Has the Plot Just Begun? Examining the ‘Suicide Sanctions’ as a Design to Undermine the U.S.

by | Sep 1, 2023 | Silver IRA | 36 comments

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It’s Not Over, It Only Just Begun! ‘Suicide Sanctions’ To Take-Out U.S. By Design?

In recent times, there has been a growing concern among conspiracy theorists that the United States is being intentionally brought down through a series of harmful economic sanctions, a phenomenon they refer to as “suicide sanctions.” These theorists argue that powerful entities, either within the U.S. or from abroad, are working meticulously to weaken America’s economy and render it powerless on the global stage. While many skeptics dismiss these claims as baseless, it is worth examining the arguments behind this theory and evaluating its plausibility.

Those who believe in this theory claim that various sanctions imposed on the U.S. are part of a calculated plan to dismantle its economic dominance. They argue that by imposing tariffs, trade restrictions, and other punitive measures, nations like China, Russia, and even longstanding allies are subtly chipping away at America’s economic strength. According to these conspiracy theorists, this orchestrated effort aims to weaken the U.S. to the point where it becomes isolated, economically crippled, and eventually collapses.

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One argument put forth by these theorists is that countries like China, with their meteoric rise on the world stage, fear America’s dominance and wish to dethrone it. By imposing tariffs specifically targeted at American industries, these nations could cripple U.S. manufacturing and disrupt its domestic economy. The proponents of this conspiracy theory also claim that global institutions and international bodies are complicit in this scheme, as they consciously facilitate these sanctions to manipulate the U.S.’ power.

While these claims may seem far-fetched, there have been instances where powerful entities have utilized economic means to manipulate and control countries. Historically, economic warfare has been employed by major powers to exert their influence on other nations. Just as nations have used economic sanctions against regimes they oppose, it is not inconceivable that certain actors might exploit similar tactics to weaken the U.S. A weakened America would translate into an altered global power balance, which many argue would be advantageous for certain actors.

However, it is essential to approach these claims with caution and critical thinking. It is easy to fall into the trap of conspiracy theories and attribute unrelated events to a grand scheme. Skeptics argue that the U.S. is a robust nation with a diverse economy and a strong system of checks and balances. They contend that while economic sanctions and trade disputes may cause temporary disruptions, they are unlikely to bring the country to its knees.

Moreover, economists often debate the efficacy and impact of economic sanctions. While they can cause short-term pain, they might not always achieve their intended goals. Sanctions often have unintended consequences, affecting exporters, consumers, and global markets. Given the interdependence of the global economy, actors face the risk of self-inflicting economic harm, making it less likely that countries would engage in a coordinated effort to harm the U.S.

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In conclusion, the notion of “suicide sanctions” intentionally designed to take down the U.S. is a provocative theory, embraced by some conspiracy theorists. However, it is crucial to approach these claims with skepticism and careful analysis. While it is not implausible that economic means can be used as a tool to exert power and influence over nations, the idea that powerful actors conspire to orchestrate the downfall of the U.S. remains largely speculative. As time goes on, it is important to critically assess the evidence and arguments put forth by proponents of this theory, as well as consider alternative explanations for economic challenges faced by the United States.

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  1. Kiim Abbey

    There will be a (one world government) before our next presidential election. We will no longer be the one's to select our leader.

  2. Kiim Abbey

    If they want to save the planet, they should stop killing it with wars.

  3. Adexter23

    Where did the 5 million barrels go? Wasn’t it China?

  4. Adexter23

    Right lol. They want us to rely on solar. Their spraying the skies for fk sakes to make clouds and cover the sky every day.

  5. melanie hoyt

    Interconnected? Russia was an ally in WWII and then went to a Cold War for with whom to blame for that? In 1991 the U.S. and Europe promised Russia that NATO would not expand to its borders and look what happened. Putin has been remarkably patient. Europe let a comedian influence their political and economic actions, meaning there are 2 comedians in Zelensky and Biden. So they should suffer to the point of civil war and the dissolution of thee EU.

  6. A. Matthew Broers

    I think we should watch out for Russia,China,Iran,N.Korea, and who ever else is with them to rise up agianst us! What is stopping them?? And we're giving all our weapons supplies to Ukraine! And $ (we dont have) along with it..and our European allies well Russia just has to tell them to stay out of it or they'll not get the fuel,gas,power they so need…they will stand by and we will be alone and we will fall…I strongly believe that there isn't REALLY right and left, 5 when it comes to the main people . These assholes. It's to divide us they play both sides in every conflict threw out time already…

  7. Paul Lynch

    Russia has not stopped letting export grain ship out its EU US sanctions that are stopping exports

  8. Shane Morgan

    I love your spirit for the truth Lisa and you are a good person but I worry your trust in people like Donald trump and I'm not talking just one part of the government I'm talking about all of it what if I told you that all these governments are all one and the same its all controlled by powerful people like the 300 club of Rome world economic forum did you know Donald J Trump is fully invested in WEF HE PAYS KLAUSE SWAB 80 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR JUST TO BE A MEMBER TO THIS NAZI REGIME please do your research I pray you see the light before its too late.

