Husbands Deserve Respect from Their Wives: Join the Your Marriage God’s Way Conference for the 5th Message and Q&A Session.

by | May 11, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 19 comments

Husbands Deserve Respect from Their Wives: Join the Your Marriage God’s Way Conference for the 5th Message and Q&A Session.

“Wives respect your husband” (Ephesians 5:33) is one of the primary commands for wives. Husbands are commanded to love their wives, but wives are commanded to respect their husband. Learn why there are two different commands, and what it looks like for wives to respect and disrespect their husband, and whether a wife can love her husband without respecting him.

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Here is the free handout given to attendees:

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Here’s the accompanying post about a wife respecting her husband:

This message also includes the Q&A that typically takes place at the end of Marriage God’s Way Conferences

00:02:22 Lesson 1: Husbands must feel like their wives respect them.
00:27:01 Lesson 2: Wives can love their husbands without respecting them.
00:38:35 Lesson 3: Disrespect can change a husband’s feelings toward his wife (2 Samuel 6:23, 3:12-13).
00:43:53 Lesson 4: Husbands can make respecting them easier.
00:47:41 Lesson 5: Wives respect their husbands by making their spiritual leadership easier.
01:00:45 Your Marriage God’s Way Conference Q&A

Husband asks wife:
• Do you feel like my feelings toward you have changed in a positive way from you respecting me, or in a negative way from you disrespecting me?
• What do I do that makes it easier for you to respect me?
• What do I do that makes it harder for you to respect me?
• Do you feel like I withhold affection from you like David did with Michal?

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Wife asks husband:
• Do you feel like I respect you?
• What do I do that makes you feel respected?
• What do I do that makes you feel disrespected?
• Do you feel like I talk down to you like Michal did with David?…(read more)




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Marriage is meant to be a union of two individuals who have vowed to love, cherish, and support each other through thick and thin. However, in today’s society, the concept of marriage has become distorted, and couples tend to focus on individual interests rather than on the relationship itself. This has led to a breakdown of the marital bond and has resulted in high divorce rates.

In an effort to save marriages and strengthen the bond between couples, Pastor Austin Ukachi organized the “Your Marriage God’s Way” Conference, aimed at educating couples on how to build healthy, lasting relationships. The conference was held over a period of five days, with different topics discussed each day.

At the 5th day of the conference, the topic discussed was “Wives Respect Your Husband.” Pastor Austin explained that respect is crucial in any relationship, and in a marriage, a wife’s respect for her husband is essential in building a strong, lasting bond. He stated that respect should not be earned but given freely, regardless of the husband’s actions.

According to the pastor, respect breeds love and admiration, and it encourages the husband to be the best version of himself. He explained that when a wife shows respect towards her husband, he feels valued, and this motivates him to become a better partner, father, and all-around individual.

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During the Q&A session, many wives expressed their struggles with respecting their husbands, especially if they felt that their husbands were not fulfilling their marital responsibilities. Pastor Austin advised that wives should focus on loving and respecting their husbands, regardless of their shortcomings, and trust that God would work in their hearts to bring about the desired change.

In conclusion, the 5th message and Q&A session of the “Your Marriage God’s Way” Conference emphasized the importance of wives respecting their husbands. It was a reminder that marriage is a partnership, and both partners need to contribute to building a strong, lasting relationship. By respecting their husbands, wives can encourage them to become better individuals, partners, and fathers. Ultimately, a marriage built on respect, love, and trust is a testimony of God’s grace and faithfulness.

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  1. Sonya Hodges

    I will be sharing this true word of God and teaching!!!

  2. Sonya Hodges

    This will change my life and marriage!!! Thank you pastor for teaching the word of God. You taught this word!!!!

  3. Bryce Chadwick

    Hi scott what was your book and your work book called again?

  4. Love One Another

    Wow this has been the most comprehensive explanation I've found. Thank you for going into such detail.

  5. Richard Clingempeel

    The question about a wife with an unbelieving husband. 1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives…..

