Increase in Overnight Bank Bailouts Amidst Escalation of Crypto/Silver Manipulation: Insights from Bix Weir

by | Oct 6, 2023 | Bank Failures | 30 comments

Increase in Overnight Bank Bailouts Amidst Escalation of Crypto/Silver Manipulation: Insights from Bix Weir

The shot term bailouts are getting bigger and longer….and it will get worse as we get into October. Crypto and silver rigging are still at 100% control with no sign of letting up…we will see….(read more)


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Overnight Bank Bailouts Grow as Crypto/Silver Rigging Intensifies!! (By Bix Weir)

In the world of finance, there are few things as controversial and concerning as bank bailouts. Despite promises from governments to regulate and prevent a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis, the need for bailouts seems to be an ever-recurring theme, especially in the overnight market.

One individual, Bix Weir, has been closely monitoring this situation and believes that the recent surge in overnight bank bailouts is a direct result of the intensifying manipulation in the crypto and silver markets.

For those unfamiliar with the concept, a bank bailout occurs when a financial institution faces a liquidity crisis and requires assistance from central banks or governments to continue operating. These bailouts are typically reserved for ‘too big to fail’ banks as their collapse could have disastrous consequences for the entire economy.

Weir argues that massive bank bailouts are becoming a regular occurrence overnight, as unregulated and manipulated markets continue to create havoc. The latest concerns revolve around the crypto and silver markets, which have been plagued by allegations of rigging and price manipulation.

Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, have gained significant popularity in recent years. However, they also attract a fair share of suspicion due to the lack of regulations and oversight. Weir points out that with so much potential for market manipulation, it’s no surprise that banks are facing trouble in the overnight market.

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Similarly, the silver market has long been suspected to be subject to manipulation. Weir believes that as more investors flock towards silver as a safe haven asset, it becomes an attractive target for market rigging. This manipulation could lead to a significant price surge or collapse overnight, consequently putting banks at risk.

While Weir’s claims may seem alarmist, there is some evidence to support them. The Financial Stability Oversight Council, an agency that monitors the U.S. financial system, expressed concerns over potential threats to financial stability arising from cryptocurrencies in its most recent annual report.

Additionally, several major banks have faced penalties and settlements related to market manipulation. Whether it’s LIBOR, foreign-exchange rates, or more recent cases like precious metals manipulation, the banking industry has been tarnished by these practices.

So, what does this mean for the average consumer? Well, first and foremost, it highlights the need for increased regulation and oversight in unregulated markets like cryptocurrencies. The growing popularity of digital currencies cannot be ignored, and authorities need to step in to protect investors and ensure overall market stability.

Furthermore, it raises questions about the integrity of the financial system. If banks continue to require bailouts due to events occurring in unregulated markets, confidence in the banking sector will be eroded. This could lead to more financial instability and even greater reliance on taxpayer funds to keep banks afloat.

In conclusion, Bix Weir’s concerns regarding overnight bank bailouts in the face of intensified market manipulation in the crypto and silver markets are not unfounded. The lack of oversight and regulation in these arenas has created a breeding ground for manipulation, potentially jeopardizing the stability of the financial system. The need for greater regulatory measures and accountability is now more crucial than ever to prevent a repeat of past financial crises.

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  1. Rox Finance & News

    Bix, could it be that the Crypto issues weren't rigging, but the Google Quantum Computing scare? Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter, when laymen are terrified into apocalyptic selling based on thoughts like "Omg! Cryptos will be worthless! I gotta sell now for whatever the price!!"

  2. Jacques Fontenot

    That is a great visual. I'm having trouble finding it to show others. Could you possibly link it?

  3. Tyler Sudden II

    So what happens when their window closes? Does the bond market just implode? Do they go pull another 2007/2008 in front of Congress with scare stories of martial law?

  4. Romerosays

    What exactly is a derivative?

  5. Ann Gautier

    Jim Willie says they have used kilos of heroin for collateral.

  6. gringo anon

    I am starting to see, shortages and price rises in silver, like Hong Kong its around forty dollars an ounce, traders have shut their doors in China. Maples have run out in the town where they are minted in Canada, Perth mint have no kilo bars. Sure a retailer will tell you they can supply but the question is how long…are we starting to see a genuine shortage of this strategic metal?

