Guide to Creating a Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Vanguard IRA

Guide to Creating a Three Fund Portfolio at Vanguard

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Here’s How to Build a Three-Fund Portfolio at Vanguard #Shorts

Building a diversified investment portfolio is crucial for long-term success in the stock market. Vanguard Group, a well-known investment management company, offers a simple and effective strategy called the three-fund portfolio. This strategy allows investors to achieve broad market exposure while keeping costs low. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of building a three-fund portfolio at Vanguard.

Step 1: Understand the Three Funds

The three-fund portfolio at Vanguard consists of three main funds: a total stock market index fund, a total international stock market index fund, and a total bond market index fund. These funds aim to capture the performance of their respective markets, providing investors with broad diversification across different asset classes.

The total stock market index fund includes all the US publicly traded companies and gives investors exposure to the American stock market. The total international stock market index fund, on the other hand, covers stocks from both developed and emerging international markets. Finally, the total bond market index fund includes a mix of US Treasury, corporate, and municipal bonds.

Step 2: Determine Your Asset Allocation

Before investing in the three funds, it’s important to establish your desired asset allocation. Asset allocation refers to the distribution of your investments across different asset classes based on your risk tolerance and investment goals.

A typical starting point for the three-fund portfolio is a split of 40% stocks (total stock market index fund), 30% international stocks (total international stock market index fund), and 30% bonds (total bond market index fund). However, you can adjust these percentages according to your risk appetite and investment horizon.

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Step 3: Open a Vanguard Account and Choose the Funds

To build your three-fund portfolio, you need to open an account with Vanguard. Visit their website and follow the instructions to set up an account. Once your account is ready, you can move on to selecting the funds.

Search for the three main funds mentioned earlier on Vanguard’s website, which should be easily accessible. Each fund has different ticker symbols associated with them. Make note of these symbols as you will need them to place your investment orders.

Step 4: Place Your Investments

With your asset allocation determined and the funds of your choice identified, it’s time to make your investments. Log in to your Vanguard account and navigate to the Buy/Sell section. Enter the ticker symbols for each fund and indicate the desired amount you wish to invest in each.

You can invest either through a lump sum or set up automatic monthly contributions to gradually build your portfolio over time. Vanguard offers low cost index funds, which aligns with the objective of maintaining a low-cost portfolio.

Step 5: Monitor and Rebalance

Once you have established your three-fund portfolio, it’s essential to review and rebalance it periodically. Over time, the performance of each fund may vary, causing your asset allocation to deviate from your original plan. Rebalancing involves selling or buying funds to restore your desired asset allocation.

Remember, investing in the stock market involves risks, and no strategy can guarantee profits. However, the three-fund portfolio strategy has a long-standing history of offering competitive returns while minimizing fees and complexity.

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In conclusion, building a three-fund portfolio at Vanguard provides investors with a simple and effective way to achieve broad diversification and lower costs. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can construct a well-balanced portfolio tailored to your investment goals. Happy investing!

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