  6. Simon P Fernandez

    Plz pray for my wife she doesn't realize how disrespectful she is and it breaks my heart for her being blinded by the enemy to assume authority over me as the leader of the home. I love my wife very much, pray for her and out marriage. Everything you had said was me exactly what I feel how I see it and how unattractive she is when she disrespectful me and provoke our children to anger by how she talks rude to us all and too stern and mind you she has disrespected me in public many times embarrassing me. I have recently told her about what's I feel is disrespected and she gets defensive and says we'll you don't show me respect and I can't win with telling her things bcuz she always try to turn it around. Idk how to get to her but I haven't given up and pray daily for her and my marriage and family I need you all to plz pray for us oh how I'd see ny wife so so nore attractive seeing her reading God's word and being a praying woman. I don't feel as bo worth and that's honest truth I don't get respect and it makes it very hard to love her how I'm commanded to plz plz plz I beg to pray for my marriage. I know God's going to change her heart and mind and have eyes to see her errors in Jesus name.

  7. William Awtry

    I wish in todays society more would hear this message, it is incredibly difficult to be a man and a leader in a world where most rebel for the hell of it, thinking this independence equals freedom or will bring more happiness…our own understanding is not better than leaning on Gods word

  8. Adam & Rebecca Mathieson

    God bless you Scott! God bless you for this teaching!

    This has convicted me to the core. Please pray for me! Oh I am such a disrespectful wife. My heart is so hurt for my husband. He is such a good man who deserves all the respect he is due and I have been in sin and unfaithful in my promises i made on our wedding.

    Please pray for me I am such a disrespectful woman I am so sorry and upset. I NEED prayers. Please my family in Christ pray for me. I come from a long line of single strong overbearing woman and this is a fight and where I fall. I will break this generational curse in Christ’s Name and in His strength! Please pray for my marriage. Let me glorify God in honouring my husband, let me take joy in uplifting, supporting, and submitting. Let me bring honour to his name and support his ministry, to not be demanding and remember he is the Lords. Please pray for me.

    Thank you again Scott.

  9. TheBruno1408

    True… either wife or husband should represent his/her partner well. Afterall that person that is not well spoken if still beside her/him in marriage must be taken in consideration because he/ she is part of their choices made in life… he is part of her choices she made in life, and she is part of his choices he made in life.

  10. Breana Crossley

    This was such a God send♡ I struggle with this and really didn't understand all the ways Inwas undermining and disrespecting my husband. Today begins prayerful starts to my day to be a better wife. Thank you for sharing God's word and message and helping me to bless my marriage better!

  11. Joan Taylor

    My mother and father dearly loved each other. Then there was a testing time as he began quit his job and she went to work to get them over the hump until the new business would prosper. As a waitress she found out he was gambling and she was angry and lost respect for him. Then because he felt disrespected and her best friend made moves to attract him he committed adultery. My mother couldn't forgive him so the 20 year married ended in divorce. I can only say "be so glad you've been forgiven that you will be able to forgive others".
    This still hurts me even after 70 years.

  12. Tereasa Cargo

    Amazing, eye opening, and transforming word. My prayer is that God would give us an ear to hear And a spirit to understand

  13. scott32714keiser

    The checking accounts yes you need two one for the bills and one for her fun spending so she don't need to wonder if she got the money for something or not swipe and try if you get declined you got to wait till next Friday but there's no way she can accidentally spend the rent money and we will never be short on bills and food will always be on the table and have cards that lock so she can't loose money.. forget the card somewhere no big deal I'll just zelle the money to the another account my girl isnt the best at budgeting so we made a agreement after a few mistakes like spend all the rent money on the 30th leaving me with a day to get $1300 I'll be taking care of the money and she can have as much money as she wants that we can afford with no limits I just put most of the extra money into her account

  14. Happy Chick

    These are such words of wisdom.
    Harder done, then said though.

  15. Stephanie Palazzo

    If your husband is doing things that are not respectful.. not supporting the family, will not share accounts, drinking and driving daily, lying and deceiving, how do you begin to show respect? How do you confront this behavior w respect?

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