How These Dangerous Trucks Pose a Serious Threat to Public Safety

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 49 comments

How These Dangerous Trucks Pose a Serious Threat to Public Safety

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Engineers, planners, politicians, and advocates all around the world are trying to improve their cities and build more great walkable places with viable alternatives to driving. But there’s a looming trend that could undo all of that hard work: the growth of SUVs and light trucks.

This could all be solved if these pathetic suburbanites could just buy small cars, station wagons, or minivans instead.


NJB Live (my bicycle livestream channel):

Script by Nicole Conlan and Jason Slaughter

References and Further Reading

Tell Automakers: Fix front-end blind zones – Consumer Reports Petition

CityNerd: Problems with Pickup Trucks (Nebula)

New Car Assessment Program

SUVs, pickup trucks more likely to hit pedestrians than cars, study finds

The Ultimate List of Driving Statistics for 2023

All history (including auto industry research of SUV buyers) is from:
High and Mighty: SUVs-the World’s Most Dangerous Vehicles and How They Got That Way
Keith Bradsher
[ISBN 9781586481230]

Trucks And SUVs Are Now Over 80 Percent Of New Car Sales In The U.S.

Mindgames on wheels – How advertising sold false promises of safety and superiority with SUVs

Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 1997 (modified)

Sherman tank by Nyttend – Own work, Public Domain

Global SUV sales set another record in 2021, setting back efforts to reduce emissions

Kids and Cars

Experiment involving SUV reveals hidden danger for small children

SUVs second biggest cause of emissions rise, figures reveal

U.S. Pedestrian Fatalities Rise, While European Pedestrian Fatalities Fall

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Cyclist and Pedestrian Deaths Skyrocket in 2018 as Motorists Stay Safe

Why are US drivers killing so many pedestrians?

National Survey on Distracted Driving Attitudes and Behaviors

The Car Cushion Hypothesis: Bigger Cars Lead to More Risk Taking—Evidence from Behavioural Data

You Don’t Need A Full-Size Pickup Truck, You Need a Cowboy Costume

City drivers ‘should think twice’ before buying SUVs

Pickup Trucks – From Workhorse to Joyride

Transportation Alternatives – The Problem with Bigger Cars

Unlicensed Driver Is Charged in Death of Baby in Stroller

Tyre Extinguishers


European new car market starts 2021 with record market share for SUVs

Safety consequences of vehicle size & weight

This video contains content licensed from Getty Images…(read more)




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Title: “These Stupid Trucks are Literally Killing Us”


Trucks play an essential role in the global economy, transporting goods and delivering products across vast distances. However, amidst their undeniable utility, serious concerns have emerged about the safety hazards they pose on our roads. It is no exaggeration to say that these “stupid trucks” are costing lives. From accidents and pollution to infrastructure wear and tear, the negative consequences of heavy-duty trucks are becoming increasingly apparent.

Accidents: A Grave Concern

The sheer size and weight of trucks make them formidable road users, often causing devastating accidents. According to global statistics, truck-involved accidents result in over 4,000 deaths annually in the United States alone. These incidents impact not only the lives of the victims and their families but also society as a whole. An effective solution to mitigate truck-related accidents should be a top priority for policymakers and stakeholders.

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Driver Fatigue and Safety Regulation

One significant factor contributing to truck accidents is driver fatigue. Long hours on the road, tight schedules, and demanding delivery quotas can result in exhausted drivers who pose a risk to themselves and others. Improving safety regulations to strictly limit driving hours and implement regular rest intervals for truck drivers can minimize the prevalence of driver fatigue and, subsequently, decrease accidents caused by this issue.

Environmental Impact

Beyond the immediate danger they present on our roads, trucks also contribute significantly to environmental degradation. Diesel-powered trucks annually emit millions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. Moreover, they release pollutants harmful to human health, such as nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter. To tackle this issue, embracing sustainable technology alternatives, such as electric or hybrid trucks, can significantly reduce the environmental impact of trucking.

Road Infrastructure Woes

Heavy-duty trucks put considerable strain on road infrastructure, causing accelerated wear and tear. This results in increased maintenance costs for governments and taxpayers, as well as traffic disruptions due to necessary repairs. To address this issue effectively, policymakers should explore innovative solutions, such as weight restrictions, regular infrastructure assessments, and investing in road infrastructure improvement projects that are designed to bear the burden of heavy truck traffic.


