I’m calling it. Yesterday was the bottom. Recession cancelled, off to the races.

by | Sep 29, 2022 | Resources | 36 comments

I’m calling it. Yesterday was the bottom. Recession cancelled, off to the races.


I’m calling it. Yesterday was the bottom. Recession cancelled, off to the races.

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I’m calling it. Yesterday was the bottom. Recession cancelled, off to the races.

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I’m calling it. Yesterday was the bottom. Recession cancelled, off to the races.

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I’m calling it. Yesterday was the bottom. Recession cancelled, off to the races.




  1. Deltarayedge7

    I can’t tell if I should use the inverse crammer in this case.

  2. No_Aioli_1547

    Didn’t he like call a market bottom a few months ago. He can’t stop contracting himself


    Cramer trying to inverse himself. Cute.

  4. saysjuan

    Fuck my puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4886)

  5. That_anonymous_guy18

    Another reason for recession to be canceled is that I bought 5 k worth of spy puts

  6. sethmcnasty


  7. LBOWER43

    It’s almost like these guys know WSB makes decisions based on article headlines. Conditioned everyone to think one way about them too so now they don’t know what to do if Cramer says something potentially right for once.

  8. dylanx5150

    Guess I’m selling my puts in the morning.

  9. Beachlean

    Fuck, I bought puts going into close. I meant to sell them for a modest 10% but forgot and now swinging for the Wendy’s parking lot

  10. rebelo55


  11. Ibuystocksandstuff

    Yup this is true

  12. borisik07

    even a broken clock is right twice a day

  13. sredd007

    Broken clock

  14. fnoguei1

    ooh looks like you were wrong on this one

  15. biddilybong


  16. Dry_Butterscotch_637

    Just asking. Why is everyone acting like the fed hasn’t already said they are raising rates into 2023. Do you guys not believe them. Of course the downtrend will continue. Still a lot of pain to cone unless the fed reverses course. So yeah this ain’t rocket science guys. The fed already said gonna be almost 5% This is public knowledge

  17. AsaKurai

    Yesterday Cramer said the Fed govs would come out and restate their views on not stopping to raise rates and tank the gains from yesterday and he was 100% right

  18. Crustysockshow

    Welp, this aged great in less than 16 hours ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

  19. yeaoch

    The market goes down, then it goes up. Big fucking mystery.

  20. sademsa

    Crash hasn’t even begun yet

  21. [deleted]


  22. Relevant-Cake-2097

    This guy is such an asshole, soon as I get it, he opens his mouth and spins it

  23. Alatornio

    Jim the type of guy to inverse his skid marked TIGHTY WHITIES.

  24. spirobel

    you need to read this carefully. He thinks closing shorts temporarily is “a rally”. So there is no statement here to invert. That is just he being himself.

  25. nico87ca

    You’d have to be really smooth up there to think you can *always* simply inverse Cramer everything

  26. unga-unga

    He reversed position three times today alone, he’s trying the inverse Cramer himself it seems

  27. Grand_Inquisitor_Nel

    I’m sorry OP, but “fuck you Cramer!”

  28. Smithmonster

    It’s literally the only thing to say right now. He has to occasionally tell the truth, or boomers would stop listening.

  29. Options-n-Hookers

    Not today, Jose!

  30. F7xWr

    post didnt age well

  31. BojackPferd

    What do you think guys, straddle? honestly considering it since it’s so messy

  32. Impressive-Peach-408

    Narrator: Cramer was right for once

  33. warrenbuffet2408

    Lol once in a while cramers right too

  34. mightyjoe227

    Here comes the pain again…

  35. Parris-2rs

    It’s not cancelled. It’s just the institutions with BDE taking profits on their PUTS and repositioning for the next big drop.

  36. FerrisWhitehouse

    Anyone who continues to keep upvoting this fucking joke over and over again is subhuman trash.

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