🔴 Hotter Inflation Chills Stock Market – Ep 874

by | Mar 8, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 41 comments

🔴 Hotter Inflation Chills Stock Market – Ep 874

· The inflation genie is impossible to put back in the bottle.
· CPI and PPI are lagging for a number of reasons.
· Beaten down stocks of 2022 enjoyed a short-lived dead cat bounce in 2023.
· Consumer spending in January surged after a record decline in tax revenue.
· The PCE is the most inaccurate way to measure inflation and it’s no coincidence that it’s also the Fed’s favorite way.
· The progress the Fed claimed to have made against inflation is already lost.
· The inverted yield curve is now even more inverted.

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The stock market has recently been hit by a wave of cold shivers as hotter inflation figures continue to be released. On episode 874 of financial news, experts discussed the potential impact of these numbers on the stock market and what investors should be looking out for.

Inflation refers to the increase in the prices of goods and services over time. When inflation rates rise, the cost of living also increases, which can have an adverse effect on the stock market. This is because higher prices lead to a decrease in consumer spending, which can hurt businesses and their stock prices.

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The hotter inflation in recent months has been attributed to a number of factors, including supply chain disruptions and increased demand for goods and services as the economy reopens. This has led to a surge in prices, particularly in areas such as housing, food, and energy.

One of the main concerns for investors is whether or not the Federal Reserve will take action to combat inflation with higher interest rates. Higher interest rates can have a negative impact on the stock market, as they can lead to decreased spending and a slowdown in economic growth.

However, some experts suggest that the current inflation rates may be transitory and that the market will eventually adjust. They argue that the supply chain disruptions and increased demand are temporary factors that will eventually stabilize, leading to lower inflation rates.

Regardless of whether or not the inflation is transitory, investors should be paying attention to potential market volatility. Stock prices may continue to be affected by inflation rates and other economic indicators, so it is important to stay informed and make smart investment decisions.

In conclusion, hotter inflation has led to a chill in the stock market, with investors watching closely for potential impacts on their portfolios. While the situation may be temporary, it is important to stay informed and make sound investment decisions to weather any potential storms.

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  1. Peter Schiff

    Join my Locals community to get The Peter Schiff Show ad-free and a day early! Plus get access to special live reports and Q&As. Visit https://schiffradio.com/premium/ to become a member.

  2. mark Hicks

    Hotter inflation chills gold!

  3. Banjer Ism

    Your call was wrong because you just can't get past the quantity theory of money.

  4. Victor Lopez

    Great Peter! , now take the next step; in view that politicians are unable to fix the debt and inflation, you should look into the Swiss system of direct democracy (nothing to with California's); the people forced the politicians to reduce the debt in the 80s. Swiss politicians, like American, Canadian, etc., were unable to reduce it. The people collected the required signatures, the issue went to binding referendum. The people decided; Swiss national debt is now 40%, inflation about (lowest among all Western countries). By the way, the Swiss also have really universal health care, and the best in the World. You might like the system is privately financed with premiums; the government supsidises the premiums of those in lower incomes. A good example, that Bernie Sanders will not like, of Capitalism making social measures possible. Without Swiss style direct democracy, democracy can not be fixed.

  5. Jayna Eckert

    Interesting how 2% inflation has been a concern when central banks and the Fed begin to hike interest rates. I consider the rising interest rate to be a very serious issue since it will undoubtedly cause more investors to withdraw their money from the stock market. This may have worked when I was only using a few thousand dollars to invest, but it is more challenging to decide to withdraw more than $365,000 from my account at this point. Despite the severe bear market, I am aware of certain investors that continue to earn that amount. I wish I could accomplish that.

  6. bset days678

    It'd be great to know ways to make the best out of these crashing market, I mean I've heard of people that netted hundreds of thousands during these times, someone I listened to on a podcast earned over $250K in less than a month, what's the strategy?