The impact of heavy-duty trucks on public safety, the environment, and road infrastructure cannot be underestimated. From accidents and pollution to the financial burden on governments and taxpayers, these issues call for immediate attention. While trucks are a necessary part of our economy, it is essential to implement stringent safety regulations, prioritize driver well-being, and actively seek sustainable alternatives to curb the negative consequences associated with trucking. By acknowledging and addressing these concerns, we can work towards a future where the benefits of trucks are not overshadowed by the tragic costs they inflict upon ourselves and our communities.

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  1. Seija

    I find it scary that there are truck fronts taller than me. There are alot of them too.
    Tall fronts but small backs. Looks badass, but can't actually hold anything.(sounds alot like the big arms but small legs argument)

  2. Paige Resch

    Great video! Another reason you don't need a truck: do you know how CHEAP it is to rent a U-Haul? the trailers cost peanuts and even the vans are SO much cheaper than buying a giant car and driving it around all year just to haul something once in a while.

  3. hodgesm78

    Thanks! Lol. You got me. I am one of those guys who bought a Truck and I mostly just drive around town running errands. Fortunately thanks to my job I am pretty much never on the road with my 4×4 Tundra, but after owning it for a few years now, I realized how ridiculous that decision was considering I almost NEVER take it off-road or tow much if at all. I’m a big guy, like 6’3” 260 so I felt that I needed a vehicle with the leg room and size that was a reflection of me around other cars on the road. Looking back I see now how ridiculous my purchase was considering the horrific gas Mileage I get in that beast.

  4. Charlie ND

    Thanks! Now I can't help but think about this video whenever I see a pickup truck or SUV commercial (which are way too prominent these days).

  5. Louis Portay

    Thanks a lot, I posted earlier a comment about adding french subtitles to the video, are you interested ?

  6. terrykilo951

    Retired truck driver here. Spent 35 years on the road driving a semi with a hood the size of a dinner table to look over, but I found it harder to drive and see over the hood of my HD GMC pick up. Finally ditched it and bought a station wagon (Ford Flex). Yes I am a baby boomer. This video isn't saying anything new and I agree with the tone of it.

  7. Ping Pong

    Had to join the comment trend

  8. redsslt1

    Thanks! I wish everybody watched this.

  9. Narconic


  10. Robby Kelley

    Thanks! You are a hero. I never thought I’d hear someone say this so confidently and clearly. You are saving lives. I’m a cyclist and every day I am almost hit by vehicles, but you made me realize that vans and SUVs are the most frequent. Please keep following your strong ideals, and I will too! Thank you.

  11. Dana Maloney

    More people need to see this video.

  12. Louis Weisz

    Not-so-hot-take: if you’re buying a double cab short bed pickup, you’re a poser who should be buying a different car

  13. Louis Weisz

    I’m about to buy a new car and need more space to carry builds & materials. It SUCKS that my only decent US options are suv’s and pickups.

  14. Kevin

    truck drivers are the most craziest and dangerous drivers on the road. they most likely to own a gun and are against immigrants. trucks are weapons and use by those who are dangerous to society. car corporations are cashing this madness as much as they can and government are silent (like always) since it's getting the fair share of this cash cow. all other drivers on the road and pedestrians and cyclist now are in danger of these truck drivers going around and making every city a hell for everyone.I hope they get banned soon from every city in Canada.

  15. Pascal Gienger

    Thank you! I am in the middle of that hell. People in New York City buying those trucks leading to more and more one way streets because "cars get bigger and the public wants it so" *sigh*.

    They could triple the tolls for bridges and tunnels for trucks and SUVs but it seems they do not have the balls for it.

    As a small feature, at least airport parking garages have "COMPACT CAR ONLY" car park slots which are always exactly at the terminal and always available. Which raises the question why public transit to airports is so bad…… 🙁

  16. Hex Studios

    As someone who lives in the rural south, I'll admit, I came into this video thinking I was going to disagree, but I gave it a shot and I am inclined to agree with a lot of what you have to say.