  9. Richard Stuhr

    ALL I SEE IS LOTS OF CRYING! NO ACTION. WE ARE GOING DOWN LIKE SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER! Thanks for the info Lisa. If citizens would only take control.

  10. Carol Parker

    Don't let it happen then.

  11. John La Marca

    In the 30s they simply made it illegal to own gold. All gold had to be given to the government without compensation and it was a federal offense to possess it… D or R, they can simply do it again! Russian sanctions? They have more financial power now than before the USA sanctions… China is stopping household manufacturing and ordering those companies to make ONLY weapons of warfare… thanks to Nancy Pelosi’s “visit”… All who support war have money to be made from war…

  12. Harold Barry

    Psalm 14:1-3

    King James Version

    14 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.

    2 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.

    3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

    Isaiah 54-17
    God's word to his people who believe ..

    [17] No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.
    This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD…


  13. David Sanchez

    Sanctions and shortages are by design and are not simply by coincidence. The Cabal has two years to bring our country to its knees lest it deals with the consequences of the Trump resurgence or a People's revolt! We still have a fighting chance!

  14. Viking Robot

    Thank you for saying what the spineless establishment republicans refuse to say.
    I’m so tired of do nothing representation in Washington.
    Do nothing , dangerous and wreckless.

  15. Ragnar Danneskjold

    Yeah, we're "interconnected" due to the fact that we let the government take us from an isolationist nation to a global nation.

  16. 101ST AIRBORNE

    This is all being done by design, don't forget agenda 2030, bring down the world for the great reset

  17. Rami Rami

    hello hello You don't see that in purpose it is part of the Great reset. Democrat Republican and Trump that our enemy

  18. Mitchell S

    The way I see it if the Ukrainian people can kick Russians asses like they are they don’t want to wake up the sleeping Giant and that goes for the communist democrats as well.

  19. Don Westbrook

    Chemtrail spraying here is bad I get my spot light at night point it up at the sky the air is full of it looks like a circuit board I'm in Mansfield Texas one man I told did it now he saying he can't quite thinking about it love you Lisa Jesus is our only way out thank you good job Jesus Jesus Jesus


    This is the BEAST SYSTEM . Period. Education, economic, religion, infiltrated by the sons of cane . Global chaos has to happen to bring in the lawless one . He will give this world the false utopia it's looking for as the true Christians are hunted down . Facts

  21. Henry Mayhew

    You are good for us

  22. Mountain Man

    Homeless everywhere, failing electric grids, inflation out of control, roads crumbling, crime and drugs rampant. None of it is even a thought of Biden or any Democrat. All of this is actually the fulfillment of their vision for America. Their sick dreams.

  23. Vin Rodney

    One more song for you kitten, they don't care about us, Michael Jackson

  24. Robert Fritchey

    The United States is the trouble maker here. And I refuse to support the United States and Europe. They deserve what they are going to get. They are Anti God. They hate Jesus Christ. So God is pouring out his Judgments upon them. If you don't believe this then ask the Children who are taken away from good parents and put in foster homes where they are beat and sexually abused. And it's all happening in the good old USA!!!

  25. Carlos Carballido

    Mexico has oil what y go to them!?.

  26. Catherine Williams

    We have forgotten our history and this lapse will contribute to our demise. George Washington's "Farewell address": No entangling alliances!!

  27. Boomer1941

    Glad your back instead of that moron filling in for you.

  28. Sue Thompson

    There are a lot of ingredients to make so many items we get from Russia and there neighbors. We are feeling it even now. Be careful. Better the evil you know.

  29. Pastor Bill


  30. Jerimah Johnson

    Swift was hacked years ago

  31. Ann Marie

    Do you think Trump is going to get arrested for keeping classified nuke records at his resort?

  32. Mountian Breed

    So what the chance of the fact that china and Russia went s bought up most of the food store s . My guess is this when run out of strength from lack of nutrition . And their armies are fit s a fiddle
    Any one thought of that some day might want to

  33. t

    F*** Biden and government we're done.

  34. J.

    Lisa – do you ever go mentally “toxic” reporting on all of this vile nightmare level stuff? (Not a criticism – legit question from someone who goes “toxic” reading all of this, yours and many other sources…)

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