  7. Eric Prunty

    After a horrendous 2022, shell-stunned financial backers have misfortunes to recover and a lot to consider, as an expansion report and a pile of different information did close to nothing to change assumptions that the Central bank would probably keep climbing interest rates regardless of whether the economy dials back, And that implies more red ink for portfolios for the principal quarter of year 2023. How might I benefit from the ongoing unstable market, I'm currently at a junction choosing if to exchange my $250k security/stock portfolio

  8. sooofisticated

    Joeseph Wang is fantastic.

  9. Roland Ray

    Market declines, soaring inflation, a significant increase in interest rates by the Fed, and rising Treasury yields all point to additional losses for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the present market turbulence? I'm still debating whether to sell my $125,000 ETF/Growth Stock portfolio.

  10. D-Walton

    As recession fears mount on Wall Street and inflation remains well above the Fed's 2% target, some of the top commentators in markets, business, and economics have been sounding off on just how bad they think the next downturn might be — and how far stocks may have to fall. I need ideas and advice on what investments to make to set myself up for retirement, my goal is to have a portfolio of at least $850k at the age of 60.

  11. Googletown

    The problem is the employer. If they can't share and play nice we need to unleash generals on them to get the stolen wealth.

  12. Agent Olshki

    Peter, can you speculate on how different default scenarios might play out. For instance ive been wondering if the US might default in some way where certain countries don't distance themselves from Russia over Ukraine but i dont know what he markets would do There's a split developing, you just mentioned Iraq which I hadn't heard about , but there's a whole load of countries who seem to be moving toward a Russian and Chinese block with lots of energy and raw materials vs a US block printing itself to death. Obviously its a conflict risk but western indebted countries might feel forced to side with the US and sink along with it.

  13. Richard Ventus

    This crisis is driving the economy towards the need for Transpersonal Leadership in all business activity.

  14. Martial Arts

    Wall Street and marker makers only have enough money to pump the 30 companies Dow components stocks. So silly, they don't even have power to pump the whole market, weakness and no cash!

  15. guy

    Yeah solid pass on buying gold/silver.

  16. Ty

    Peters been right about inflation dead wrong on how to protect yourself from it.
    Gold still doing nothing.

  17. steve

    Inflation is producing a slew of problems throughout the world, including food shortages, diesel and heating fuel shortages, and housing prices and financial market crash. This global collapse might end up being a part of us for a very long time. With inflation currently at about 9%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

  18. Clara Lynn

    Year-over-year inflation stood at 6.5% in December 2022—the lowest that figure has been in more than a year. Inflation was in line with what economists expected and gave many of them a reason to believe that the peak of inflation may be behind us. I have approximately $150k stagnant in my port_folio that needs growth. What is the best way to take advantage of this downturn?

  19. Angel Peel-Salazar

    Earnings are an estimate, price is a fact. Learn the charts, look at the charts and know when to get in/out. Schaffer has been wrong as many times as he’s been right

  20. Emily

    I was left holding worthless positions in the market in 2020 because to these market uncertainties, which is why I don't base my market assessments and decisions on rumors and heresays. Before I started noticing any noticeable improvements in my portfolio, I had to fully redesign it with the assistance of an advisor; I've been working with the same advisor and have scaled up to 750k…

  21. Rosa Johnson

    I'm so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. I'm a single mother living in Melbourne Australia, bought my second house in January and hoping to retire next year at 42 if things keep going smoothly for me


    or maybe houses are going up in price (which I can explain)… and that translates to increased pay. with the increased pay, people will pay more for everyday goods.
    try to keep up shiffy.

  23. Harvey Dentist

    Peter you need to do a little more research on the dollar and gold.
    I thought that. I would drop this year too but technically.. the ratio of dollars to debt insist that they have to keep printing more money probably at least three to four times more and it won't be until about in the sixth inning of that probably will people lose confidence with the dolls going to get stronger cuz there's a shortage of dollars to pay off debt

  24. Harvey Dentist

    Wow great Research Data & stats t eeeeeeee o

  25. Rob Williams

    The savings rate vs spending makes sense of the top 20% of income earners saved a ton – skews the number.

