How RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions) Actually Affect Your TSP

by | Oct 22, 2022 | Thrift Savings Plan | 14 comments

How RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions) Actually Affect Your TSP

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  1. Kathy Price

    When you begin to withdraw the RMDs at age 72, does the balance of your account "lock in" or will the balance continue to grow?

  2. Judy Honold

    Thank you for this information.

  3. Ergin Artesia

    Here is my QUESTION: Let’s pretend I have to take out $20k RMD from my TSP. Let’s also say 50% of my $ is in traditional and 50% is Roth. If I take out $10k from traditional and $10k from Roth, does that mean I only pay 50% taxes on that RMD for that year?

    If that is true, I see how having a good chunk of $ in Roth TSP could be a huge strategic tool for RMDs.. because the ROTH part of the distrubtion is not part of IRMAA, correct?

  4. B. Williams

    Wouldn’t there be a double tax hit leaving traditional tsp and moving it into a Roth IRA.?

  5. Personal and Investment 1

    Can you talk about the tsp retirement age requirement being pushed up for federal employees?

  6. david Parker

    best info ever! his info should be distributed to all fed employees I was with usps andw would have loved this

  7. Robert Miller

    Great topic, thanks

  8. Reidlos Cidem

    Love this guy. Hitting topics that people are freaking out about.

  9. Thomas Richardson

    I have one question. I turned 70 last December. When do I need to start withdrawing the minimum money from my TSP?

  10. Melissa Scheller

    More proof of our eroding freedoms! The Government dictating what we will do with our own money.

  11. Robin Roberts

    I didn’t understand the statement about not drawing down from TSP first will help RMDs. It seems like it would be the opposite. Drawing down from your TSP first would reduce the RMD since your TSP balance would be less by the time you are 72. I’m 66 now withdrawing from TSP now since I retired at 63.

  12. Daniel Just Daniel

    So after you are forced to take the RMD if you dont need it were can you put it to get the most out of it for when you do need it?

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