How Much Income DO You Need in Retirement Not Even Close To What You've Been Led To Believe

by | Nov 18, 2022 | Pers Retirement | 22 comments

How Much Income DO You Need in Retirement  Not Even Close To What You've Been Led To Believe

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  1. TheOtherMike

    Jesus said that money is the god of this world. How true.

  2. Patricia Rocero

    Retired when I realized my husband and I would live well on what we have. Even able to give tithe and offerings at a higher level than when we were working!

  3. ehulbert5

    You mean retire and live in this Kleptocracy.

  4. Ergin Artesia

    So in the spirit of “put your money where your mouth is…” I looked up AON’s benefits for employees (in Google) and this is what I got:

    Benefits Summary for AON Corporation
    Life Insurance.
    Health Insurance.
    Dental Insurance.
    Long-term Disability Insurance.
    Vision Insurance.
    Prepaid Legal.

    I don’t see any pension benefits in that list, do you?
    ——- well if that wasn’t enough .. I then looked to see what they say about 401k …
    What is Aon 401K match?
    Aon 401K Plan

    Something like same dollar match up to 4%, then 50% match for the next 6%, so it comes out to 7% match overall. May 3, 2022. 3.0. Former Employee. able to manage your own portfolio, company matching up to 7%

  5. Peter Ramsay

    ‘’Courage taught me no matter how bad a crisis gets … any sound investment will eventually pay off."

  6. Joe the Computerguy

    Shhhhhh!! Everyone gotta keep working, feeding the machine, so I can collect my SS benefits in another 5 years at 62. Retired at 52 baby and really enjoying life! It pays to know exactly what you spend each month.

  7. Ken John

    No mention that a major part of retirement income is SSA. If you OWN your own house and cars. SSA will pay for the basics with savings paying for fun.

  8. Jermaine Stewart

    What's the pre-retirement income of the typical American?

  9. Marc P

    Our combined income working is $110k. But our expenses with no debt is currently $2900. When we retire our expenses will go up to about $3250 including retirement healthcare.

    Everyone is different but in our case our replacement rate is 35%.

  10. Joseph J

    C'mon man? Josh, tell us how u really feel?

  11. Joseph J

    You wud better off in Sodom a d Gomorrah? Wow! That's pretty bad!

  12. Nick Andrews

    Despite the economic downturn,I'm so happy☺️. I have been earning $ 60,200 returns from my $7,000 investment every 13days.

  13. I-Post M

    Spot on – Farragut North station is on the Red Line. (And, just across Farragut Park is Farragut West station with Orange, Blue and now Silver Lines.)

  14. Josef Kurtz

    Everybody talks about which stocks to invest in; few talk about how to: Make the best investment plan possible, Take risk management seriously, Keep emotions in check on the market..

  15. Matthew Lockhart

    Great information, Josh! Glad you're calling out these people and organizations.

  16. Jeff Sutthoff

    $100000000000000 after inflation

  17. john Mule

    This an excellent and useful breakdown. My personal situation was very similar to your example. The Wall Street crooks prey upon older folks with this B.S. because they think they can deceive you easily. A little knowledge and research (and personal experience…) exposes their lies but they will never stop trying.

  18. YorkPa

    Great video Josh, so True!!!

  19. Laura

    I'm done sitting tight for the award advance since i acquire$23,000 every 12 days of my investment.

  20. Todd Hallam

    Totally agree! I just need to replace my take home pay less Roth contributions. I can retire on $5k a month but will likely have $7k a month. Life is good.

  21. Donald Konrad

    The wife and myself have combined income over $300k. We save and invest over 30% and aggressively paid off all our debit. After getting hit hard with taxes(if you make more money you must be punished) we live like kings on around 20% of our income. We will both retire early Jan. 1 and not have to decrease our life style at all, so why would I need 85% ?

  22. Ja Bow

    We are doing amazing on one low average SS, a military pension and the stash we accumulated our last five years of working (retired 10 years ago). Being out of debt is key. Having fully launched kids , with children of their own, is a pleasure.
    We are moving from gogo years of expensive trips in hotels into a travel trailer for our slow go years. Built our accessible home. That is the last of our fun money stash. Next year we start my low average SS and some tiny pensions. Our house will pay for long term care in the future.Looks pretty good to me.We never had a million in savings. Ever.

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