  7. Bill Smit

    So glad I got into Crypto's. Love how it destroys Net Worth so quickly and efficiently. Am I missing something? Is this the Fool's Channel? More money in Pokeman memorabilia.

  8. Bill Rundell

    Please rebroadcast this you tube again,
    every several week. No hype just total
    truth of our impossible finical system…. And you have said, "CHINA IS IN WORST DESPERATE STRAITS,'

  9. H. Carson

    I need a beer……. maybe two.

  10. Will

    The system of Equalibrium solves all of your recurring problems. I challenge anyone in your entire world to show us a single problem that has not been solved for in Equalibrium.
    You can find out more and you can attempt show us any problem that you are having that is not solved in Equalibrium in the comments section here:
    I've already been through this with people several times. You will not be able to make a verifiable argument to defend your capitalism nor will you be able to make a verifiable argument for why Equalibrium will not solve all of your recurring problems, therefore I will be moving ahead with the practice and implementation of Equalibrium.

  11. Dudeboy

    Greta Thunberg and David Hogg are cut from the same cloth, in my opinion.

  12. HA

    The financial industry as a whole is in trouble. I just heard Schwab just laid off 600 company wide…. is this the beginning?

  13. Mason

    Bank win, Bix lose

  14. H. Idrissi

    The Futures are doing their thing!!! Lower lower lower & more lower!!!

  15. tgcoder

    Trump wants the impeachment to keep going (concerning Ukraine) so that they will keep the Biden scandal on the burner and not get forgotten. Also, he will insure that the MSM makes a fool of themselves again.

  16. AntiDoctor

    It's so crazy that one person in the world figured out the fed comics.

  17. AntiDoctor

    I don't see bakkt as making anything worse. They might actually deliver some crypto and help create a shortage. Overall it's probably good but not a home run. The price is rigged until it breaks. Bakkt won't make it more rigged and might help it break.

  18. Pit Viper

    Anyone can see that the economy is trash. Yes its better than it was but still nowhere near being healthy. Just look at every brick and mortar companies that are going under. The argument of "Well all those jobs are going to Amazon" is BS. Most of Amazon facilities are less than 500 once its up and operational. 4% unemployment is also a farce considering a 100 million working age adults aren't working and not looking for a job. The US also has the largest homeless population in the world per capita and that's saying something. The illegals aren't coming in like they were but it has nothing to do with the wall it because the jobs aren't here like they used to be and the welfare is starting to get shut off. No reason to come here if there no freebies and no jobs to work. Depression 2.0 will be the reset of society and I cant wait for it to start to clear out all the corruption.

  19. yotoober1

    everything is gong to collapse today….or tomorrow…or next week….or maybe next month…ok, next year… and it never happens…why??? the question is, can the 3M, the Mouseclick Magician Menuchin keep pulling 'rabbits out of the hat' ??? how many rabbits are still left at the bottom of the hat which we cannot see? seems like theres always jsut one more…does the Wizard behind the Curtain have just one more 'lever' that he can pull on Dorothy?? i would guess that the answer to these questions are: Ans.) WE HAVE INCOMPLETE DATA WITH WHICH TO ANSWER THE QUESTION …we didnt make the machine thats behind the curtian with all the levers, so no one really knows how many levers are left which havent been pulled….and we didnt make the hat, so we dont know how many rabbits were originally put in it 🙂 (meaning the public info available on financials/monetary is either, imcomplete, inaccurate/lies or not released altogether) yes, someday it will all collapse, but to predict which one is impossible to do for anyone, even me or bix 😉 no matter, ive got a lot of "karmacoin" crypto to spend

  20. mm ix

    6:58 75 billion cumulative over weeks may not add up together but look at that volume. Hundreds of billions of dollars. If crypto saw this kind of volume we'd all be filthy rich by now.

