How I Outperformed my Husband’s 401K with my Self Directed IRA by Adding More Money

by | Sep 25, 2023 | Self Directed IRA

Did you know April was Financial Literacy month?

In celebration, I sit down with my husband to talk about how I used $5,000 from a self-directed IRA, and in 4 years made more money than his 401 K by investing in real estate.

Find out how I did this in this short video!

If you want to learn how to do this, sign up for my online course:

Maximize Your Retirement Funds through Real Estate Investing with a Self-Directed IRA:

This course was designed to help you:

Discover how to make the most of your money with a 401K vs a Self Directed IRA. Perfect for those looking to invest in real estate and get more returns on their investments. Get the knowledge you need to make smarter investments and keep more of your money.
In this course, you will learn:

1. Learn how to maximize your returns with a 401K vs a Self-Directed IRA.

2. Gain the knowledge and confidence to invest in real estate and get the most out of your investments.

3. Secure your financial future with the right investments and keep more of your money.

Start investing smarter and keep more of your money with this online course!

PS – use the coupon code: APRIL to get a $200 of of the course, expires April 30, 2023…(read more)




REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA

How I Added More Money to My Self-Directed IRA Than My Husband’s 401(k)!

When it comes to retirement savings, there are various options available depending on a person’s employment status and financial goals. For years, my husband and I had been diligently contributing to our respective retirement plans – he had a 401(k) through his employer while I opted for a self-directed Individual retirement account (IRA). Recently, I discovered that my self-directed IRA had yielded me a greater return than my husband’s 401(k), which ultimately resulted in more money for my retirement. Here’s how I managed to achieve this feat.

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One of the primary advantages of a self-directed IRA is the flexibility it offers in terms of investment choices. While a traditional 401(k) typically limits your investment options to a selection of mutual funds or company stocks, a self-directed IRA allows you to invest in a wider range of assets, including real estate, private businesses, precious metals, and more. This expanded scope of investment opportunities was crucial in my quest to grow my retirement funds.

Firstly, I began by diversifying my investments within my self-directed IRA. Instead of solely relying on traditional stocks and bonds like my husband’s 401(k), I took advantage of the flexibility provided by my IRA and ventured into alternative investment options. I carefully researched and invested in rental properties, which provided me with a consistent stream of rental income and the potential for appreciation over time. Additionally, I explored private lending opportunities, allowing me to earn interest on loans provided to borrowers.

Furthermore, I allocated a portion of my self-directed IRA to precious metals, such as gold and silver. As the global economy faced uncertainties, these alternative assets acted as a hedge against inflation and market volatility. The steady increase in their values contributed significantly to the growth of my retirement savings, giving me an edge in comparison to my husband’s limited investment options.

Another advantage of a self-directed IRA is the ability to leverage expert advice and guidance in non-traditional investments. I sought the assistance of knowledgeable professionals who specialized in the specific assets I had chosen. Their expertise proved invaluable in identifying lucrative opportunities and avoiding potential pitfalls. Utilizing their insights, I made informed decisions that ultimately led to increased returns.

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In addition to maximizing my investment potential, I also took advantage of other features offered by a self-directed IRA. For instance, I strategically converted a portion of my traditional IRA into a Roth IRA. By doing so, I benefited from potential tax-free growth and tax-free withdrawals in retirement. This conversion option is not available with a 401(k), giving my self-directed IRA an added advantage in terms of tax planning and future financial security.

It is important to note that a self-directed IRA requires careful consideration and understanding of risks associated with alternative investments. As with any investment, there are inherent risks, and thorough due diligence is necessary to make informed decisions. It is essential to consult with professionals and conduct thorough research before venturing into unfamiliar territory.

In conclusion, my self-directed IRA has proven to be a lucrative vehicle for retirement savings, surpassing my husband’s contributions to his 401(k). The flexibility to diversify my investments across various asset classes, coupled with expert advice, has allowed me to generate greater returns on my retirement funds. While a self-directed IRA may not be suitable for everyone, it offers a unique opportunity to maximize investment potential and achieve financial security in retirement.

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