Greg Foss & Joe Carlasare: Analyzing Bitcoin’s Potential Performance During the 2008 Crisis

by | Sep 21, 2023 | SEP IRA | 10 comments

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Greg Foss & Joe Carlasare: How Would Bitcoin Perform in 08′ Crisis?

The global financial crisis of 2008 remains etched in the collective memory as one of the worst episodes in modern economic history. Ten years later, its scars are still visible, leaving many economists and investors wondering how various assets would have fared during that tumultuous period. One intriguing question that has emerged is how Bitcoin, the world’s leading cryptocurrency, would have performed during the crisis.

To shed light on this matter, we delve into the perspectives of two prominent figures in the cryptocurrency space, Greg Foss and Joe Carlasare. Both individuals have critically analyzed the market dynamics during the 2008 crisis and have shared their insights on how Bitcoin would have fared, had it existed back then.

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Greg Foss, a seasoned credit market veteran and former head of credit, is renowned for his unconventional thoughts on the financial system and Bitcoin. According to Foss, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature, limited supply, and scarcity could have made it an attractive alternative to traditional financial assets during the crisis.

In Foss’s opinion, the crisis was mainly caused by excessive money printing, bailouts, and unsustainable levels of debt. He argues that had Bitcoin been available, investors seeking a safe haven could have turned to it, creating significant demand for the cryptocurrency. Given its fixed supply and decentralized nature, Bitcoin’s value would likely have soared, providing investors with a way to protect their wealth while the traditional financial system crumbled.

Joe Carlasare, a notable figure in the cryptocurrency community and co-founder of both cryptocurrency data and research companies, shares a similar perspective. Carlasare believes that Bitcoin’s decentralized nature and absence of a central authority make it immune to the failures of traditional financial institutions.

According to Carlasare, Bitcoin, being a deflationary asset due to its capped supply, could have acted as a hedge against the inflationary pressures caused by the crisis. While central banks were injecting trillions of dollars into the economy, Bitcoin’s scarcity would have ensured that its value remains relatively stable or even increases during this period.

Moreover, Carlasare highlights the fact that Bitcoin’s permissionless and borderless nature would have provided individuals with a more secure and accessible means of transferring value. In times of crisis, when traditional financial systems faced severe liquidity issues, Bitcoin’s decentralized network would have ensured the continuity of transactions without relying on centralized intermediaries.

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It is important to acknowledge that these perspectives are hypothetical and speculative, as Bitcoin did not exist during the 2008 crisis. Nevertheless, they shed light on the underlying features that make Bitcoin an attractive asset during times of economic uncertainty.

While Bitcoin’s performance during the 2008 crisis remains a matter of speculation, its resilience during subsequent economic downturns cannot be ignored. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, Bitcoin emerged as a store of value for many investors seeking refuge from the volatile stock markets and central bank interventions.

Ultimately, Bitcoin’s potential performance during the 2008 crisis will remain a topic of conjecture. However, the insights provided by individuals like Greg Foss and Joe Carlasare contribute to a deeper understanding of Bitcoin’s fundamental attributes and its ability to provide a hedge against traditional financial system failures.

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