If You Managed Your Retirement Fund Like the Feds, You’d Be Arrested

by | Apr 18, 2024 | Retirement Pension | 23 comments

If You Managed Your Retirement Fund Like the Feds, You’d Be Arrested

The feds would arrest you, if you ran a retirement fund the way they do….(read more)

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The federal government has always been considered as the pinnacle of efficiency and organization when it comes to handling matters of national importance. However, if the feds were to run a retirement fund the same way they handle their affairs, chances are they would be facing criminal charges themselves.

One of the most glaring issues with the way the feds handle retirement funds is their lack of transparency and accountability. While private retirement funds are required to provide detailed reports on their investments, returns, and fees, the federal government’s retirement funds lack such transparency. This lack of information leaves retirees in the dark about where their hard-earned money is being invested and how their returns are being handled.

Furthermore, the feds often invest in risky ventures that do not align with the conservative investment strategies typically associated with retirement funds. Private retirement funds are usually managed with the goal of preserving capital and generating steady returns over time. However, the federal government’s retirement funds have been known to invest in high-risk assets such as derivatives and leveraged securities, putting retirees’ savings in jeopardy.

Another major concern with the way the feds handle retirement funds is their tendency to prioritize short-term gains over long-term stability. Private retirement funds are typically managed with a long-term perspective, with a focus on ensuring the financial security of retirees for the duration of their retirement. However, the federal government’s retirement funds have been known to make quick and risky investment decisions in pursuit of short-term gains, disregarding the potential long-term consequences for retirees.

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In conclusion, if the feds were to run a retirement fund the same way they handle their affairs, they would likely be facing criminal charges for their lack of transparency, risky investments, and short-term focus. Retirees deserve better than to have their hard-earned savings managed in such a haphazard and irresponsible manner. It is crucial for the federal government to take a more responsible and accountable approach to managing retirement funds in order to ensure the financial security of retirees for years to come.

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  1. @B4Uagain

    Taxation is theft

  2. @shushu7574

    Government also has the authority to print money which explains why we are 32 trillion in debt, can find hundreds of billions to give away regularly to non-tax payers and non-citizens but keep threatening that there is no money for social security.

  3. @SquidMunky

    social security was perfectly solvent until Bush the sequel stuck his fingers in there to fund his war. he put his hand in the cookie jar and the rest of them never stopped taking.

  4. @thesleepyweasel3775

    A scam isn't a scam if it's run by the government, and if you'd be jailed or shot for opting out.

  5. @davidfuchs9636

    Because for decades any leftover social security money was put into the general fund and spent. My old neighbor who served in WW2 had his benefits reduced. That made me want to throw up.

  6. @nancyseery2213

    I paid for SS–I had no choice, so now I collect SS because you have no choice!!!! WOW, isn't our government wonderful????? a free country where you have no choice??????

  7. @luckyrobp

    Exactly the same over here in the uk.

  8. @VikashSingh

    Pyramid schemes for the win. Until they fail.

  9. @cteal2018

    And it is the most successful government program ever lifting millions of seniors out of poverty. Taxation is not their, it is the price one pays to live in a civilized society. Don't like it, look at the places with no taxes, you will end up paying more for basics services and you own security force.

  10. @ryancrouse1778

    I've been told that my generation won't see our social security. How's that labor market and how will it be in 24 years?

  11. @bernardstevens3613

    Just give me the $$$$ I paid in for 45 years, and I'll all good!

  12. @shoshanna8475

    "from those according to their ability, given to those according to their need" – we've become communists

  13. @karrak6662

    Maybe they should take all of the money that people like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Bill Nadler and JOE BIDEN and The Clinton's the Obama's and so on and so forth…Take all the money that they have made from insider trading and pay for play and any other unethical means to pay for it.

  14. @stephen6640

    We're screwed. I retire in 5 years at 67.

  15. @heathbruce9928

    Especially since they are using it when they aren't supposed to fit things not related to ss

  16. @krystoffersprague6100

    "Legal extortion" and "Implied consent" simply because once you're "born" and all the documents are manifested, you're part of the system. Sadly it's a global system, but not fully implemented as global, just segregated by country. George Carlin said it best…."You have owners, they own you and everything you do"

  17. @david8639

    Lets see. Open the border and give out millions of green cards so they can collect ss and Medicare taxes . Since abortion killed 30 million tax payers
    No lets take iff the $168500 income cap and rax all income for Social security. Dhouldnt be a problem dems want to tax the rich.
    Instead of raising the retirement age to 70

  18. @minjin0259

    It's a government run ponzi scheme. Usually, people get put in prison for that.

  19. @shirleyasnaza2604

    So Federal Gov turned it into a Pyramid Scheme…. Does not surprise me at this point.

  20. @tamraleone-scott6038

    What do you suggest moving forward for Social Security? Should it be reorganized? Oh please yes! What are your suggestions cause you are a voice I care to hear!!!

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