Gold found in the Vatican tunnel will be returned to the people as part of #NESARA.

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Gold IRA | 1 comment

Gold found in the Vatican tunnel will be returned to the people as part of #NESARA.

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The tunnel from Vatican to Jerusalem is nearly 1500 miles long. It crosses land and water. This huge amount of gold iis13 meters high. It is said that 650 planes transported this gold back to its correct destination to be reallocated to rightful “owners” (we the people) in various countries.

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In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that a vast stash of gold has been discovered in the Vatican tunnel. This gold, which is estimated to be worth billions of dollars, has long been rumored to be hidden away in secret locations by the world’s most powerful and influential individuals.

But now, thanks to the efforts of a group of dedicated individuals working towards the implementation of the NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act), this gold will finally be returned to the people. NESARA is a law that was passed in the United States in the year 2000, but has yet to be fully implemented. It aims to bring about financial reform and prosperity for all citizens.

The discovery of this gold in the Vatican tunnel is a major step towards achieving the goals of NESARA. It is a clear indication that those who have been hoarding wealth and power for themselves will no longer be able to do so unchecked. The gold will be returned to the people, where it rightfully belongs.

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Many believe that this discovery is a sign that positive change is on the horizon. With the return of this wealth to the people, it is hoped that a new era of prosperity and abundance will be ushered in. No longer will a select few hold all the power and wealth, while the rest of society struggles to make ends meet.

The discovery of the gold in the Vatican tunnel is just the beginning. There are likely many more hidden treasures waiting to be unearthed, and with each new discovery, we move closer to a world where wealth is more evenly distributed and opportunities are available to all.

We The People have waited long enough for financial reform and prosperity. With the return of this gold, we are one step closer to realizing the goals of NESARA and creating a better future for all. The time for change is now, and the return of the gold in the Vatican tunnel is a promising sign of things to come.

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  1. @sistercounselor

    To purchase silver or gold or to get a GOLD IRA, contact us at Miles Franklin Precious Metals Company at 952-929-7006 or email: Let our brokers know that Dr. Kia Pruitt referred you to receive the best prices in the industry!

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