  21. Matthew

    Very scary information Bix. Thank you for sharing it. I agree with the idea that all of this macroeconomic big-time stuff is necessary to know about in order to understand what is causing the coming conditions but what is all of this going to look like for us little folks on the ground? Are we talking about a coming post-apocalyptic world where we are all wearing animal skins and running around doing our best Mad Max impressions of do you see a transition taking place where the basic infrastructure remains intact and life just gets very expensive? I would love to hear you expound on what life might look like for the average prepared joe and the average unprepared joe.

  22. Erich Schneider

    Oh by the way…….do u happen to have 20 trillion……..I'll be glad to pay u on Tuesday.

  23. bchansens

    I really don’t care if Litecoin and Bitcoin go to $0 because I’ll just buy all of them.

  24. Keith Kresin

    My 2 cents: The government will create their own coin using one of the current crypto technologies and all others will go down. Do you really think the government is going to follow somebodies technology or own it and dictate what happens just like dollars…but now digital.

  25. Erich Schneider

    Bix thank you for your hard work over the last 20 years. I think u TRULY care about the good people of the world

  26. Samanta Luna

    How would it be to own 544 trillion dollars? I can't imagine.

  27. SilverM1y

    So, bottom line: Is it the government or is it the banks who have been rigging the metals markets? Can't be both, or if it is, then why would the government now start indicting banksters? Mnuchin is both bank bankster and government bankster in one, there is little doubt there, but who is he really working for? It's certainly not the American people.

  28. Mark Dagley

    Seems that there is confusion about derivatives. Explain where I am wrong. 1. someone (CB) takes $50 dollars & creates a $1000 derivative of 100 oz of silver, let's say. They sell that silver for $10, let's say. They get $1000 USD from sucker. If silver goes down, they buy back the 100 oz derivative at $9/oz. They pay $900 to sucker and pocket the $100 making a 100% gain on their $50 . The $1000 derv disappears. (Note: there does not need to be an up Derv for each down Derv) 2. BUT if the price of silver goes the wrong way, the creator of the Derv faces bankruptcy. Why?The price of silver goes to $11, lets say. It the creator of the derv is force to make good on it (because term is due or a margin call or can't roll over/no new suckers), they have to buy for $1100. OOPs, they only have $50 in the game but they owe $100. But they do not have the additional $50. To avoid declaring bankruptcy they borrow the $50. But no one will lend to them. FEDs to the rescue. The FEDs create the $50 out of thin air and lend it to the creator (CB). The Derv is satisfied & disappears. The sucker gets the $100 profit. The creator has a $50 debt. So instead of there being $1000 FIAT there is now $1050 ($1000 original plus $50 debt). The deriv is gone. The $1000 dirv transformed $1000 fiat into $1050 fiat. 3. Multiply this a billion times. The CBs (read JPM and others) who create the dervs need to rig the market so the suckers get burned and they do not. When it gets to the point that they can no longer rig the markets, they become the losers and have either to declare bankruptcy or borrow their way out of it. Feds to the rescue, until they can't. Then the bankers go down. But as long as they can borrow newly created fiat from the FED, they don't go down. A lot of fiat is created to keep the banks solvent. Were will this money go? Stock Market, real estate, cryptos. Therefore…… So if the fed keeps rescuing: Ben is right, then when the fed no longer can rescue, Bix is right. So Ben will be right, UNTIL Bix is right. Will there be an UNTIL? That is the question. Ben thinks NOT so he thinks he is right period. Ben will appear to be right until the UNTIL happens. Bix thinks there will be an UNTIL so he thinks he will eventually be right. He will appear to be wrong until the UNTIL(the FEDS can no longer rescue) happens and then He will be right. That is my understanding. Which will happen? Can the FEDS rescue until the Dervs disappear or not? The answer to the question determines whether Ben or Bix will prevail!!!!! Bix misunderstands dervs, maybe, but says the Feds will get to a point it can not longer rescue, and Ben misunderstands Feds ability, maybe, he thinks that the fed will be able to rescue indefinitely! Who is right?????? That is the question!!! R2R theory says Feds will not be able to continue to rescue. The 'bad guys' want fed to continue to rescue. 'The god guys' do not, but want it to for a while, until 2020 election maybe. Which will win? TIMHO!

  29. tony cardoza

    criminal JPM shut them down

  30. Peter Heavey

    I'd like to see the update visualization chart.

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