I think this is it, my life savings pretty much

by | Oct 15, 2022 | Resources | 45 comments

I think this is it, my life savings pretty much


I think this is it, my life savings pretty much

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I think this is it, my life savings pretty much

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I think this is it, my life savings pretty much

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I think this is it, my life savings pretty much




  1. lducks2

    It *was* your life savings

  2. Gromadome

    On the bright side you’ll probably be able to make your life savings back within a years time

  3. Constant-Sweet-3718

    Don’t answer the phone

  4. Hot_Blackberry_2301

    you are most likely very young dont stress it. you will have plenty of time to lose 10-100x more

  5. HandleSubstantial169

    700$ gets you like a bunch of junior bacon cheeseburgers. I don’t know how many exactly, but it’s a bunch trust me.

  6. PunsRTonsOfFun

    Who is Mar Gin and why is she calling you?

  7. Gingermanns

    Delete the app

  8. idkyourdaughter

    ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) I have a plan…

  9. daveflav21

    Better Call Saul![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640) if they come for your ass

  10. [deleted]

    Margin call? Don’t pick up.

  11. Stumpyhasnolegs

    “Robinhood’s sleek UI makes it even easier for regards to lose their money all while not knowing anything about the stock market. Open an account today!”

  12. Einsteinautist

    C’mon, you need to work on those numbers! What kind of nickel and dime Loss Porn we being subjected to. I lost more than that on one stupid options trade last year. I learned my lesson, disabled options trading and went to work at Wendy’s part time, my wife’s boyfriend made me. You will be fine, take it as a learning experience just like I did. You will look back next year and laugh about this setback.

  13. damoclesthesword

    Don’t worry that’s like one paycheck when your 40

  14. theoriginalnab

    Are you in the US? If so, don’t worry. You have the privelage to quickly recoup that amount and lose it again!!!

  15. Difficult_Yak946


  16. No-Locksmith6983

    Hopefully you have enough left over for a bag of cement and two 5 gallon buckets

  17. Usual_Spray_7684

    Always chase your losses champ. If you owe the bank a million then you have a problem, but if you owe the bank 10 million then they have the problem.

  18. bluemasonjar

    You only had $5k – so that’s really not SO much time behind the dumpster at Wendy’s.

  19. bellytan

    I lurk around WSB, been seeing quite a few “this is it, it’s my life savings gone”

    Not to shit on you animals but stop gambling with borrowed money.

  20. Ronniman

    Hey, one good thing about life savings you can always restart them!

  21. wtfbbqpwnin

    Extra points for the pink text. 5k is pocket change in these days tho.

  22. ViscousCoupling

    You didn’t have much to begin with. Nothing that you can’t bounce back from if you live in the United States.

  23. lfaexs

    You guys still margining ![img](emote|t5_2th52|19738)

  24. innosentz

    $700 left. You’re not dead yet. Go buy some month out otm spy puts

  25. ChairNo9617

    Change your name, delete the app, and start speaking French! Your all done! Check

  26. Lucky-Telephone7880

    Margin call: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

  27. SomeOneRandomOP

    It’s not even the money….think of the emotional struggle and time your sunk into refreshing the page/checking it each day.

    I take it you’re young (<30), you’ll earn the money back in no time. Just look after your mental health.

    I’ve started to look into tutoring students, £50 an hour, i could earn that money back with 2 students, 1h a week in 10months (ish). Think of ways like this you could hussle your way back 🙂 good luck

  28. JebidiahLongtree

    What the heck is a margin call?

  29. Fit_One4445

    Those margin call things are just bad financial advice. It’s a scam to try to separate you from your hard earned money. Don’t let them scam you. Tell them to take your name off their list.

  30. theravingsofalunatic

    Wow pink porn I never seen that before

  31. busybreaking

    Great u got $700 I can borrow for put on Monday.

  32. parlaygodshateme

    Life savings or adolescence savings?

  33. ReplyAccurate

    There is always the next life

  34. ThePhantomPhoton

    I think that portfolio looks like everyone else’s who “learned how to trade” during the pandemic

  35. Xunefox

    I would try to “round down” to zero. It helps kick that adrenaline rush in for “shit I’m broke and mom and dad are gonna find out” or the “fuck this I’m jumping off my 17th floor penthouse patio” or the best one “now I’m gonna become a regarded transgender, non binary, big titted loser and try to tell someone I’m special” action. Trust me anyone of them plays out well here. You are set!

  36. Petropuller

    good news.. you already poor! it can only get better from here!

  37. __ShaDynasty___

    That’s badass dude. Are you sort of attractive or ugly? Because you can make good money selling you body on the street

  38. WalkonWalrus

    It’s okay.

    Ive lost my savings twice

    But I DID improve it once

  39. CorrelationVega

    So fucking sad. All these posts of people throwing their lives away is heart wrenching. Get some help or just stay away from markets.

  40. sipdabrepeat

    Congrats , and fuck you

  41. NickD1964

    Been there, done that. If ya still breathing you can make that money back 100 times over. Go do something else for a while. I had 20 years away from trading and have built 3 businesses (sold one) in that time. I’ve started trading again with some success. Just hanging on for the freefall.

  42. BouchWick

    Chuck that other 700$ and make the 5k back

  43. Neeyakos

    still got $700. See you Monday

  44. Eyonizback

    Bro I could make that back in like 2 months just working at a factory in KY. SO CAN YOU!

  45. GrayFox2021

    Hey, at least now you can say that your finances look similar to Debit Suisse.

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