How to Profit From Massive Inflation Ahead | Jason Hartman Explains Building Wealth During Inflation

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 37 comments

How to Profit From Massive Inflation Ahead | Jason Hartman Explains Building Wealth During Inflation

Jason Hartman explains how to profit from the massive inflation ahead that will result from the government’s plan to inflate away the national debt.

0:00 Introduction
3:54 The Cantillon Effect
5:00 Massive money printing in 2020
8:34 6 ways government can get out of debt
14:02 Real vs nominal inflation
15:10 Inflation transfers wealth to borrowers
17:35 Good debt vs bad debt
19:22 Ways government manipulates inflation numbers
21:36 Why government lies about inflation
23:08 Velocity of money argument
26:39 Using debt to create wealth
33:19 Leverage multiplies returns
34:36 Interest rates are lowest in 5,000 years
36:08 Investing vs. speculating
39:35 Governments will try to inflate away debt


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REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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Inflation has always been a potential threat to the global economy, but it seems more relevant than ever with the current financial uncertainty brought on by the pandemic. As prices continue to increase, more people are looking for ways to protect their wealth and possibly even profit from the situation.

Real estate investment expert Jason Hartman has some tips on how to build wealth during inflation. Here are some of his insights.

Invest in Real Estate

Real estate is one of the few assets that can provide protection against inflation. When it comes to real estate, there are two main advantages: appreciation and leverage. Property values typically rise over time, and this appreciation can help you build wealth. Additionally, buying real estate often involves borrowing money, allowing the investor to take advantage of leverage. As inflation increases, the cost of borrowed money decreases, making real estate investments more profitable.

Invest in Income-Producing Properties

One way to hedge against inflation is by investing in income-producing properties, such as rental homes, apartments, and commercial buildings. These properties generate cash flow, which can help offset the effects of inflation. Hartman suggests investing in properties that allow for long-term leases with built-in rent increases. This way, as inflation rises, so does the potential income from rent.

Invest in Commodity-Related Assets

Commodities are goods that are in demand and have value, such as gold, silver, and oil. During inflationary times, these assets tend to increase in value, making them a viable option for investors. Hartman advises investing in commodities through exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or purchasing physical assets like gold and silver.

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Avoid Fixed-Rate Investments

During inflation, fixed-rate investments, such as bonds, tend to decrease in value. As the value of the currency decreases, the interest payments become worth less in real terms. Therefore, Hartman suggests avoiding fixed-rate investments during inflation and instead opting for assets that shift with increases.

Invest in Tangible Assets

Tangible assets, such as artwork, antiques, or collectibles, can be great investments during inflation. These assets tend to increase in value over time and are often unique, which can make them more valuable to collectors. Hartman suggests investing in tangible assets selectively and only after doing adequate research.


Inflation is a complex phenomenon, and its effects on the economy can be challenging to predict. However, there are ways to protect and even profit from inflation. Real estate, income-producing properties, commodity-related assets, and tangible assets can all provide protection against inflation, and it is advised to consult with an investment expert such as Jason Hartman to make educated decisions. By taking appropriate measures, investors can prepare themselves for the ongoing economic changes and potentially increase their wealth.

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  1. Dennis Daar

    Anybody who profited from his advice?

  2. Joseph Friday

    After you buy your home, it is immediately worth less, its just that it’s depreciating slower than inflation. If you bought your house and there was no inflation, then 20 years later your house would be worth, say, 20% of its original value. And that’s not counting taxes and insurance. With inflation, especially the inflation of the 70s, you would have lost less. Your house is a depreciating asset! Its not that you shouldn’t buy a house, but if you want to make an investment, it has to be accretive. When you used money to buy your house there was an opportunity cost that could have went to an accretive assets like stocks, bonds, investment real estate. If you would have bought bonds in the early eighties, you would have made a lot of money without depreciation and without maintenance and other aggravation. If you are a private individual, not a corporation, the real estate game is a lot of work, a lot of heartache and relatively small returns.

  3. miinyoo

    Ride the coat tails of the central banks. Practical if unprincipled approach betting on fiat knowing full well that tail risk exists. Here in mid 2022, the long smoldering is starting to sprout licks of flame.

  4. Kelly Serafina

    Aaaaahhh. Now I understand why Bezos got a mortgage for his home even though he could pay the entire thing in full. He was getting paid to live in his home. Thanks for a very clear explanation of inflation as it pertains to mortgages.

