I’m so addicted…

by | Oct 11, 2022 | Resources | 30 comments

I’m so addicted…


I’m so addicted…

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I’m so addicted…

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I’m so addicted…

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I’m so addicted…




  1. BurlBguy

    Is it Monday yet?

  2. XxTh3g04txX

    nice you bought spy lotto calls for monday too huh. It might be okay. it might also be why there is whiskey in my coffee.

  3. hughja22

    Crypto market is 24/7

  4. professional_cynic34

    I was so confused today because my trades weren’t going through then I realized it was Saturday….. #norest

  5. JoseArcadi0

    Crypto still moves during the weekend

  6. GargleOnDeez

    So zen I tend to forget to buy more

  7. i-kno-nothing

    my account is $3.83 left and I still check the market multiple times a day

  8. circuitji

    Good news about checking on weekends is that there is no loss porn

  9. Tapprunner

    I feel seen

  10. Patient_Estimate3284

    You’re not addicted. Your just a bit too passionate about it… lol

  11. SassyMethHead

    You can trade with 125x leverage on cryptoe, you know.

  12. Extremely-Bad-Idea

    “My advice to you is to start drinking heavily” — Bluto, “Animal House”, 1978

  13. DarkLordKefka

    YUP. Me right there. Checked while having morning poo, then again during morning coffee. So twice while still sitting on the toilet.

  14. TomBinger4Fingers

    That’s why I invested in a small amount of crypto. I can still check my portfolio on the weekend and not feel like a total idiot forgetting the casino is closed. But then I look at my portfolio and realize I am, in fact, a total idiot…

  15. major_clusterfuck

    Yes, stocks will trade Monday.

  16. konstantinos2000


  17. No-Comfortable9480


  18. GoodGuyDrew

    Ooof, right in the feels…

  19. freehugzforeveryone

    We are all buddy!!!

  20. KoGamer01

    At least when a casino is closed they don’t hold onto your chips,

  21. WatchingyouNyouNyou

    I try to log in even when my broker’s site is on maintenance

  22. girthygirthmonster

    Fuck me I was just doing that…

  23. iGrowCandy

    You have too. Think back how many times they opened the market for an emergency trading session at 2:30am Sunday morning.

  24. Vegetable_Tea_8931

    I like to trade crypto, so I can lose money 24h even on wekeends

  25. EffectAdventurous764

    I thought I was doing really well with my stocks not going down. Until I realized it was Sunday…

  26. ThePhantomPhoton

    Can always trade ishcoins. What you lose on each trade you make up for in volume, is what I hear

  27. fuscosco

    I def do.

    Its a pleasure when you close the day out 15% up

  28. Accomplished_Rip7680

    Is it 2pm yet

  29. Powerful_Check735

    It my money and I will check make sure nobody has taken it

  30. JohnniePeters

    Try crypto sir. This is nothing
    Open 24/7 365 days.

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