by | Oct 15, 2022 | TIPS Bonds | 32 comments



Watch this video to figure out how to bond your rabbits in less than one week!!!

But still just remember even though this method has worked for me and lots, lots of other rabbits, still you have to remember all rabbit are diffrent and it may be a bit longer but thats because all rabbits are diffrent and have diffrent personalities! (: Enjoy the video (:

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Extra video — Cute Rabbit

Previous video —We BOTH pranked each other at the SAME TIME **bad idea** **gets MAD** —

Intro video — OUR NEW INTRO VIDEO :0



We BOTH pranked each other at the SAME TIME **bad idea** **gets MAD** —

OUR RABBITS FIGHTED (prank on SISTER) **gets intense** —


#bond #bunnylove #bunny #rabbit #bondingbunnies #funny #rabbit #crazy #rabbitbonding #bonding #rabbitlove #bonded #bondedrabbits #supprised #fast #love #cute #happy #sad #lovebunny #loverabbit #bunnies #rabbits #fastbond…(read more)

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  1. Addy

    Mine are fighting, idk what to do

  2. Holly Smyth

    I just got two rescue bunnies yesterday and they’re both females and spayed so I was trying to bond them but I had no idea what to do because I was worried I might do something wrong and one would get injured so I have them living separately in a cage and a carrier bc I’ve no neutral rooms but I don’t know what to do because they both seem really sad and I’ve tried putting them both in a small area but the second they seen eachother they started fighting and pulling hair and hitting eachother. What should I do I need help urgently!!!

  3. BeautifulStar


    Please i want to ask you something about my bunnies
    My English not good I hope you understand me , i have 5 rabbits -3 boys 2 girls-( sterilization )
    I have 2 rabbits with obsessive eyes (( boy and girl )), i really feel sad because i know it’s a very bad habit , what do i do to get rid of obsessive? Please tell me

    Also have another rabbit that started biting my other rabbit eyes , but she no obsessive with eyes, is it dangerous? (( another girl ))

    But i isolated her because i was afraid that she would hurt him in the eyes

    It’s because the females are not together ?
    Is biting the eyes dangerous of rabbits?

    They are my rabbits :
    Kentaru and Eva= obsessive eyes (( boy and girl)) and they are couples alone
    Dante and Nene = Nene started biting Dante eyes (( girl and boy )) and they are couples alone
    Dante and Oliver = they are good together but Nene hates Oliver (( boys ))

    I want a solution of the problem of biting the eyes I want to make my bunnies together but biting the eyes scared me

  4. Arushi

    I recently rescued a female bunny who is younger and i already had male older and big bunny..
    Now the thing is old bun is just so big that it easily captures small one under him and i can't understand if it's fight or bonding as the big bun grabs her hairs in his mouth.. what's that please explain how to bond them

  5. Abbygail T.

    Thank you for this video!! Started on Tuesday, now it's Saturday and they're officially bonded! ❤

  6. Emi C

    I want to try this, but I legit don't think I can do 24hrs, I would be so exhausted

  7. Samantha Raymond

    what do i do if I have to bond them in the place they are permanently going to live in?

  8. Annabelle2012

    will this meathod work whith my male mini french lop and my new mini french lop who i got yesterday

  9. Annabelle2012

    ill try this method im sure it will work

  10. Annabelle2012

    thanks for the tips

  11. Faith Bradley

    I may be getting another female bunny named Snowdrop (the owner's looking to rehome her in a few months) and she's my bunny's auntie!! I am getting my bunny spayed beforehand, but I am really hoping my dad says yes

  12. Black cat_hoodies

    Mine are a boy and girl and neither are fixed,how do i bond them?

  13. Evy Pineda

    I want my bunnies to mate .. one is 3 months ( male) ans 7 weeks the female.. today I put them in a neutral space and no aggression now for a few hours . They are babies so maybe it’s easier ??

