How France's retirement system stacks up against pension schemes across Europe

by | Sep 22, 2022 | Retirement Pension | 31 comments

How France's retirement system stacks up against pension schemes across Europe

Amid a nationwide strike over French pension reforms, we look at France’s retirement system and how it compares with that of other European countries. We also find out more about the working conditions and retirement ages of French railway staff. Meanwhile, Huawei sues the United States government, and Japan unveils a new $120 billion stimulus package. 

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  1. Yanni P

    How much is the average pension (Euros) for French people?

  2. Thomas Boyd

    It the 2nd round voting opponent.

  3. M A

    French fck, drink and strike all day. La Belle vie

  4. John D Wilson

    I was at a retirement seminar and the speaker spoke on how he quit his job after he made well over $950,000 PROFIT within 3months he invested $120,000. I just began investing and i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.

  5. bluemountain555

    I was glad and relieved that the Louvre museum was still open on my last day in Paris. The only inconvenience is that I had to walk 50 minutes from my hotel to the Louvre, but that was worth it. It would have been terrible if all the museums and attractions were closed as well which is the case with Coronavirus right now.

  6. Harley Cartley

    i got into stocks by this time 2019 and i made my first million trading with Mrs Sandra Gail Gaines who helps me manage my investment portfolio..her strategies are this time next year, i should be counting my second million…she is popular in the US

  7. Kid Domino

    Germany raised the retirement age to 70. They begrudgingly celebrated.

  8. Peter Palffy

    France is broke.

  9. Katy Out n About

    Ya you have to work night, miss birthdays, new years, etc. But what about doctors? Medical staff? Paramedics and firefighters and police? Plant operators and security officers? They get no special treatment, as far as i know of

  10. Red-one #c pas moi jetait entrain de dormir

    Actually a frenchmen worker is the more productiv than a german or british or english or spain etc french worker made more effort at work

  11. kubra khan

    In Afghanistan no pension without pension working but all are happy

  12. allen vanco

    Why ISIS stop attacking London and France now .!!!
    Any answer from Macron and Johnson .?
    ISIS is a bunch of CIA and Mossad agents .?
    ‪Who's killing British and France people .?
    Why ISIS showing up in the places and times British and France governments wants.?

  13. casamir111

    I must admit, I was expecting more analysis on how the pension scheme in France compared with other European countries – i.e value of the pensions, what states pay etc etc. This literally just compared the retirement age and poverty level to THREE countries… 'Europe' lol

  14. Laura Hayes

    In the UK, a woman, according to my tax office file, they have my retirement age as 67yrs and if I continue to contribute to my pension I would get £168.60 per week / £733.11 a month / £8,797.31 a year. Of course these figures are not guaranteed and are based on the current law and do not include any increase due to inflation.


    Too much problem sncf From France

  16. extranjeroviajero

    compare countries retirement plans against EU employees or UN employees…and they are our employees having better one than us…amazing!!!!!!

  17. maria610421

    National Socialism, making people responsible for other peoples decisions in life, people should havehad the choice to save their own Money and not pay any National Insurance, you become responsible for your own self. The British NHS parts of it is already Privatised, onece up-on a time you could get free eye test, free dental care all of that has been privatised. The rest is up for grabs, so the elderly will have no coverage because their money they paid in National Insurance has already been spent, so they thought they can extend the retirement age, they did it in Spain, and Britain and now France, that is 3 countries, they have no money to pay the people they robbed by deceiving them out of their hard earned money.. Most of the Money was given away under the European Union system, forcing people of other EU member State to pay money to the poorer ones, now the money is gone, hence the eventual collapse of the European Union. All Empires die normally under the weight of its own wickedness, in wars and corruption.

  18. maria610421

    The pension scheme is another ponsy scheme, you pay into it they steal the money , and tax the young to pay for the poverty they create amongst the elderly, so they steal your home, and your savings. Every election is based around Immigration, when they never objected to slavery, so they have a new way to recreate slavery, Minimum wage just enough to keep you alive. With the pensioners they have no way of increasing their pension, so they end up in poverty. What was the TRICK, they never expected people to live as long, so the plan was to ensure you die before you get a pension, thats how you know it was a ponsey scheme, a plot to deceive the public, and blaim immigrants for the plot.

  19. Tristan Phillips

    In Poland – much poorer than France the retirement age has been reduced to 60 years for women and 65 years for men.

  20. darren tay

    This is what happens when you implement socialist like policies.

  21. Brian Lee

    CCP Huawei challenges US Agency for FAIR trading in US. What a BS these Chinese think!

  22. Margot Hilaire

    I am tired of those pesky advertising we have to endure. I will never buy anything from them because they piss me off.

  23. Tim McGrath

    Never stand between a Unionist and money…ooops I mean "conditions"

  24. Morven Richardson

    It will crumble when the African CFA is not supporting France


    All EU working till 70 yr for ?
    No working imigrants ?
    Give more benefits for imigrants and we have to work till 100 yr

  26. Nafets

    if the ave lifespan increases, I guess the retirement should be increase

  27. Yacine

    Exactly why we should push youth towards self employment. No job, no working like a slave until you’re 67. Be your own boss.

  28. Peter Wang

    Even eco printing money is not enough.

  29. Juan Starnotip

    As long as you don't follow in the footsteps of the American retirement system, France will be fine.

  30. Mariz Valdez

    Ooouucchh. 62, 65, 67 retirement age…. I thought Philippines is so unfair coz here retirement age is 60 years old for us that's too old…. But thanks to our pres duterte he sign the new retirement age to 56 so that we enjoy our pension at same time he push for health care specially to the elder

  31. dosia1 boby

    they destroying middle class-empowering refugee

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