NG for 170k:
You have history of posting almost exclusively losses and stupid positions. I’m guessing it’s mostly faked. Right click inspect elements. Change display to phone size. Edit elements to change numbers.
That would explain why you’re “flat” since March/Feb 2022, because you were left with what I would guess is $2k and just didn’t withdraw it or move it after that.
Never posted a DWAC before but did post you’re other loser positions. How odd.
What I don’t understand is: Why?
Why make up fake shit for the internet. What do you gain? It makes you feel better about only losing money? Why don’t you just try to learn more and ask questions instead of cosplaying as a good investor / trader / regarder and making fake posts for wsb?
Positions or ban
Positions or ban!
Not real, you probably blew your whole account because you don’t really know what youre doing
Positions or leave
Hey, if you haven’t already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them!
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Curious what kind of positions you had to achieve this from 10K?
How long have you been trading? And what was your initial capital? Anyway, kudos to you, this result is amazing
I do not understand your question.
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So much salt in the comments. Believe it or not Some people win big money at the casino and leave.
Congrats & fuck you OP
Positions or ban.
Nice’ you added 300K cash to you’re portfolio this year!
Positions or ban
bet it all 10 mil or ROPE!
Can you finally pay back your wife’s boyfriend? Or are you promising him a white picket fence, 2 sedans and your minivan?
It’s a fake if you look closely.
You haven’t taken a trade since march?
Why are people upvoting this trash? You came back like a year later to post??? Wreaks of fake
Bro the last time you touched stocks there wasn’t even a war in Ukraine
FU*K YOU but congrats ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)
I want to be sooo next!
Fake as shit.
Positions or ban
Its all fake spam
So like, does this happen often? Asking for myself because my shits been stagnant red for a while.
I like Gains more than loss
H O W ?
Nice now get outta here
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Lemme guess… you bet on the forbidden RC stock, sold high and held?