Heads Up! Liberation Approaching with Silver & Theta – Censored Edition on YouTube by Will Lehr & Bix Weir

by | May 18, 2024 | Silver IRA | 27 comments

Heads Up! Liberation Approaching with Silver & Theta – Censored Edition on YouTube by Will Lehr & Bix Weir

I sat down with our friend Will Lehr of PerpetualAssets.com to chat about where we stand in the battles for our FREEDOM! This is the edited version for Youtube and the Entire 1 hour interview can be found on the Private Road at RoadtoRoota.com…(read more)

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Alert! Freedom is Coming Through Silver and Theta! This message was recently shared by Will Lehr and Bix Weir on a YouTube video that has since been censored. The video discussed how silver and Theta, two alternative assets, could play a significant role in the fight for financial freedom.

In the video, Lehr and Weir highlighted the potential of silver as a hedge against inflation and a way to protect one’s wealth in times of economic uncertainty. With central banks around the world printing trillions of dollars in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many investors are turning to precious metals like silver as a safe haven asset.

Theta, on the other hand, is a decentralized blockchain platform that aims to revolutionize the digital media industry. By leveraging blockchain technology, Theta enables users to earn rewards for sharing their bandwidth and computing resources, creating a more decentralized and efficient system for content delivery.

Lehr and Weir believe that both silver and Theta have the potential to play a significant role in the future of finance and media. They see these alternative assets as a way for individuals to take back control of their financial futures and break free from the constraints of the traditional financial system.

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The decision to censor the video has sparked outrage among many in the alternative finance and media communities. Some see it as an attempt to suppress information that goes against the mainstream narrative, while others view it as a sign of the growing power of big tech companies to control the flow of information.

Despite this censorship, Lehr and Weir remain steadfast in their belief that silver and Theta hold the key to financial freedom. They urge individuals to educate themselves about these alternative assets and consider incorporating them into their investment portfolios.

In conclusion, the message shared by Lehr and Weir in their censored video serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking out alternative sources of information and exploring new ways to protect and grow wealth in today’s uncertain world. Whether through silver, Theta, or other alternative assets, the fight for financial freedom continues, and it is up to each individual to seize the opportunity for a better future.

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  1. @Maria-ar

    Listening to you I bought theta in November, knowing nothing about cryptos. Long story short I sent it to theta wallet & it’s not there. I found it on etherscan under my theta address, but it’s not in my wallet. Any info related to this would be appreciated.

  2. @PaulHellender

    I'm outside of Boston, The real estate here is still out of control. People are still bidding over asking prices from property. I am watching them build a 15-minute city right under my nose. The vertical boom in Boston is unbelievable to see. They are getting rented right away at crazy money, 3500-for 1 bedroom and up. I just don't get who has the money to afford it around here. If I didn't buy my house in 2008 no way I could afford to live here.

  3. @garybacher236

    Actually the people that have Bitcoin and believe in Bitcoin and use Bitcoin are the stupid people you can't see it you can't hold it most places you can't even go and use it can I spend it at the grocery store what if the power goes out and anybody that talks about a comics and things that ship is wrong is the biggest jackass of all

  4. @georgeramos1462

    The problem with Bitcoin for currency is that its market cap is STILL VERY SMALL which is why it fluctuates so wildly.

  5. @Bodiddley788

    Man! This dude is excited about some bitcoin. Sounds to me like he is begging others to buy into it.

  6. @arimoreno6521

    Let me see , it takes 30min to 2 days to confirm and this is good for the economy
    Are these people using BTC??????

  7. @gregjones2472

    Almost time for Theta to go on its run

  8. @2532robh1

    Put on Gus too!!!

  9. @RonaldWarman-gr9kk

    Screw Bitcoin. It's for the coming digital slave system.

  10. @ZambianZebras

    So by what day in May do they have to push it to 23.80? What day is the last to deliver? 31st?

