Gold is not a wise investment, says Ray Dalio

by | Dec 20, 2023 | Gold IRA | 21 comments

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RAY DALIO: Gold isn’t a good Investment

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Ray Dalio is a well-known billionaire investor and the founder of Bridgewater Associates, one of the world’s largest and most successful hedge funds. With his vast experience and extensive knowledge of financial markets, Dalio’s views on investments are highly regarded in the investment community.

One of the hotly debated topics in the investment world is the appeal of gold as an investment. Gold has long been considered a safe-haven asset, with its value often increasing during times of economic uncertainty. However, Ray Dalio believes that gold may not be as attractive an investment as many people think.

In a recent interview, Dalio made it clear that he doesn’t view gold as a good investment. He argues that while gold can serve as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation, it is not a reliable long-term investment. Dalio believes that the price of gold is largely driven by sentiment and speculation, rather than fundamental economic factors.

Dalio’s skepticism towards gold as an investment is based on his understanding of how financial markets work. He believes that in the long run, productive assets such as stocks and bonds are better investments than gold. According to Dalio, productive assets generate cash flow and provide a real return on investment, whereas gold does not produce anything.

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Furthermore, Dalio points out that gold does not pay dividends or interest, making it a less attractive investment compared to other assets that offer regular income. In his view, owning gold is more akin to holding cash, as it does not generate any income and its value is largely determined by market sentiment.

Despite his reservations about gold, Dalio acknowledges that there are times when it can be a useful asset to hold in a diversified portfolio. He recommends that investors allocate a small portion of their portfolio to gold as a hedge against extreme market events or geopolitical uncertainty. However, he cautions against relying too heavily on gold as an investment strategy.

Ray Dalio’s opinion on gold as an investment has sparked a lively debate among investors and financial analysts. While some continue to see gold as a valuable hedge against economic instability, others are re-evaluating its place in their investment portfolios in light of Dalio’s views.

Ultimately, whether gold is a good investment or not depends on an investor’s individual circumstances and risk tolerance. While Ray Dalio may not view gold as a top-tier investment, his insights serve as a thought-provoking reminder that investors should carefully consider the long-term implications of adding gold to their portfolios. As always, it is important for investors to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice when making investment decisions.

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  1. @AeonMusicRecord

    you can be 100% confident, anything that comes out of a mouth of Billionaire is a lie

  2. @nhanha7433

    Dalio betray nation. You can not listen to this man

  3. @macmaasi79

    Another "expert" talking…

  4. @confirmhandle

    We're on a brink of currency collapse as we know it The dollar disappearing as is being washed down as we give trillions of money away and stimuluses and helping all these countries meanwhile we're left with diluted currency I don't think gold is that bad but you might need it in smaller divisible pieces instead of large amounts You're going to need smaller pieces of gold to trade with maybe worth what is today known as 5 or $10 of course in the future milk will cost $100 bread will cost $100

  5. @love-br3cg

    Buy gold guys. They want you to burn your money in quick money schemes. Just know gold is so valued that a bank will give you a loan matching whatever amount of gold you have. You will be able to pay for things or your business using that, and once you pay up your loan you will still have the asset at the end of the line. Be smart and don’t fall for the internet idiots

  6. @user-jb1lh5uo4m

    These asshole manipulate and dump gold on a regular basis manipulating the price of it and rigging markets

  7. @nhanha7433

    Dalio no good you should put him in prison.

  8. @nhanha7433

    Dalio he betrayed the nation.

  9. @nickspicer

    Gold will always be more superior than any cash stay strong my friends

  10. @LostCrape45

    He apart of the system. They don’t want yall buying it they want to put your cash in a saving account so a bank can have “ control “ over your money …

  11. @KingG-th6mk

    Gold have barely any utility u rather invest in oil

  12. @artv4692

    Anyone who goes to school knows this

  13. @nhanha7433

    His name is Ray Dalio. The 1930 we did not have the China and the Bric we do gold. But this time we international we fix by gold bastard

  14. @nhanha7433

    This guy I forget his name. He no good to represent us as the federal turn tide around at all.

  15. @nhanha7433

    We can not do the bankruptcy for banks and also domestics recession market crash. For this betray run the federal reserve tell us the gold it is the cash. If our nation no market crash. We all ready has cash why we need gold

  16. @repure1999

    I'm sorry your USD dollar is not a good investment as other countries are going away from the USD and dealing in their own currencies… after you weaponized the dollar against the Russians in swift account.

  17. @redenjrpamaybay1253

    Yeah gold os not an investment but it is a real money, since FDR announces a gold embargo on its citizens during great depression.

    And hares the thing US economy was saved only due to WW2 were it keeps selling arms to other countries war..why would Settle the fight of other nations of you could profit it..

  18. @iitchovereverything6020

    Gold is not an investment. It’s a preservation of wealth. Precious metals keep with with inflation and devaluing dollar.

  19. @thejimwilsonchannel

    Ray is a big proponent of gold, this title is bs. He strongly encourages gold, as part of a diversified portfolio

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