HSBC Warns of Imminent Large-Scale Recession

by | Sep 5, 2023 | Recession News | 32 comments

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BREAKING: Recession News


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A MAJOR Recession Is ‘Just Around The Corner’ (Says HSBC)

In a recent report, global banking giant HSBC has warned that a major recession is looming, and it may be just around the corner. This alarming prediction has sent shockwaves through the financial world, raising concerns about the state of the global economy.

HSBC economists have pointed out several troubling factors that indicate the possibility of an imminent recession. One of the key contributors is the ongoing trade war between the United States and China, which has created a cloud of uncertainty and disrupted global supply chains. The imposition of tariffs and retaliatory measures has already dampened economic growth and is expected to have long-lasting effects.

Moreover, HSBC has highlighted the growing risk of a disruptive no-deal Brexit. With the deadline approaching, the uncertainty surrounding Britain’s departure from the European Union has already taken a toll on businesses and consumer confidence. The potential consequences of a chaotic Brexit, including trade disruptions and regulatory uncertainties, could exacerbate the already fragile global economic environment.

Another factor HSBC has highlighted is the prolonged period of historically low interest rates, which has left central banks with limited ammunition to combat a downturn. With rates near or below zero, policy levers are becoming increasingly ineffective in stimulating growth. This leaves the global economy vulnerable to shocks, making a recession more probable.

HSBC’s prediction also takes into account the recent signs of a global economic slowdown. Many major economies, including Germany and the United States, have experienced a slowdown in growth rates, reflective of a broader deceleration. This synchronized slowdown suggests that the global economy is in a precarious position and may be hurtling toward a recession.

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While HSBC’s prediction is indeed worrisome, it is important to note that other economists have differing views on the matter. Not all experts agree that a major recession is imminent. However, it would be ill-advised to ignore the warning signs. Governments and policymakers around the world would be wise to take necessary precautions and prepare for potential economic downturns.

If a major recession does materialize, it would undoubtedly have significant ramifications for individuals, businesses, and entire countries. Rising unemployment rates, reduced consumer spending, and increased financial stress are just a few of the potential consequences. Therefore, it is crucial for policymakers to remain vigilant and ready to implement appropriate measures to mitigate the impact and stabilize the global economy.

Though the future remains uncertain, it is clear that the global economy is facing numerous challenges that could potentially lead to a major recession. Time will tell whether HSBC’s predictions prove accurate or if the global economy can weather these stormy waters. One thing is for certain: prudent economic planning and preventive measures will be crucial in navigating the uncertain times that lie ahead.

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  1. John. Johnb_online143

    “Biden” lmfao
    You’ve have to be an idiot to still listen to this minion.
    5 more terms Biden/Harris
    Btw where is Harris?

  2. John. Johnb_online143

    Legal/Legalize- man made construct.
    Lawful, natural law, common law. Laws of the land.
    It’s a spiritual war

  3. Andre Thorpe

    Finallt the Truth about corporate greed comes out and is highlighted

  4. Nic Nak

    Not forgetting that house values have already depreciated considerably, with the high inflation.

  5. Joanna Hart

    Let’s see your preparation.

  6. Danilo Machin

    The JPMorgan emails deleted are all relating to JEpstein and his finances probz forced to be done

  7. Terry L

    You are very quiet sound

  8. liam firlej

    I had respect for you before. But i clearly think your a freemason.

  9. Zahid Khan

    UK government is totally failed to control Internet rates. If Internet rate is going down then people more Invest in UK economy.

  10. MelMel Bry

    WHAT CAN I DO TO PLAN!? hoard food??!? Buy a tent? What??

  11. Womble Stacker

    I said it was happening 18 months bk people laughed at me

  12. Linda Ripp


  13. Richard Johnson

    Yet another video about "the greatest recession/depression ever." What a joke

  14. Timothy Scorer

    Heard it all before, its just a cycle.

  15. Mark Mcsharr

    This guy is clever telling us the is a recession coming would never of guessed but some people like to add fire to it by talking negative and it stops people spending out of fear so it makes it worse .

  16. David Norton

    I forecast a depression in Britain over twenty years ago. IT will make the 1929 depression look like a picnic in the park. Brace yourselves.

  17. Lurken Yautja

    Educate yourself E.m.p
    Microwave guns they exist shoot thru walls at targets causing heart problems

  18. Darren Smith

    You need to look closely at China their property is about to have more bankruptcies evergrand has gone bust when the fed cuts inflation is going to take off deflation will turn in to hyperinflation hering JPMorgan's has been fined doesn't surprise me Jamie Dimon won't be bothered they will see it as a cost of business more small USA Regional banks will go bust fdic can't cover depositors they will be bailed in

  19. Wilson Brothers

    There's no free luches…. I wouldn't trust any help from our wonderful government

  20. Diana Roach

    Instead of fighting against each other because of diversity and racism. We need to turn our attention to the elites and the government. Its us versus them.

  21. Angela Swales

    You know we dont have to use banks , barter your skills or products

  22. Michael Plank

    Biden is the worst leader he just cant do anything if trump gets in gasoline will come way down plus food prices plus the stock markett will boom

  23. Rowena McMahon

    Is it worth opening an account with Building Society

  24. alan. jeffs

    Mass unemployment is coming especially for the UK, very hard times for many ,accept the rich of course, but we will have hundreds of thousands of migrants to look after.

  25. Walker Haw

    It's not going to be a recession, it's going to be a DEPRESSION.

  26. Darren Smith

    When they cut rates inflation will surge higher if they continue to rise rates they are going to demolish the economy they are between a rock and a hard place

  27. William Carroll


  28. Ben Simpson

    I want to leave the UK .. It's shit

  29. Richard Johnson

    Waa…. Waaa…!!! Conspiracy theorist are the perfect example of mental illness

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