In 2022: A Guide to Earning Money Within Legal Boundaries While Maintaining Disability Benefits

by | Oct 8, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 40 comments

In 2022: A Guide to Earning Money Within Legal Boundaries While Maintaining Disability Benefits

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How To Legally Earn Money And Keep Your Disability Benefits In 2022

For individuals receiving disability benefits, earning extra income can sometimes feel like navigating a complicated and murky landscape. There are concerns about how earning money may impact their eligibility for disability benefits and fear of risking the financial stability that comes with those benefits. However, it is possible to earn money legally while maintaining your disability benefits. Here are some essential tips to help you navigate this process in 2022.

1. Understand the rules and guidelines: The first step is to familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines regarding earning money while on disability benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients have different rules when it comes to earning income. Visit the Social Security Administration’s website or consult with a disability attorney to understand the specific guidelines that apply to your situation.

2. Take advantage of work incentives: The Social Security Administration offers various work incentives programs that allow individuals to earn money while still receiving disability benefits. These programs aim to support individuals in transitioning back into the workforce without jeopardizing their benefits. Examples of work incentives include the Trial Work Period, Extended Period of Eligibility, and the Ticket to Work program. Research and understand these programs to see if you qualify and how they can benefit you.

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3. Report your income accurately: It is crucial to accurately report any income you earn while on disability benefits. Failure to do so can result in overpayments and potential legal issues down the line. Keep detailed records of your earnings, including pay stubs, invoices, and receipts. Report your income promptly to the Social Security Administration, ensuring you comply with their reporting requirements. This transparency not only keeps you in compliance with the law but also helps to prevent complications in the future.

4. Utilize work-related expenses deductions: When calculating your income for disability benefit purposes, it is essential to deduct any work-related expenses. These expenses can help reduce your countable income and potentially increase the amount of your disability benefits. Keep track of all work-related expenses, such as transportation costs, necessary equipment, and home office expenses. Consult with a tax professional to ensure you are accurately deducting expenses related to your earnings.

5. Seek advice from a disability attorney: If you have concerns about earning money while on disability benefits, it is recommended to consult with a disability attorney. They have the expertise and experience to guide you through the process, ensuring you are compliant with the regulations and maximizing your potential earnings. A disability attorney can help you navigate complex issues specific to your situation and provide peace of mind.

6. Plan and prioritize financial stability: While earning money while on disability benefits can provide a financial boost, it is crucial to prioritize stability and ensure that it does not jeopardize your overall financial wellbeing. Create a financial plan that considers your long-term goals while taking into account potential adjustments to your disability benefits due to increased income. Seek advice from a financial planner to help you make informed decisions regarding your finances.

See also  4 Things Social Security Disability Recipients Should Not Do

Earning money while receiving disability benefits is possible, providing individuals with the opportunity to improve their financial situation and explore employment options. By understanding the rules and guidelines, taking advantage of work incentives, accurately reporting income, deducting work-related expenses, seeking advice from professionals, and prioritizing financial stability, individuals can successfully navigate the process of earning money while keeping their disability benefits in 2022.

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  1. 417 plasma

    in 2023 its $1,410.00

  2. cheryl lakin

    The amount now is $1,470, not $900 and whatever. You can make more than that for 9 months, (not necessarily 9 months in a row). I had a conversation with the SS office about this.

  3. Ariel Barber

    How would things like Twitch work? I just got my disability and make far less than what my bills are putting a hug financial burden on my GF as she has to cover my shortcomings on my portion. I started streaming on twitch (have done so 2x the last couple of days). Say I start to build and can become an affiliate and .ake money. However all im doing is smoking my medical canabis and playing videogames online. It's not exactly "work," and idk how it may affect my ssd which makes me concered about becoming an affiliate if i do manage to get viewers/subscribers etc.

  4. Rob MM

    CLARIFICATION for SSI receipent out there! 1. Work 20 hr or less per week and make $970.00 or less per month. OKAY. Question! Lets say your ssi monthly income from SSA is $900. and your ticket to work job is $700. Per month. Will SSA deduct mony from your SSI monthly $900. Income ?

  5. Willow Nature Wood

    Is it 20 hour a week or 20 hours a month?

  6. MON JOP


  7. Rex Luongo

    The rules are different based on which tyoe of disability you receive. I would have liked to hear both. There are two types, SSDI (social security disability income) and SSI (supplemental Security Income).

  8. Lisa Robertson

    Ssi took money out of my checks each money for oil royalties. If I make money gifts on live TikTok streaming will ssi treat it as royalties and just deduct it out of your ssi or will they treat it as a job?