  11. @anunnakin

    bitcoin will be the currency of ai. it is not going away

  12. @lizachat2608

    Bitcoin n crypto is F#$$%^ STUPID

  13. @user-wy6wn7bq2w

    When is it coming?
    Been waiting for over 7 years already and still NOTHING!!!
    Bix, you are a big jokester.

  14. @jenniferday832

    If fiat dollar collapses and you sell BTC how will they pay you?

  15. @silverjedi3529

    In the year 1638 they were singing a different tune. Soon you guyswill be too. Its a conditioning program for CBDCs set up by the NSA beginning in 1996. Watch Lynette Zang for more info ❗

  16. @Hm-dz3yk

    If I sell you imaginary coins in my pocket, I'm a criminal.
    If I sell you imaginary coins in my computer, I'm a crypto mogul

  17. @ratsofatso5525

    Geez You guys are old.
    Peter is the comedian who's right.
    Adam is the clown.

  18. @ratsofatso5525

    Quick hold up a Bitcoin to the camera.
    I've never seen one.

  19. @danielbwacaiman7934

    Can you use other crypto currency like lite coin as well??

  20. @jda1961

    can not hold bitcoin {aka fiat currency} in your hand. all that has to happen is the internet switch gets turned off. gold and silver is the only way.

  21. @user-gs1ul1bg4n

    The problem that I see is that BTC is too volitile to use as money. One day you have $10K and the next you have $8K(20% correction). The price of bread does not go up 20% in one day(or one hour) nor does gold and silver drop 20% overnight. How do we stabilize the value of BTC?

  22. @brandiwest-bx6pr

    You are wrong about bitcoin and all other cryptos. They are all wallstreet products. To understand why one must understand that all the clandestine evil the Fed does is with currency swaps. This is what enables the money printing. The reason that bitcoin et al. is needed is because all sovereign currencies have reached their maximum loss and they need a new market to keep the money printing alive. All cryptos must be rejected. Do not participate in enabling the money printing. Buy "real" things like guns, ammo, seeds etc and not a fictitious crypto. Gold and silver are great because they are real things. Cryptos are nothing, but, a fantastical story. They are not real. They are nothing more than a pool of a bunch of worthless debt notes. They have no real claim unless you are a fool in the ponzi scheme. In fact, they are the very definition of centralization. As far as the derivatives market crypto is how they remove fake dollars from the system without any lawful accountability. Hence why you have a bitcoin derivative market. If you continue to believe debt is an asset they will continue to fleece you and tyranny will prevail. The answer for freedom is offline and local.

  23. @norwayminerals

    I stopped watching Peter Schiff a couple of years ago when he recommended paper SLV. Then he is a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.

  24. @grod64

    What a stupid debate! Gold Vs BTC? Might as well debate cattle vs hamburgers? Clearly Gold is a store of wealth and BTC proposes to be a currency, which it is impotent at because of fees and speed. I think other digital assets have better utility as a currency. We all would agree that the fiat system is dead but just has not been buried yet. So we need a new currency or way to trade. Clearly each country must have their own currency which will likely be a digital one? What is Schiff going to convert his gold into to buy dinner or a new shirt? There will need to be a way for transfer of value in trade. Won't just be one digital asset that does it. And I think we need to stop thinking of them as currency more so they are technologies. Like Bix says – Theta is a software download (aka technology) that will give real value to users who will pay for it by returning value to the owners in Tfuel? But ultimately you can't take your Theta to the grocery store to guy your groceries? So we need digital assets backed by tangible assets (Precious metal, real estate and other real world assets} that can't be fucked with by corrupt governments/corporations. Silver is clearly the most undervalued of these with the greatest utility!

  25. @_--el

    How can i transfer theta to nano hard wallet? Luv you bix, no diddy!

  26. @mgvideouk

    Do you allow theta to slow down your network and device for benefit someone device? Crap, check #icp

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