How Does A Rental Property Fit In My Retirement Plan? Part II

by | Feb 4, 2023 | Retirement Annuity | 2 comments

Jo has three homes, two of which she is renting for the long term. She plans on retiring soon and she would like to discuss how these real estate investments fit into her retirement strategy.

Original airdate: May 06, 2018 – Hour 1, Call 2.

Wes Moss is the host of MONEY MATTERS – the country’s longest-running live call-in, investment and personal finance radio show – on News 95-5FM and AM 750 WSB.

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A rental property can be a great addition to your retirement plan, but it is important to understand the risks and rewards associated with such an investment. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision about adding a rental property to your retirement portfolio.

1. Understand the Risks. Investing in a rental property comes with a variety of risks, from the potential for tenant damage or financial loss to the potential for capital gains taxes. Be sure to research the local real estate market and understand the potential risks associated with rental properties before investing.

2. Consider Your Finances. Owning a rental property requires a significant investment of both time and money. Make sure you have the financial resources to cover the costs associated with the purchase, maintenance, and management of the property.

3. Research the Market. Take the time to research the local rental market and understand the rental rates, vacancy rates, and other factors that can affect the success of your investment.

4. Consider Your Time. Owning a rental property requires a significant investment of time. Make sure you have the time and energy to manage the property and respond to tenant needs.

5. Consider Your Goals. Owning a rental property can be a great way to supplement your retirement income, but it is important to consider your long-term goals. Do you plan to use the rental income to fund your retirement or to pay for other investments?

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By understanding the risks and rewards associated with a rental property, you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is the right fit for your retirement plan. If you decide that a rental property is the right choice for you, make sure you research the market, understand your finances, and consider your long-term goals.

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  1. T Powell

    I would keep both of the rentals–make sure that at retirement both of those rentals were 100% paid off and sell the house she is currently living in–move into rental 1 which would put me on the same Island with Rental 2….So now I'm retired living in rental 1, and receiving $1700 + $$$ from rental 2 ..I would Use the rental income coupled with IRA funds as a bridge until the social security came, then Perhaps sell rental 2 depending upon how I see it affecting provisional income and future RMD's from the IRA, might be best to keep the rental, and get that IRA account down, since real estate income can lower that AGI real nice, but the IRA does not..

  2. Phil Suarez

    Can I put existing rental property into a retirement plan?

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