  9. Lisa Robertson

    The money you make off of TikTok live you make will ssi be cut off?


    This would be tough for YouTuber I would imagine. They would have no idea how much they would be getting in per month and of course at the beginning there would be no income but if the channel or to grow and get big then it potentially could generate hundreds of thousands. So if the channel only makes $12k through donations which counts as ordinary income then you would only be able to have a tiny channel and if you were to sell a chorus or any type of affiliate links you'd be screwed.

    On a side note this must be how those disabled YouTubers make a crapload of money
    Those blind YouTubers who create 501c and then pay themselves zero salaries in order to gain the trust of millions of subscribers to donate so they can avoid taxes and pretend they are helpless and poor and SSA not counting against them. Interesting!

  11. johnny dillard

    It kinda like reporting earnings during while getting unemployment in Alabama. I worked part time and got a supplement check. I reported online with no problems.

  12. Aladdin Games

    Limiting how much a disabled person can make is breaking the constitutional rights anyone should have the right to make as much money if they want it’s called freedom of rights

  13. Sam Sobhani

    Does this bullshit law really exists? Does government or people dictate how much money can poor helpless, sick disabled person can earn or keep? Change that stupid as soon as possible.

  14. VagaBum

    Does an LLC work as a corporation?

  15. Lilith Mimai

    What u do want get married but u and your spouse had benefits from government that won't affect it.

  16. Jet Bisaya adventures

    Hello Brian! Can I travel long distance to visit my kids in another country while on disability? Please let me know what to do. Always thankful for your helpful knowledge.

  17. Self Care

    Can I work for 3 months and resume again after some time for those 9 months?

  18. Self Care

    So how do you let social security know? Or you can just start?

  19. Chantal Paquette

    I know someone who uses VITA Prep for free taxes

  20. Rino

    Thanks for the information @Prezsama

  21. Rudy Black

    I got a letter by mail and I won like ,10k in crypto..they want all the paperwork forms from all my platforms.. Will I get my SSDI taken away?

  22. Genny Trickett

    I trade EFT’s and I will be getting a 1099 from a prop firm. I wanted to set up a LLC. I think the fact I’m getting paid through the prop firm with a 1099 that I will need to report the monthly payout

  23. d2lover88

    Use to work under the table jobs, mainly in restaurants but once people find out you're on disability you have to quit right away and leave. I started doing jobs online for crypto, as long as I keep a hardware wallet I don't have to worry about the ssi administration finding out.

  24. David Jeski

    So what about investing in any other passive income? Does it matter what that passive income is? For instance, investing in a restaurant.

  25. Elusive

    What if you made 50k a year doordash 1099 . And I have write offs for gas and mileage . So what if I made it where my expenses are more then my income. Or I just owe like $200 in taxes will ssi see that I made to much money if l have write offs to hide my profit

  26. shakescan

    Thank you Brian. I have joined and gotten a call from your organization that was very helpful. I watch your live shows as much as I can and am sifting through old videos.
    Thank you for being patient as I understand you have explained some things previously.

    This is helpful.

  27. Darryl Adkins

    I make 2600 a month, I was diagnosed with depression, what should I do? I have to work because I don't know what else to do. But if I don't take my meds I'll quit or get fired.

  28. DoubleAboveChaos

    can you own Bitcoin or Polygon if you are on SSI-SSDI

  29. Muzaffar Ali

    I am disable and look online worked

  30. Mike Stroud

    What if you are on Permanent Disability and get income from housing investment years ago?? Are they going to tax the extra income?? Other problems??

  31. RANDY

    What about doing 1099 work. Is that a no no ?

  32. Ross Martenak

    Anyone that collects SS Disability & is able to work, is stealing from the American workers who are retired after EARNING their money

  33. davidc523

    I am legally blind just got on disability in November and I was told I could only make the $970 but when I research it says over $2000 and it’s hard getting info from social security they seem to treat you like you’re a deadbeat not sure what to do because what I get and trying to work isn’t enough to survive

  34. I'm melting!

    It's the elites in Washington. They want us poor and dependent on the government. Welcome to the Democrat plantation

  35. Yo Adrian

    What would happen to my California short term disability if one of my stocks raised 15-25% and I wanted to sell that stock can that affect my short term disability

  36. Rox

    I have heard good and bad things about the ticket to work program, could you explain the program in one of your videos please? I appreciate you for breaking things down in a way that is understandable.

  37. Aura Caban

    Hi! I have a question. When you first apply for disability online, Should I put my test results as a prove in the remarks area of the application or is a total mistake?

  38. bradfranklin

    Do you have a referal to a CPA that knows disability which can help structure a business

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