How Long Do I Have to Be Married to Get Alimony?

by | Mar 16, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 8 comments

How Long Do I Have to Be Married to Get Alimony?

When divorcing, most people are concerned about their financial well-being. One of the most common questions is will they have to pay alimony or can they receive alimony if they had a short marriage. This video discusses that issue.

Referenced in the video:
Definition of alimony and the 17 factors the court must consider:
(read more)




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Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a legal obligation where one party provides financial support to the other after a divorce or separation. It is designed to help the dependent spouse maintain the standard of living they had during the marriage. Many people wonder how long they need to be married to receive alimony. The answer to that question is not simple, as several factors can influence whether or not alimony will be granted.

In general, the longer a marriage lasts, the more likely it is that alimony will be granted. However, the length of the marriage is not the only factor considered when awarding alimony. Other factors that influence the award of alimony include the income and earning potential of both parties, their age and health, and whether there are children involved.

The duration of the marriage is considered an essential factor when it comes to alimony. While some states do not have specific laws regarding the minimum length of marriages to qualify for alimony, others do. For example, in some states, a marriage that lasts less than ten years is considered a short-term marriage, and alimony is typically not granted unless there are extraordinary circumstances.

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However, in states with no specific laws regarding the duration of marriages, the length of the marriage is just one of several factors considered when awarding alimony. For example, in determining the amount and duration of alimony payments, the court will consider the lifestyle the spouses had during the marriage, the earning potential of both parties, and the financial needs of the recipient spouse.

In some cases, the length of the marriage may not even factor into the award of alimony. The court may award alimony to a spouse who was not working throughout the marriage, even if the marriage was relatively short. This is because the law recognizes that one spouse may have given up their career to support the family, and that they may not have the same earning potential as their partner after the divorce.

In conclusion, the duration of a marriage is just one of several factors considered when awarding alimony. While longer marriages are more likely to result in alimony payments, it is possible for short-term marriages to result in alimony if the circumstances warrant it. The best way to determine whether or not you are entitled to alimony is to consult with an experienced family law attorney who can evaluate your individual circumstances and advise you on your legal options.

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  1. The Sage

    I thought an alimony was for protection so one spouse couldn't take anything from the other if something happened.. please correct me if I'm wrong

  2. Ashley Bell

    If my husband just up and moved to Atl and we have year lease can I get alimony? I found out he got a girl pregnant and didn’t want to tell me

  3. Black Mann

    What about the women Illinois on section 8 do I have to pay? Married 10 months.

  4. Sophisticated Sophisticated

    How about when u had been separated for a long time and decided to get divorce can you ask for alimony?

  5. Afsheen I

    I am married to my wife for seven months only, the day I got married next day I was out of work. I dont own anything not even my car, I really dont have any incom or savings, I am living off my father and my dad been supporting me and my wife. Now my wife moved back to her mother's house. The only thing I have is my car which is on monthly payments and i use it for work.
    So what are my options / what should I do. I have zero $ in savings.

  6. maria reese

    I would like to know I'm going through a divorce and I've been married for 3 years but I'm on disability and I'm able to receive spousal support he don't help me he don't do anything for me I get jobs side jobs every now and then just to help support myself what shall I do or what can I do

  7. Putler

    End alimony.

  8. Maripaz Corbett

    Good afternoon I'm married for 16yrs. And I got disabled 10 years now we had divorce n went to. Mediation the mediator decision 5 yrs.alimony for $1000 knowing I am disabled ifeel like I was played.

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