Goldman Report: Where To Invest in a High Inflation World!

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 40 comments

Goldman Report: Where To Invest in a High Inflation World!

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Goldman Report:
UK Inflation 11.1%:
US Inflation Print:
Central Banks Targeting:
Phillips Curve:
Sharpe Ratio:
Electric Vehicle Mining:
Boskin Commission:


0:00 Intro
0:47 2% Target
3:58 Time for a Change?
6:38 Impact on Rates / Risk Assets
9:34 Which Asset Classes?
12:46 Credit & Real Assets
15:24 Optimal Portfolio
18:44 My Thoughts


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The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.

#Goldman #Fed #Inflation #Stocks…(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



The world is facing unprecedented economic uncertainty due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The global economy is in a deep recession, and the outlook for the future is uncertain. As the economic situation continues to evolve, one of the key questions investors are asking is where to invest in a high inflation world.

In response to this question, Goldman Sachs recently released a report titled “Where To Invest in a High Inflation World”. The report examines the current economic environment and provides investors with guidance on how to navigate the current landscape.

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The report highlights the fact that inflation is likely to remain elevated in the near future. Inflation has been increasing since the start of the pandemic, and it is likely to remain high as the global economy continues to recover. The report also notes that inflation is likely to be higher in certain markets than others, with emerging markets likely to experience higher inflation than developed markets.

In terms of where to invest, the report recommends a diversified portfolio that includes both stocks and bonds. The report also suggests investing in commodities, such as gold, which may provide protection against inflation. Additionally, the report suggests investing in real estate, which may provide investors with a hedge against inflation.

The report also provides guidance on how to manage risk in a high inflation world. It suggests that investors should maintain a diversified portfolio and limit their exposure to any one asset class. Additionally, the report recommends that investors should monitor inflation closely and adjust their portfolios accordingly.

Overall, the Goldman Sachs report provides investors with valuable insight into how to navigate the current economic environment. With inflation likely to remain high, it is important for investors to know where to invest and how to manage risk. By following the guidance provided in the report, investors can ensure that they are making the best decisions for their portfolios in a high inflation world.

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  1. Blue 7lvn

    the world will become deflationary thanks to ai and robotics, embrace ubi

  2. William Goe

    Guy, in my opinion….ahem…..the FED WILL continue to raise rates and a wished for PIVOT to EASING, will not happen in the forseeable future. WHY? China and the BRICS, are creating a new world reserve currency competitor to the dollar. A weak dollar will be consumed for sure. A stronger dollar currency JUST….just….gives it a chance to remain the world's reserve currency. A FED PIVOT to easing will guarantee the FALL of the dollar and the RISE of the BRICS. This is the ONLY driver I am worrying about with regards to investing in an inflationary environment. The US maintaining the DOLLAR as the World's reserve currency trumps ALL OTHER factors.

  3. Mr.BounceAlot

    To get at terms with the situation, take a shot every time Guy says "I.E"

  4. Daan Beens

    I think Money stream monitoring or KYC checks would be the main focus of the ECB not the changing of the rules which are mainly focused on the FED’s policy. Because the existing policies are threathened. Get more grip how? That’s why they would be creating a CBDC’s more quickly. In my opnion safety is still the main focus in Europe with financials because of the Hofstede culture dimention macro factor; feminity and its biggest go to; safety.

  5. Veronika Gonzales

    I'm restraining from buying anything now. I'm not sure there's at least one project I'm fully confident in. I stick to the bags I already have on bfx, and just watch the charts

  6. YahHero

    Lol told a business owner to invest during these times lol

  7. Bernie

    Thanks Guy, Insightful, informative and as always very enjoyable

  8. Rui Manel

    So this report tells us that all main assets available to retail will benefit from a 3% target? Talk about an incentive for a retail squeeze.
    Probably one thing to consider in a 3% environment is the wage growth. Strangely not mentioned, or… crypto.

  9. Alasdair Lynn

    Could you do a special on silver and gold, especially silver.

  10. ODIN

    "People don't spend their money under deflation"

    Worse nonsense has never been spoken. Deflation is good, normal and necessary to improve living standards. People spend the resources they have whenever they need to. Inflation is virtually always an economically harmful anomaly artificially created by Central Bank fiat printing that's slowly stealing/redistributing the productivity of entire economies. Keynesianism is evil.

  11. Julian Kranz

    Having a Bitcoin shirt vs. arguing money printer should go more brrrrrr? o.O

  12. David Rempel

    REITs are good, but one must distinguish between equity REITs and mortgage REITs. MREITs use much more leverage than equity REITs, which improves their yields but can be disastrous in a severe downturn such as COVID lickdowns gave us. For myself, its eREITs for the long haul and mREITs as forays in small amounts. Otherwise I continue with high dividend stocks and funds , re I vesti g dividends to produce alpha. USA, KNOP, USAC, FSK as mainstays

  13. Calin Beale

    2% was always the target. Its why the $ has lost 99% of its purchasing power since 1905. Inflation is a hidden tax on the populus. if not for it than income tax would have to increase to coer govt spending. The govt loads up on dept then uses inflation to make that dept less expensive

  14. shakeel

    Before inflation Buy gold , silver, land, buy crypto store in cold storage get huge profits after inflation,oil, food for 3 or 4 years,etc

  15. KamikazKid

    The 2% target for inflation isn't arbitrary, the original goal was to keep local currencies stable, and help the euro gain widespread adoption. However, the Greek debt bubble, problems in Italy, and problems in Spain have pretty thoroughly debunked the theory that low inflation will keep currencies stable.

