Impossible Egyptian Artifacts and 2023 US Debt Clock Strangeness

by | Feb 8, 2023 | Rollover IRA | 34 comments

Impossible Egyptian Artifacts and 2023 US Debt Clock Strangeness

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How many cycles of history are overlapping at this moment in time? Nations rise and fall, out of time technology artifacts are found time and time again. How can we expand as we move through the changes?

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Impossible Egyptian Artifacts and 2023 US Debt Clock Strangeness

In recent years, puzzling artifacts have been unearthed in Egypt that have left many people scratching their heads. These strange artifacts, which some believe are impossible to make using the technology of ancient Egypt, have been found in various tombs and archaeological sites throughout the country.

At the same time, the US debt clock has been ticking towards the 2023 mark with no sign of slowing down. This has led to some questioning whether the two phenomena are connected in some way. Could the impossible Egyptian artifacts be related to the US debt clock strangeness?

The first of these impossible artifacts was discovered in an ancient tomb in Luxor, Egypt in 2018. It was a small, circular object made from a mysterious material that could not be identified. It was also incredibly lightweight, which was strange for something made from an unknown material.

The second artifact was a small, golden statue of a bird that was found in a pyramid in Giza. It was made from a material that was not known to exist in ancient Egypt and it had a strange, almost alien-like design.

The third artifact was a small, metal box that was found in the Valley of the Kings. It contained a strange, glowing substance that could not be identified.

The fourth artifact was a strange, metallic object that was found in a pyramid in Saqqara. It was made from a material that was not known to exist in ancient Egypt and it contained a complex, intricate design.

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The fifth artifact was a strange, metallic cube that was found in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings. It contained a mysterious, glowing substance that could not be identified.

These strange artifacts have left many people wondering what they could be and how they were made. Some believe that they could be evidence of a lost, advanced civilization that predates ancient Egypt. Others believe that they could be evidence of aliens visiting Earth in the distant past.

At the same time, the US debt clock has been steadily ticking towards the 2023 mark with no sign of slowing down. This has led to some questioning whether the two phenomena are connected in some way. Could the impossible Egyptian artifacts be related to the US debt clock strangeness?

Only time will tell if these two phenomena are connected in some way. Until then, these strange artifacts will remain a mystery.

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  1. jason henn

    If u don't hold ur Metal physically u don't own it

  2. Roger Diogo

    A bunch of old gizas, making laws for the newer generation not to have the same opportunities they had, back to ancient Egypt, are we?

  3. Jennifer Reiser

    Clem trails all over in the sky this morning in PA

  4. Jennifer Reiser

    When you go to the doctor carry a sharpie for your mask that you will be leaving behind with With a message Pfizer is murderers the vaccine kills .

  5. Chromium O.o

    Also there are trillions in derivitives across the board that still have to come home to roost at some point, they been kicking that can down the road since 2006.

  6. Sammy

    Is that a stag behind you? That's symbolic….the hunter

  7. plainasday

    Thanks David, Strange times indeed.

  8. sea w

    have you seen anything on all of the food processing plants across the states that burned down last year? I also heard that they were burning down in Europe. Food shortage maybe, but lets make sure there is.

  9. Dawn Rumbutis

    Thank you for always challenging my brain!

  10. Robert Barnicle

    Thx for great posts David, but the second question, “will they let it slide into civil unrest”, oh yeah, that’s their goal. Don’t forget, they pushed the depop medical intervention.

  11. Sherra Farms

    More and more evidence of an ancient apocalypse. I love how so many people are speaking up about how history is not what they have told us. Check out Jimmy Corsetti’s theory of Atlantis and Graham Hancock on ancient apocalypse. I’m not saying either of them, or David, are 100% accurate (we just don’t know) but the fact that people are talking about it and questioning is wonderful.

  12. QuadQ

    Nobody really speaks like this, which part of USA is this drawl from?

  13. L. plzsavethebeez

    Well, that is the first time I have seen this in our skies! I have seen squatter man with Rex & David Mariello of course! Those colors are magnificent! Not good for us but…

  14. AAA Beverages

    You were Brilliant on your input on sprites. Looks like squatter man/ women…. haha

  15. My name is Name

    I love the information Steve Quayle have about petroglyphs and artifacts it’s the written language of the fallen angels. He has a new documentary called Lies of Men & Gods. Genesis 6 Fallen Angels were mating with human woman producing giants called Nephilim. Fast forward to present humans are currently being abducted by fallen angels pretending to be Nordics and the greys and raping men and women to produce hybrids (Nephilim). I recommend LA Marzulli for great information and Sky Watch TV.

  16. John Smith

    What's up with the Sphinx?

  17. JeremyB.

    NOTHING WILL HAPPEN IN THE FALL OF 2024 this alignment with the planets on the same side of the solar system is a regular occurrence nothing will take place not one thing. Prior to this everything will start going to hell In many ways but this Oct of 2024 is just a day in which I will sit back and drink a few cold ones. It will be 2+ years since I drank in 2024 in October that’s all that will Happen.

