Get Rid of Roth IRAs! The World Would Be Better Without 'em

by | Oct 24, 2022 | Roth IRA | 29 comments

Get Rid of Roth IRAs! The World Would Be Better Without 'em

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The Tax Bomb In Your Retirement Accounts: How The Roth IRA Can Help You Avoid It:

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    Government gets enough of my money to waste who is this crazy lady? What a bunch of crap – screw that

  2. Melissa

    ROTH's are have a huge drawback. Be prepped to be forced to spend your entire ROTH to 2k/4k for medicaid to kicks in. Otherwise Traditional Roth allows you to only show your RMD's as assets, not forcing you to spend down to 2k/4k to qualify for Medicaid. Single Retirees who show no more than $1720 per month are positioned to keep their Traditional IRA after they pay the $170 Part B. Worst case is you take a yearly withdraw from IRA, don't qualify for that month but the reamining 10 months in case of emergency you have that Security blanket. Bigger bucks?? well just chance it.


    Sad – taking away ROTH's because they are mad at the 1% of people who have a Big Account like a Peter Thiel ends up more hurting the very people they claim they are fighting for. A Tax Free Retirement account you never have to worry about the government taking a cut of is a Very Under-Rated Asset in Retirement. Its a Shame More People Do Not Use it!

  4. Beerbrewer737

    The audacity that any politician thinks we should be lucky that we're able to keep our own hard earned money ( 5:00 ) is mind numbingly arrogant. I'm just a mechanic what the hell do I know?

  5. Ralph Parker

    I could see a contribution cap on Roth's: If the account is above $$$$, no contributions including conversions. Inflate $$$$ each year to match inflation rates. If $$$$ was about $ 5 M would be a good number..

  6. Ralph Parker

    I just read the article, she doesn't like better off folks taking advantage of tax law. She didn't prove the world would be a better place. I'm better off having a Roth mainly because I'm converting between retirement and collecting SS. If the whole purpose of getting rid of Roth is so the government will get more money, they will just waste it, They have no understanding of what good stewardship could possibly mean. If your marginal tax bracket is the same, then either doesn't matter.

  7. L T

    Call ‘em out boss!

  8. Jim

    You nailed it when you said “Socialism is envy”

  9. Randolph H

    What IS true about Roth’s is that they are used more by the wealthy, because most younger people don’t know about them, and most employers don’t offer them. Consequently lower earners don’t reap nearly the benefits they could. The wealthy know about these.

    Josh you are confused about the “Left” and the “Right”. True most of what the Left pushes is crap, but “the Right” includes a whole lot of power elites that are not truly conservatives or constitutionalists, but are instead just more power and money hungry politicians. They are not our friends either. The great, great majority of politicians are phony, power, and money hungry.
    The “left vs right” dichotomy is set up to help control the masses, while the elites reap the power and the money, and the masses just get poorer.

  10. Kevin Kuc

    I was going to say she’s a political hack

  11. Wdeemar Wdeemar

    She likely doesn’t like capitalism and wants the government taking care of everyone. Classic Nanny State.

  12. Phil Sallaway

    Saw that Article my self. It's a whole bunch of out of Context Non-Sense. For Every Peter Theil ( a One Off) with a Roth in the Billions there are Millions of us who have benefited from Roths. Right on Josh thanks for the Vid. These folks think the Gov should run everything….. What I do is point out to them how Well the Foster Care System works or how much Native American Benefited form the Gov running their lives. (Dripping Sarcasm Fully Intended) I usually get Blanks Stares….. Even PAWblo knows better…! Elizabeth Warren = FakeAhontas total goof ball.

  13. Margaret Schaefer

    Perhaps the left is trying to persuade the public of a "moral" reason for the government to confiscate our retirement funds.

  14. Dagz from earth

    it blew my mind when i read that article. Now if they wanted to close the peter thiel loophole, non public stocks can't be bought in it, i get that, but i say leave it alone, many of us need it.

  15. Jeremy Rhodes

    The government already does with income taxes. 4:32

  16. Dan Klein

    You have said a Lot of Dumb things Josh. Watch some of your video's if you do not believe me-:) Just Kidding-:)

  17. Ed in North Carolina -- O Velho Gringo

    There is no individual under any of the "isms." As Comrade Pasha Antipov said inthe movie "Dr. Zhivago": "The private life is dead."

  18. Jason Ries

    Funny how she is foisting her personal ethics on Peter Thiel and others when there is no common objective moral standard besides the law.

  19. r miller

    Didn't AOC attend Boston College? Enough said.

  20. Trap 71

    Tax collectors have been evil upon the earth since before Jesus walked the earth. The world would be a better place without the IRS. Gotta love how they term it, "the IRS is taking a hit" and "tax dodge" by paying our taxes up front on our own retirement savings. Sleazy mindset.

  21. Jay Birdo

    I read it, a bunch of class envy

  22. sha6mm

    I will tell you what’s Dumb and that would be the US Tax Code.

  23. Dan Hanson

    Agree, she's not stupid. Just evil.

  24. Brent Allen

    Articles such as that one only adds to the already confusing information that the general public use to try and improve their financial situation.

  25. John Scott

    The only ones who should be mad about Peter Thiel is the tax collectors. Him having billions doesn’t affect you or me at all. At some point he is going to spend some of that money and stimulate the economy. Win-Win.

  26. Kevin Huff

    I agree the USA would be better off without the need for IRA's to protect from excessive taxation.

  27. Mainer In_Texas

    Our greedy politicians have been using Roth for years. Until these clowns are replaced, I doubt if they will get rid of Roth IRAs. Thank you Josh!!

  28. brianmcg321

    It’s just basically some people think other peoples money belongs to them. And they don’t think it’s “fair” that rich people can keep their own money.

  29. richard perritti

    People don't save enough anyway. Doing this would just encourage even more people not to save. I guess they want to collect more taxes and give to people who have done nothing and are doing nothing.

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