High-Tech Totalitarismus & Kuschelkommunismus

by | Mar 18, 2024 | Bank Failures

High-Tech Totalitarismus & Kuschelkommunismus

Die Technokratie ist allgegenwärtig. Dennoch ist sie vielen Menschen nicht wirklich bewusst. Diese Aussage trifft im Besonderen auf die Machtfülle zu. Jedes fachspezifische Gebiet verfügt über eine oder mehrere technokratische Institutionen.
Prof. Dr. Antony P. Mueller hat sich als Insider und Wissenschaftlicher sehr tief mit dem technokratischen Totalitarismus auseinandergesetzt.
Im Gespräch mit Benjamin Mudlack geht es insbesondere um die Symbiose zwischen Technokratie und dem schleichend daherkommenden Kollektivismus, oder Neokommunismus. Wichtige Themen, aber in ihrer Tragweite gemeinhin deutlich unterschätzt.

Mehr zu Dr. Antony P. Müller

Vortrag zum Neokommunismus auf Samtpfoten

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00:00 Begrüßung
01:34 Lage in Brasilien
03:10 Revolution auf Samtpfoten
15:40 Verelendungstheorie
28:20 Technokratische Institutionen
46:54 Intellektuelle Propheten
53:49 Transhumanismus
01:03:51 subtile Kollektivierung…(read more)


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Technocratic Totalitarianism & Neocommunism on Cat’s Paws

In recent years, there has been a growing concern over the rise of technocratic totalitarianism and neocommunism in various parts of the world. These two ideologies, though seemingly opposing in nature, have found common ground in their use of technology and manipulation of information to control society.

Technocratic totalitarianism is a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a small elite of experts and technocrats, who use their specialized knowledge to manage and control all aspects of society. This ideology places a strong emphasis on efficiency, rationality, and the use of advanced technology to achieve its goals.

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On the other hand, neocommunism is a modern interpretation of the traditional communist ideology, which advocates for the abolition of private property and the establishment of a classless society. Neocommunists believe in the redistribution of wealth and resources, as well as the centralization of power in the hands of a ruling elite.

Despite their differences, technocratic totalitarianism and neocommunism have both embraced the use of surveillance, data collection, and artificial intelligence to monitor and control their populations. This has led to concerns about the erosion of privacy, freedom of speech, and individual autonomy.

Moreover, both ideologies have been able to gain a foothold in society by presenting themselves as progressive and benevolent forces for change. Technocratic totalitarians often argue that their policies are necessary for the greater good of society, while neocommunists promote their ideals as a means to achieve equality and social justice.

However, critics argue that the implementation of these ideologies has led to a concentration of power in the hands of a small elite, who use technology to manipulate public opinion and suppress dissent. The erosion of civil liberties and individual rights under these regimes is a cause for alarm, as it threatens the very foundations of democracy and freedom.

In this context, the term “neocommunism on cat’s paws” has emerged to describe the insidious nature of these ideologies, which cloak their authoritarian tendencies with a facade of progressiveness and equality. Just like a cat stealthily moves around on soft paws, these regimes subtly exert control over society without drawing too much attention to their oppressive methods.

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In conclusion, the rise of technocratic totalitarianism and neocommunism poses a serious threat to democracy and individual freedom. It is important for citizens to remain vigilant and critical of these ideologies, and to resist any attempts to infringe on their rights and liberties. Only by raising awareness and mobilizing against these authoritarian forces can we hope to preserve the values of democracy and human rights in our society.

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