Global Pension Crisis Hits $16 Trillion | Retirement Crisis | Ethan Galstad

by | Feb 19, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 14 comments

Global Pension Crisis Hits  Trillion | Retirement Crisis | Ethan Galstad

#pensioncrisis #retirement #pensions #globalcollapse
The global pension shortfall just hit nearly $16 trillion. This will provide to be a disaster for retirees and will cause a massive problem in the economy for years to come.

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I’m not a licensed CPA, financial advisor, CFP, or any other type of investment, retirement, or financial advisor. I’m not a doctor, a psychiatrist, or any other type of licensed medical professional. I’m just a kid from Wisconsin who has learned a lot over the years that has helped me become successful and I want to share my knowledge with others to help them succeed. As always, do your own homework, consult your own advisors, and make your own decisions in life.

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I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors in life – whether they be big or small. Good luck and god speed!…(read more)

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The global pension crisis is a growing concern for retirees around the world. As the population ages, the amount of money needed to pay pensions is increasing, while the amount of money available to pay them is decreasing. According to a report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the global pension crisis is estimated to be around $16 trillion.

The pension crisis is caused by a number of factors, including an aging population, rising healthcare costs, and the increasing cost of living. As the population ages, fewer people are entering the workforce to contribute to pension funds, while the number of retirees is increasing. This means that the amount of money available to pay pensions is decreasing, while the amount of money needed to pay them is increasing.

The pension crisis is also caused by a lack of investment in pension funds. Many countries have not invested enough money in their pension funds to ensure that the funds will be sufficient to pay the pensions of retirees in the future. As a result, the funds are not able to keep up with the increasing cost of living and healthcare costs.

The global pension crisis is having a major impact on retirees around the world. Many retirees are finding it difficult to make ends meet and are relying on government assistance to make ends meet. This is a major concern for governments around the world, as they are facing increasing pressure to provide adequate support to retirees.

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The global pension crisis is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Governments need to take steps to ensure that their pension funds are adequately funded and that there is sufficient money available to pay the pensions of retirees in the future. They also need to take steps to ensure that retirees are able to make ends meet and are not relying on government assistance to do so.

Ethan Galstad is a financial expert and author who specializes in retirement planning. He is passionate about helping people prepare for retirement and has written several books on the subject. He is an advocate for pension reform and believes that governments need to take steps to ensure that their pension funds are adequately funded and that retirees have enough money to make ends meet.

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  1. Mary Annette

    ……and don't forget the biggest example of this Bernie Madoff.

  2. Mary Annette

    I believe this just happened to WeWork…all those young people thought they had money, but it was only money on paper. You are so right on this. Enron perfect example. I want to see my money. Corporations make more money by bringing a company down because they wrote themselves Golden Parachute contracts and when they sell company they get paid first, millions more than keeping the company. No corporate conscience. I know, it happened to me.

  3. Bobby B.

    It will end in Hyperinflation!

  4. E. Tom Moore

    Retirement for me as with others is a huge concern. For this reason my wife and I decided to start our own home business to help pay off debt as well as create income while retired. If interested in a good program with great products, including CBD oils, go here and take a look.
    We have to plan ahead..

  5. vilijn nelis

    This is such an american view on pensions. ‘I don’t trust anyone else with my money’. In Europe almost everybody relies on a goverment pensions. I don’t blaim you, you were brought up in this system, but it’s not the view of everyone…

  6. K lake

    Boomers made their bed let them lie in it? If their pention can't make up the cost why should it be up to my generation to pay for it?

  7. Jack Ryan

    2020's financial collapse. 2030's ecological collapse. 2040's climate collapse. 2050 the last sovereign country collapses.


    Anyone who believes in a bogus government promise, such as a pension, or even Social Security, for their long term plan, is nothing short of a total fool. Never Trust Government. There is 23 trillion in national debt and over 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities. The elite has over 32 trillion stashed away in offshore havens. Why would a dumb statist sheeple slave trust a single word they say? They have stolen all of your money and bill you out for fake wars, fake space travel, and fake nuclear weapons that don't work or even exist. You kept sending one-third of your check to them and now have nothing to show for it. Instead of educating yourselves, you took the bait when they gave you things like Circus Maximus. Give them Bread and Circus, and they will never revolt. The united slaves of meriKa are nothing more than debt slaves on the Plantation. Welcome to Slavelandia…Say hello to HYPERINFLATION very soon…Pretty stupid if you ask me.

  9. Dinez Thompson

    Fudging numbers can turn to sh*t, depending on which side of the railroad tracks you live.

  10. Sam Dean

    I Didn't even realize pension is a thing

  11. Guy Fox

    Wow This is Really Bad

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  13. Ethan Galstad

    Definitely important for people to be self sufficient in these troubling times

  14. Ethan Galstad

    Thanks for watching this video! What do you think of the pension crisis and other major issues that are facing the economy? And how are you and your family preparing?

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