  16. blue redbrick

    The target should be 0% inflation plain and simple.
    Until we have eternal lives there will always be a motive to spend money in the present.
    Inflation is and will remain for now just a tool to transfer value from the peasants to the issuers of the money by dilution. But not everyone is happy with that.
    Money should store an absolute value and be a tool for exchange of value. Nothing more nothing less.

  17. Richard Wood

    Why do comments from a few minutes ago, get placed below comments from a day previous??????

  18. HumbleVladimirTheGreat

    Ha, good luck even sticking to 3% inflation. Inflation will be 5%+ for the foreseeable future and probably much more as central banks monetize the massive debts owed by their governments

  19. yassine

    the us exported its inflation to the world. change my mind.

  20. Ramen Money

    You mentioned that aging demographics tend to raise inflation at around 4.50. I thought it was the opposite as there’s less demand when people are older [like in Japan] would love to be corrected on this,

  21. JM-500 JM-500

    the entire global fiat system is a scam.
    they move the financial goal posts so 99% can never overcome, or get ahead.
    then they have tax laws, for those who appear to have their head above water.
    the 1% do not pay tax, and will always skim off the cream for themselves.
    To protect this position, they are willing to destroy the world if need be.
    This, and the accumulation of wealth from others has always been the real reason behind every war, that's ever been.
    the solution if you chose to educate yourself is BITCOIN.

  22. phil dowson

    Stables are the answer to the question. Stake usdt and wait for the bulls to come.

  23. VViatro

    I'm curious how bear market on crypto influences revenue at Coin Bureau. I can imagine you had your golden age at the beggining of the year and views, income from adds is dwindling now.

  24. AlexZndR

    @coinbureau GUY, can you make a video on closed source vs open source please! Exodus and Ledger are closed and there's panic on reddit over those being closed source.

    I'm wondering wether the panic is warranted.


  25. d7b

    Guy is an AI psyop. Kidding mate , love your content .

  26. Faheem Bilal

    Nobody become financially successful overnight. You must put in background work to achieve success. But we tend to see the finished part. Fear is a dangerous component hindering us from taking bold steps we need in order to reach our goals. You have to contend with inflation, Recession, decisions from the Feds and all.

  27. John Doe

    Investing In Yourself (Inflation or not) Is Always the Best Investment

  28. Enrico Monesi

    Red carpet all the way for such a unique content…….

  29. Joseph Goncalves

    Politicians need to feel the political consequences of pumping the economies with money, otherwise they will keep doing it. Buy adjusting the inflation target, it just means that politicians will have a reprieve and are going to spend spend spend!

  30. David Walker

    It is quite difficult to make a decision regarding my choice, but I hope that by choosing a cryptocurrency I will not regret it and will not lose all invested usdt.

  31. Erazmus Finnegan

    Perhaps i have a different take on the matter from all assembled, just consider it for a moment. It's money grabbing Ahole investors and bankers that have turned the world to sht.

  32. ED G

    If you look at the UK's OBR forecast this November you might haven noticed that they are predicting deflation for the UK in the years ahead, with Britain in lengthy recession. That means Brits (sick man of the G20) should be preparing for deflation. Means quality foreign investment assets are great for investing Brits because the UK's effective exchange rate will weaken again and most of the World will escape recession and deflation.

  33. David Wasilewski

    3% – Who are they kidding? The central banks and the governments are just going to continue to print money and borrow, borrow, borrow. They’ll fiddle the inflation figures to hide the true inflation rate. Stagflation and very high rates of inflation are baked into the cake now for at least the next couple of years. Flee to physical assets. Gold, land, property etc.

  34. Zukunftsstark

    I found these banking reports mostly of little help. First on the markets expectations are traded. So the actual situation does not matter and we do not know if the market allready anticipated the findings of the report. Second higher inflation does not only occure in an inflationary scenario, it could be in a stagflation scenario too. In this case you would invest totally different. High risk / high yield assets would go bust easy and default in this case.

  35. Voice of reason

    You are the most awesome crypto dude on the tube

  36. Gary Woodhead

    Always boils back to real estate being the safe haven, especially when liquid and non reliant on senior debt.

  37. James Coffey

    the deflation "people don't buy things in deflation" is total BS, how do we know? Because the entire tech sector is deflationary, everything released next year is way better than this year but people still buy things WHEN THEY NEED THEM, they don't wait. There is nothing wrong with deflation. If currency was generated in a free banking system, we would be much better off. we could select which money we want to us, there could be currency with inflation or with deflation, the market would decide

  38. A W

    Inflation is here because a lot productive people died of covid, still dying due to the reckless social behaviour. When the buying stops, prices will fall. People can stop indulging but producers cannot stop supplying because food will turn bad if not consumed timely. Instead of bitching high prices, abstain till basic needs. Keep that pn and greedy suppliers will perish quite quickly.

  39. Matt Corley

    They can easily increase the target inflation to 10% and we'll be compliant. All they do is have churches attack more social issues, and have progressives attack more social issues. We'll fight amongst ourselves while the real war is lost against banks and corporations.

  40. Keith Price

    Your audio engineer needs a raise. How do you sound so damn good??

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