    I drive a rear-wheel V6 1998 Dodge Dakota SLT crew cab (the one with only two doors, but still has a small bench seat in the back). It's MUCH smaller than all these huge trucks around me, but my truck bed is nearly double the size. It's longer, and even wider, while the truck itself is very slim, and not even as long as new trucks with their extended cabs. I even have back seats (it only fits short people or children, but they're still there, right?) I also do not daily drive this truck very often. I drive a compact little dodge dart. My truck gets used for truck things like hauling animal feed and material for our construction projects around the farm. It's beaten up, scratched, paint peeling. But I am comfortable driving this thing into the city because it's HALF THE SIZE of a modern SUV or pickup. (I also daily a 1985 Honda Rebel 250 when it's not raining and I just need to run somewhere and not haul anything). Even here, parking lots are riddled with oversized SUV's and truck that jut out and make it impossible to navigate.

    I live in a rural area mostly by choice, but also the lower overall price of homes and far better privacy. As such, I do a LOT of driving, I mean the nearest walmart is a nearly 18 minute drive. I love cars, I am a major enthusiast, but I hate SUVs and these oversized trucks that absolutely nobody needs, and these people are paying half their mortgage for. Don't even get me started on the pandemic of bright white LED headlights on theses tall SUVs. Its impossible to drive at night without being blinded by an SUV because they are so much higher off the ground.

    I hate the sprawl of urban cities and the insurgence of ugly expensive subdivisions, and I will always prefer to live in the backwoods country, but that being said, I see the appeal of city life, and I know some prefer that lifestyle and want to be able to do so safely and effectively. I agree that cities need far better infrastructure for public transport, etc.

    Thank you for the informative video.

    (Side note: one of my dream cars has always been an old boxy volvo wagon lol)

  17. Sidarth Dasari

    Thanks for helping kickstart a movement

  18. Kalvin Chester

    I was about to mention how that I worked for a hotel who used a vehicle similar to these to help get passengers and cargo from the airport and to the hotel. Then we had to use a Jeep trailhawk, and there was not as much space compared to the usual vehicle which was getting repaired after an accident.

    I was about to mention things… before remembering the usual vehicle is a van and not an suv

  19. sealand000

    American exceptionalism. Assault vehicles to go with assault rifles.

  20. Eric Sell

    "They are basically pickup trucks with a long roof". Here in NZ where I have lived the last 6yrs, they're called "Utes with Boots" (Ute = Utility…pickup; Boot = Trunk).

    Also, I have been expat from the States for almost 10 years, and every time I see an American pickup I am SHOCKED by how huge they are…I mean, they nearly require a Commercial Driver License they're so large.

  21. Immortalcheese

    I've been saying these exact things for years. This video is one of the best out there that summarizes the entire point.

  22. Oh Hi

    I hope a Ford employee sees this

  23. ReCycle Spinning

    The car industry only cares about profit. It could care less about our environment or health. Imagine a product that is sold in the millions of units each year , and everyday you use it, it continually pollutes.
    It controls our economy and jobs to a high degree, it's definitely socialistic in nature because we all contribute to roads that are built for this one product. Yes, it is a "product "…

  24. ReCycle Spinning

    You should only be allowed to buy a truck if it's necessary for your job.

  25. Isaac

    You have radicalized me so much and I love it, I hope in my life time I can see the US switch to more walkable cities.

  26. ErikVomMars

    Yesterday I almost crashed into another cyclist because we couldn't see each other because of a gigantic car between us

  27. Vedran Trava

    Damn, you actually opened my eyes and changed my mind about SUVs

  28. Lisa Dobbie

    CO2 problem in transportation don't need EV's. Just get rid of all the gas hogs, and drive fuel efficient cars.

  29. jonrellim

    DHL kangoo driver here. those vans can fit a lot more than you realize lol. We often have to tell collegue drivers how to properly load them, at which point they're surprised about how much they can carry.

  30. James Russell

    This just filled me with such anger yesterday. I primarily transit by bicycle for work even though I live in US suburbs, the danger and harassment one is subjected to is staggering enough. Seeing that experiment with these truckers driving over those fake animals, I really do not know how to comprehend such ignorance and cruelty. And all of it with relative impunity. It just breaks my heart, how much we debase ourselves for these motor and energy companies.

  31. Tranquilsea

    We know someone who's 4 year old child was killed in a crosswalk. They were walking as a family and their daughter was walking just behind the dad. The SUV thought everyone was through the crosswalk and drove right over the child and killed her. She didn't see her. It's absolutely heartbreaking.

  32. Ian Krohn

    As a person who works in the trades and actually needs his truck for work, the amount of accountants buying trucks blows my mind. Less trucks on the road is a good thing

  33. Luke Boyle

    When you succeed to the level of car companies in America it’s bc you dodged regulations

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