Hugh Jackman as James Bond?!

by | Mar 3, 2023 | TIPS Bonds | 30 comments

Hugh Jackman as James Bond?!

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There has been much speculation about who will take up the mantle of James Bond after Daniel Craig steps down from the iconic role. One name that has been thrown around as a potential replacement is none other than Hugh Jackman.

Jackman is renowned for his roles in films like the X-Men franchise, Les Misérables, and The Greatest Showman. He is well-respected in the industry and has the acting chops to tackle a character as complex as James Bond.

The idea of Jackman as James Bond is not entirely far-fetched. In fact, Jackman has expressed interest in the role in the past. In a 2014 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Jackman said, “I’d seriously consider [playing Bond] if it was offered to me.”

But could Jackman pull off the suave, sophisticated secret agent that is James Bond? Absolutely. Jackman has shown time and time again that he can play a wide range of characters, from tortured mutants to a charismatic showman. He has the charm, charisma, and physicality to embody the character of Bond.

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Another factor that makes Jackman a strong candidate for the role is his age. At 52 years old, he is right in the sweet spot for Bond. He’s not too young to be seen as inexperienced, but not too old to be viewed as past his prime. Jackman’s age also lends itself well to the idea of a Bond who is seasoned and perhaps a bit more world-weary.

Of course, with any speculation about a new James Bond comes the question of whether or not the franchise is ready for a Bond who isn’t white. Jackman is of Australian descent, raising the possibility of a Bond who is not British.

While some fans may balk at the idea of a Bond who isn’t British, it’s important to remember that the Bond franchise has always been about pushing boundaries and shaking things up. And who better to do that with than someone as talented and well-respected as Hugh Jackman?

In conclusion, while it remains to be seen who will ultimately fill the shoes of James Bond, Hugh Jackman is certainly a strong contender. With his talent, charm, and age, he could bring a fresh perspective to the iconic role. It’s clear that Jackman has the potential to be a Bond that fans could really get behind.

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  1. Tamara Stokrp

    Do it!!!!!!!! He's perfect!!

  2. Sean Dunbar

    I love Hugh Jackman but he's no James Bond.

  3. AS J

    An Australian Bond? Fuck no. You're better off with a black English Bond.

  4. Yo Holmes

    Hugh JOKEman was NEVER going to be Bond.

  5. Zapata Alonzo

    They would’ve never picked him, he’s Australian

  6. Pete Andrews

    Howard went woke. Boring

  7. CODmoments

    We missed the best bond of all time

  8. Cody

    They were gonna give it to an Aussie?

  9. Juan Ramos

    "I didn't turn down Bond"
    Proceeds to describe why he turned down Bond.

  10. JakeF710

    If there’s one man everyone loves he’s definitely on the list

  11. Mike1211

    Casino Royale was the peak of Daniel Craigs bond. None of the future ones really lived up to that movie. Skyfall was close, but not quite as good to me

  12. Bofetada

    He she just agreed with Howard and asked him to tell the story.

  13. Mike Yates

    imagine , James Bond with , Wolverines healing factor , enhanced senses and CLAWS

  14. Rantion AL

    My guy, Connery was the best bond.

  15. I Hit A Lick

    Howard Stern is a joke now a woke loser

  16. Wide Awake Human

    Hugh would’ve been way better than Craig

  17. C3MI

    I think it would be awesome/controversial if Javier Bardem played the next James Bond

  18. Stewart Fletcher

    He would've been great but not better than Craig

  19. BradleyW

    I like Hugh but Daniel is the best Bond, after Sean.

  20. Moses in short pants

    Hugh Jackman is the first Aussie I've ever heard say "No" as a one-syllable word

  21. Daniel Son

    Casino Royale is in my top 5. Maybe 3. Maybe top 1 lol

  22. Ivan D. Bee

    Hugh Jackman made the best decision. Never be another better wolverine

  23. CEO of GRIND

    Howard Stern has such a punch able face.

  24. Joseph Joestar

    What does the oops mean here?

  25. pnut3844able

    Bond movies have always been SO boring to me

  26. I Coroa

    He'd be a great Batman too!

  27. I Coroa

    Wow he'd been a great Bond!! Still could!!

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