  14. Nancy Baranowski

    Question & advice please: my bunnies had a baby bond that broke they’re two males. They became mature and a tornado occurred. One also backward mounted the other and his Genital got bit. I separated them straight away. They were both neutered 24/11. Im planning to rebond them soon but they still show signs of aggression towards each other through the cage, even though they’re side by side. It’s so sad 🙁 I have to free roam one at a time a few times a day. The other one senses the other out and he gets mad even though I cover his cage. one of my bunnies always trying to fight the other and be dominant. Will this method work on Them? I will try this method. Thankyou ! Xx

  15. Sup Its Syd

    I sadly have to work and have no other help to 24/7 bond. I'm hoping to find someone that can bond for me or find another alternative <3

  16. Pink Sylveon

    I want to to attempt this but can I ask a few questions.
    -So how exactly do you fed the buns? Eg if you scatter pellets in how’d you prevent one bun eating more than the other?
    – do I put a separation grid in with the rabbits at night to prevent fighting (as it’s only me bonding them) or do I put them in there own cages at night? As if I fall asleep I’m afraid in case they fight :s.

  17. K4I

    I have two bunnies, one I just adopted today, and the other one that I have had for almost a year. They try to attack eachother even through bars, so I will definitely be trying this!

  18. Alex’sCritterCare 13

    I swear by this! Thank you so much! My bunnies are FINALLY bonded

  19. Blahcub

    The editing is annoying

  20. Yaya

    Heyy my big bunny is 6 month and my new bunny is 2 month. My big bunny always want to bite the small one so how to bond them? I think My big bunny had anger issues. Anyway please help meee

  21. Milly Gell

    I would try this but I can’t watch them all day because of school so I’m a bit stuck any other way so could try?

  22. RavenwoodFarms

    Do you think bonding could work if one bunny is 8 weeks old and the other is 1 year and neutered? We rescued a rabbit and were hoping to start the bonding process but obviously nowhere near the age for neutering/spaying the other. I'm wondering it the rescue bunny being so young might be at an advantage as their hormones wouldn't be as strong yet?

  23. Emily Peisner

    Hi there! I hope it isn’t to late to comment and I hope you get back to me!! I am definitely going to do this method but I am a little confused on how you sleep or what you do at night lol. So do you get little increments of sleep or do you pull an all nighter and maybe sleep a little during the day. I’m very confused lol.

  24. Jillian Zoerman

    This was a very helpful video! I do have one question tho. I know you are supposed to wait at least 30 days after your bun is fixed to introduce a new rabbit. However, like you said I want to start with two separate pens next to each other so it’s not such a shock. Does that mean I don’t have to wait the 30 days if they will both be separated at first? The new bun will already be fixed.

  25. crabby

    Hello! I’m planning to try this since i almost have summer break but my older bunny( she’s 5) is sometimes aggressive. Do you have any suggestions on what i should do?

  26. Makenna Stone

    I think I'll try this method. I'll see if I can get a week off of work to do it

  27. Its Olivia

    I loved when you said “you will need an electronic so you can watch bunny love”
    Btw new sub!

  28. Giana Go

    i need help…. my rabbit is 2 years old and she is VERY big and i will buy a small little bunny and i'm scared they might get hurt when they bond from how small and big they are?

  29. Eloni Jackson

    Hi,amazing video. It will definitely work. The thing is my parents wont let me do it anywhere is the house and the garage is not neutral. Can i clean it anyway?

  30. Alex’sCritterCare 13

    Hiiiii. So I bonded my bunnies they’ve almost been bonded for 2 months and I can’t complain about the whole thing it was actually kind of smooth! My older bunny hurt his foot I think the younger one might have hurt him on accident because she’s young and energetic. Because he wasn’t feeling well I separated him till he was better which was a week. I tried to put him back yesterday and they were so happy to see each other! But then my girl humped him because she’s always been the more dominant one but when she did they got in a big fight. They’ve never ever ever had a fight before! This makes me so sad 🙁 what do I do? The fact that they had there first bad fight concerns me

  31. Diary of a Derpy Dog

    Both of my buns bow their heads towards each other for grooming but neither participates for the other to be cleaned. What does this mean and how do i make them groom each other? ( I have 2 bunnies which are both unspayed females who have an age gap, my first one is 2 yrs old while my new one is a baby of only 1 month old and I'm not sure she gets what is going on…please help 🙂

  32. Karen Turpin

    This is so helpful omg

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