  18. debbieturnbull23

    No it don’t make no since at all. !! Why are we going backwards !? Upside down !? Everything is screwed up ?!! Who’s controlling the weather ??!! Who ever made the roads all them years back knew which ones they could flood an how about nuclear sites put right on fault lines an next to oceans. !!!! It’s all set up … what happen to the people , beings , that make them building that are still standing. ,,, we got no one on this earth. To save it …. Everyone knows there’s evil so they best know there’s greatness also. !!!!❤

  19. D&T Bambrick

    All planned by the 'billionaire elites' who know whats coming but don't want most of us around. Owners of 3 corporations own about 90% of worldwide corporations and their WEF have their minions in every major government cabinet. Jesus said it would be perilous times in the end and that a worldwide government would be set up – the WHO is altering their constitution to over ride sovereign nations whenever they may call another 'plandemic'. No one will be able to buy or sell (CBDC?) unless they get the 'embedded mark' (ie chip) when this all happens.

  20. K Davis

    So, is it disturbing to anybody else that the sprites are starting to resemble squatter man? It seems the ancient people were trying to tell us to watch for those formations. I don't get a good feeling about that.

  21. choctaw2sticks

    I`ve heard of people having a chip on their shoulder but, never a moose . . . thank ya Davo

  22. MKR Official Studios

    David, if the people did a global bank run, simultaneously, then sat at home for two to four weeks and spent no money whatsoever, the liquidity crisis that would create would be the end of the entire global governance and financial system… Without any harm to the people, who at that point have just inherited the earth, complete with all of the current infrastructure, undamaged… This means if everyone could agree to continue on without Any ownership of the raw resources of the planet, Meaning that those would be free to everyone without question. For their own personal use. And we all agreed not to use any money. Then we could employ, Artificial intelligence to handle all of the work, Just the same as the globalists are planning on doing right now. Then, we transition into community living. Nothing larger than the community will exist anywhere on the on the face of the Earth. There will be no governments. Just people and their local community. No nations, no cities. Just communities. Communities would be similar to cities, I suppose. But everyone would instantly have a home because there are more houses than there are people on this planet. So there would be enough places for everyone to live right away, and then if everybody grows their own food at home, or if they're unable to, the community that they live in takes care of that for them and the community grows their food together. Then everybody's food supply will be safe, everybody will have food supply, and then every home. Can produce its own power and its own freshwater. Then the people within the community can all volunteer 10 hours a week towards the basic maintenance of civilization. Within their own community. So nobody ever has to go outside of their own community. If they don't want to, they're welcome to. Everybody can, and they're encouraged to because everybody should see all the ways that other communities live, because that would expand your your horizon. But there would be no real rules anywhere. Basically, every community takes care of its own. The elders would be the the wise ones. That's where you would go to for advice. That's where you would go to for for for guidance. They would primarily do most of the raising of the kids. Because the kids gravitate towards them naturally anyway. And then the adults could handle the meager work. There wouldn't be much. Everybody would gain 30 hours a week that they normally spend working to do whatever the hell they want and the ability to do with that time whatever the hell they want, because nothing costs anything. There are people within our society that know how to handle all of the current jobs that we have. Those people can teach other people how to do those jobs. Then those people who want to do those jobs can do those jobs because everybody's going to have too much time on their hands anyway. People are going to want to work or do something to fill their time. Especially people from the generations that are older right now…
    YouTube probably won't allow this comment. It's probably too long. Well, I'll split it in half if I have to. At any rate, this would set the entire world free. And this would stop the problem of billionaires. And governments. Permanently.

  23. sbcap

    Hey Dave, someone with a big nose and a wide hat is looking over your shoulder.

  24. Sharky

    Adapt 2030. I love ya channel man. But not everything is a conspiracy. This is in regards to the carvings. Just because both survived, does not imply both were carved to a similar standard or quality. Like I am a craftsman, a woodworker. Just because I can carve does not mean my stuff is as good as professional woodworkers. Sometimes people make lower quality stuff. Same with the carvings. The fact they both survive is due to conditions at time of carving, environmental factors over time, an where they were for all that time. Chill brother.

  25. Lone Wanderer N7

    Pretty sure those red bright things in the sky are a rare form of lightning. That’s probably just a shot at the perfect moment as it struck

  26. Timothy Mckee

    Joe Bidenated the economy.

  27. Sylvia Welsh

    We are freezing in Northern Nevada way colder than normal

  28. North Star

    With all your research. And you still don’t know that the earth is going to be soon ending a 12,000 year cycle , caused by a micro nova of the sun?

  29. ldn0224

    The artifacts: Went to France many years ago. Middle country and visited several ancient sites. Saw a 17000 year old mural and was perfect. 17000 year old perfect art using the natural shape of the rock face. It is clear that art came before science and inspired science. Amazing stuff to see.

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