  5. B1k4real

    What do we do? It was asked so many times and we never got a straight answer! So I’ll tell you what to do! Ownership people!! Ownership of “real property” that is how we fight back inflation and the stronghold the government and corporations and banks have over us!! Stop consuming and start owning!! And stop relying on businesses and government to survive everyday! That’s all it takes! But it’s takes almost a life time of commitment and Sacrifice! And that is the hardest part for every one!

  6. Denice Lopez

    Amazing information, thank you!

  7. Mario Liu

    How to become your client on buying house for rental income

  8. Jason Tuck

    Jason Hartman is brilliant !!!!!

  9. duk balla

    To late and to obvious for what your saying

  10. Serdar 4Websites

    Extremely useful video, thank you indeed.

    Btw, he sounds like Steve Carell 🙂

  11. J Famo

    Well you got a factor in interest rates if debt is going to outrun inflation.. once you factor an interest rates depending on inflationary expedience it's hard to tell

  12. J Famo

    Why? Because they can. Techno feudalism.
    If you are not pro labor …top yourself

  13. J Famo trickle down is bullshit. shit

  14. Interstitial

    VERY interesting info ….. however at abt 31 mins in, discussion of inflation …. surely everyone's inflation rate is difft …. depends on wot they spend their money??? Bargain basement spenders will lower i flation rate, hence higher repayments on a house or other loan. After all, there are $6,000, 2 week hols, and there are 2 week hols costing $1,300 – to same geographical area!!

  15. Dan Kubacki

    Cantillon, not Cantillion.

  16. They lie to us

    33:21 Can someone simplify this part to me in short please.

  17. E D Fernandez

    This is the most revealing & confirming video of Jason that I've seen.
    His rationalizing for going along with the greatest evils on earth, centralized governments & central banks has me stunned.
    Inflation is outright theft, not wealth redistribution as he claims. (As if involuntary wealth redistribution was good or desirable). Easily demonstrable, zimbabwe's and venezuela's youth aren't any richer after their currency was destroyed by inflation. On the contrary, they are poorer than ever and more easily enslaved and controlled.
    The government is not 20% of the economy, it's a 20% of GDP liability on the economy. It's part of the strategy for creating and sustaining a ruling oppressor class.
    The math fugazi is incredible, literally. The lack of creativity to imagine a scenario where we don't have to go along with evil is perplexing.
    The evil people running the institutions that oppress us derive their power from our consent.

  18. Kalle Karlsson

    Really bad audio quality from the guest Pennington. When will people learn to use a prooper external microphone. Even a pro journalist interviewed the Fed boss on live Tv the other day using the FK! inbuilt microphone on the laptop, Cmone wtf!
    The worst thing on earth right now isnt inflation or war, its bad microphones

  19. Sagich Nich

    This guy exactly sounds like Saul Goodman 🙂

  20. Learn Economics

    Important to remember that investments in real estate depend on rents and rents depend on the unique factor that brings value to the property on its location. If the economy deteriorates significantly and that location is unable to cope with the inflation shock, rents stop getting paid and owners need to liquidate property if they are overleveraged.

  21. nb dallashouse

    My dream is to buy land. At least 10 acre.. Then subdivided and sell but my goal is build only one then
    when it sell the profit roll over again and added money to it..then build it again…but wait i plan tiny home for 10 acre…
    Any idea how many tiny home i can build in 10 acres

  22. Elena Budău

    nowadays no bank is giving a loan wih fixed rate for more than 5 years (just the first 5 years is fixed, afterwards is variable and will icnrease based on inflation)

  23. Sister Brothers

    This squirrelly guy is very sus.

  24. bestvideos4ever1

    so the plan is to go in DEPBT for 30-years and all FINE ? ))))))

  25. LearningtogrowinChrist

    I love his point about appreciation being inflation indexing…very few talk about that. Best point: erode debt during inflationary times…as long as we don't have an black swan economic collapse

  26. Lau Peter

    its true, all that the Fed has left is psychological manipulation of the masses

  27. Lundy Hill

    Property taxes, Insurance and repairs erase all those gains.

  28. Savannah

    Not what I expected, but interesting. I have no desire to get into real estate as a business though.

  29. Kaiser Venom

    He sounds like Jordan Peterson.

  30. Garrett Fields

    This is nonsense. Even hypocritical considering he is one those people benefiting from all this economic chaos.

  31. B X

    This guy is really not an expert… Careful listening to his advice, I found plenty of errors in what he says. The govt is NOT in 220 trillion debt.

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