  26. Rob Williams

    Rand Paul says it! He wants to cut 1.7% on every program, which would balance the budget in 4 years.

  27. Rob Williams

    Don’t need to raise the debt ceiling to pay the bills – it’s the law that they have to be paid. All it means is that non-essentials get shutdown like Federal Parks but all of the other bills get paid regardless of a debt ceiling or not.

  28. skynetsworld

    Malicious tongues are saying: "Maybe Iraq is using Yuan in order to pay the USA back for the astimated 100000 to 500000 civilians that were murdered as a consequence of an illegal war of aggression that was started by the Americans. What ungreatful bastards those Iraqis are, right?"

  29. Elizabeth Yang

    I make huge profits on my investment since i
    started trading with mrs Madeline Powell, her trading strategies are top notch coupled with the little commission she charges on her trade

  30. Bob Nicole

    Thanks bud for keeping us financially Educated! Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $22,000 every single week.

  31. Bear Market Trader

    “Can you tell us what’s on the table?”-P.Schiff. Spence you’re very fortunate to have a Pops like Peter.

  32. Web Comber

    As the gold train accelerates and the BTC train wreck continues, we can say Peter was right again!

  33. belle8i

    Well, maybe the reason tax revenue went down was because of people losing their jobs to mandates and having to get jobs that are paying less than their previous job. That's what happened to me, so I think f*ck the government. That's karma.

  34. Klaus Karpfen

    Peter Schiff will never understand the difference between bank reserves and "money printing".
    John Titus on his bestevidence channel laid out the difference between inflationary and non-inflationary QE, watch video " QE is the biggest sham ever".

  35. Clark Walter

    I feel one Of the greatest challenges that we first timers face in the ma rket is that we end up losing all we have,making it difficult to find ourselves back to our feet. My biggest advice is to always seek the services of a professional just like I did when I ventured into it for the first time. Big thanks to Hilson Ferguson. I now make huge profits by weekly through her services while still learning to stand on my own.

  36. Ben Ruby

    I like to ask those who blame inflation on greed, why not just print 30 trillion dollars in one day and pay off our national debt all at once? Should be okay if inflation only comes from corporate greed right? Lol then they go silent or call me names.

  37. Gilbert Ovanessian

    Everything is going up from commodities to housing to wages and spending. The only thing that's going down and where I put all my money was the stock market. really screwed

  38. Matt Stevenson

    Central banks and governments will manipulate the media and the statistics to show soft landings, low unemployment, >0 growth, and disinflation.

    The reality is that there are only two outcomes. Massive inflation from central banks saving themselves by more QE or government bankruptcies.

  39. Web Comber

    Love the Peter Schiff show! Continuing to stack gold break off chip bars, while taking massive shorts on BTC!

  40. Menachem Hafter

    Mastering the art of kicking the can further

  41. a bay

    Peter, you are great. Thanks. You won't read this, but maybe some other listeners will? Look. The markets are propped up, and investors can't take it seriously. Honestly, I agree with you about crypto, but in fact, we must look at most stocks in this manner. Proof that the Fed is artificially keeping the markets propped up is the price of gold, and the simple fact that there was less than a 20% correction in the middle of the pandemic. Sure. They should have done that because we would have had even more mass hysteria during the lockdowns, but the reality is that the global stock markets are following the path of fiscal irresponsibility that all central banks have followed. There is absolutely no smart money in the market at this time. Real money has left the market, gone to gold, gone to real estate, and gone tangible commodities. In my opinion, anyone in the market, whether it's national or overseas, is gambling at an everyone loses casino. No, thanks! This beach bum cowboy has realized there's not party on Wall Street any longer, i.e., it has become a mortuary and a place only to hold funerals!

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