How to Protect Your Money From High Inflation!

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 14 comments

How to Protect Your Money From High Inflation!

How to Protect Your Money From High Inflation!
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LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



See also  Milton Friedman's Views on Inflation and Money Supply
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  1. Austin Price

    Any thoughts on using offshore bank accounts for their higher interest rates when trying to save money short-term for a future purchase? Rates appear to average between 3-6% annually. Thanks for any insight.

  2. Frank0020

    Nice graphics. I dislike the 23# tax on pulling 401k $..yeah grows over time, but as you get older it's less time..

  3. Mint Basil

    Anyone who has recommended I-bonds has never tried buying them. Just try to do it. Treasurydirect and the paper process involved makes it clear that the government really doesn't want you to successfully buy these things. Also good luck redeeming them!

  4. Ari Gutman

    Great video, thank you for sharing – so much to unpack! I think we need to look at the bottom line which is to say that this period of high inflation is just presenting opportunity after opportunity to buy high quality stocks while they are on sale!

  5. Chris Australian Finance

    Good video. 100% agree that people go on about gold or bitcoin but equities do just as well in inflationary environments. Just comes with volatility.

  6. Russell Ronnebaum

    Nice set adjustments guys. Your forward lighting is great and the background is no longer distracting. Did you also add acoustic treatment? The audio quality is much improved. Your neon studio was a hot mess. 🙂

  7. Daniel Sheppard

    Loving the increased production value guys. Good move turning off the neon light behind you it was a bit intense. Is it possible to put it on a dimmer and keep it back there, but lower brightness? Quick research says neon can be dimmed and it's what we do when we want to put practical lights on camera in films, but don't want to overpower the other lights.

  8. bran don

    The set doesn’t look as dark. I like it!

  9. David Powell

    Really,hard to know what is coming down the pike and whether anything ends up having worked better than sitting tight-a lot depends on whether the government and/or the FED does its job and also whether the war mongers get their way
    In particular if you need to hold cash for a soon to come purchase you could get #$@%ed for holding that cash but you might still get #$@%ed if you try to put the cash in something else short term
    I suggest looking at the "Vladimir Pozner: "How the United States Created Vladimir Putin"You tube video

  10. SafetyNerd

    Stocks!?! The market is so overbought you are crazy! There has been more cash inflow in the last 2 years then the previous decade. Where did all that money come from? You think people are just so flush with cash after 2 years of pandemic that they can just pump the stock market? No the fed owns the stock market. There is nothing realistic about current market prices and blindly putting money into the stock market because “it always comes back” is insane. If you treat this like “normal times” you are in for a devastating reality check in the near future. We are in uncharted waters with currency policy “experimentation “ WAKE UP! This is not a normal market cycle!

  11. Anaestereo

    Knowledge is soothing, ignorance is stressful

  12. Harry Allen Pearce

    Gold is a perfectly good hedge against inflation. It’s just not convenient.

    I’d keep an emergency fund in gold, but if an actual emergency happens, I’d have to liquidate it, and you’re at the mercy of crooks.

    They’ll charge massive premiums to buy their gold, good luck getting spot from them when you go to sell it.

  13. Brian Burton

    I can’t believe you two don’t have more subscribers…. The info you put out is absolutely invaluable. Thanks.

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