Inequality for All

by | Nov 24, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 25 comments

Inequality for All

A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, INEQUALITY FOR ALL features Robert Reich – professor, best-selling author, and Clinton cabinet member – as he demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating impact on the American economy. The film is an intimate portrait of a man whose lifelong goal remains protecting those who are unable to protect themselves. Through his singular perspective, Reich explains how the massive consolidation of wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the American workforce and the foundation of democracy itself. In this INCONVENIENT TRUTH for the economy, Reich uses humor and a wide array of facts to explain how the issue of economic inequality affects each and every one of us….(read more)

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  1. Ethan Loe

    27:25 the cop upper cutting that guy in the balls is awsome

  2. Jim Espeland

    Robert Reich said it best … legislation in America is created to benefit the lobbyists and big donors, not the majority of our citizens. When we can get big money out of politics, we will begin to see healing and positive change in our society. This movie is a "must see" for all of humanity … thank you, Robert Reich.

  3. Connie Jean Conklin

    Problem with volume. Will have to watch when I can read the closed captioning. Hope it's large enough.

  4. Lucy G

    Loved it wish I could have seen it years ago the youth today have it in themselves to make a real difference…see you on the other side

  5. Amnesi Antoinette

    God bless this man … he is really sweet but a bit naïve to think BC did what he did on accident by deregulating Wall Street. BC also bent over America with NAFTA and basically created globalism and started outsourcing all of our labor and manufacturing. I didn’t expect to cry…but his heart is pure and it really hurts to see how he was used by BC and others to dupe the populace for political gain.

  6. Manuel Castaneda

    Fiat money is play money. Copper is the base monitory standard. The wealth of the nation is your pocket. Precious metals gold and silver are too scarce for daily transactions. We can carry our weekly in our pocket. Please.

  7. James Youkhanis

    Bottom line: Nobody cares. Sink or Swim mindset

  8. VbisaE

    I have never been so obsessed with a documentary like this one 🙂

  9. Ann Harlan

    The amount of commercials in this is beyond RIDICULOUS! I used to send my students to this site – never again.

  10. ApricotStone

    It really is just the powerful trying to stay in power. There was one of Reagan’s advisors that said something about an “educated proletariat” being a danger to the United States in the wake of the Vietnam War Protests on college campuses. Soon after, college funding was cut and tuitions were raised to push the non-wealthy out of higher education. It’s just horrible

  11. Shannon Starks

    So glad I stumbled upon this movie! I wish everyone would watch it. Thanks so much, Robert Reich.

  12. jeff mitchell

    I gotta say, that guy at around 33:00 is tempting me to hereafter avoid the self checkouts.

  13. Emma

    This should be shown in schools. Starting in Kindergarten and every year up until a seniors last day.

  14. Gmotion EDC

    Ok so what’s the plan to fix this and grow high paying jobs for the middle class who don’t needs 6-8 years of post education?? Let’s hear solutions. We all know things suck but where’s the roadmap to fix this?????????

  15. Mystic One

    This video is very dated. Things have changed. Democrats contribute heavily to "inequality for all" by creating tremendous burdens for the middle class. They don't want to admit this but it's true, and the middle class continues to be targeted by these Leftists.

    Look at what Biden has just done: He increased taxes on the middle class DURING A RECESSION and increased spending DESPITE INFLATION!!!! Both of these moves are a strike at middle class America, and it's INTENTIONAL. They're teaching your kids racism in the classroom, focusing on transgenderism and "gender dysphoria" instead of the 3 R's.

    How much of the Woke Agenda can America take and still survive as a society?

  16. Lorraine S.

    This is a controlled demolition of the US by globalists. If anyone is reading this that doesn't know Jesus as their Lord and savior, I implore you to into yourself quickly. This country and world are on borrowed time. God bless.

  17. mercury13

    It was always about class not race. It was just east to incert people based on features in a certain class or slave class. Equal under the law thats why corporation should not have the same rights and no lobbying or doating to political parties etc…

  18. Ruby Benge

    Very helpful movie. The only thing I would add is that he doesn’t mention the powell memo and the fact that the United States system was set up to favor the wealthy. At the time the country was set up the wealthy people were the slave owners. Their money was needed to fight Great Britain because great Britain was the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world. You need a lot of money to fight a war against such a country. The slaveowners were not going to join in and contribute their money unless they thought that slavery might persist. The southern states with the low population states. So the constitution set up the government so that lower population states had more power. And then they set up the electoral college which no other democracy has because it’s so anti-democratic.

    And finally, the supreme court in 1803 Marbury versus Madison gave itself the right to to eliminate laws pass by elected representatives of the people.

    No other Country calling itself a democracy has a group of unelected rich people who can throw out laws pass by the elected representatives. The Supreme Court acts as a monarchy.

    Then in the 1960s, concerned about Ralph Nader and Rachel Carson who are both specifically mentioned in the memo, Louis Powell, An attorney for the Chamber of Commerce, wrote a memo outlining plan to get rid of democracy so the business would have more power.

    Thom Hartmann explain to the Powell memo better than I ever could.

  19. nuqwestr

    Nob Hill, Pacific Union Club, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, all in the opening sequence, how ironic.

  20. James More

    The Virtuous cycle is brilliant. It will never happen without help on every level. Who’s looking out for the poor? No one ☝️. I remember corporate raider’s laying off the masses and decimating even engineering firm starting in the 90s. No one was safe from the need for more profit. The Fed’s can make a huge difference but they must stand firm against corporations.
    Most informative video on economics. It’s complicated as shown by the iPhone example but fixable. Value was mainly added by Germans and also probably some patent $s to Korea. Unlike most “whine” videos on inequality he offers solutions. Let’s share the wealth for our own sakes.
    Option NOT. Wages stagnant, consumers buy less, companies downsize, tax revenues decrease, government cuts programs, workers are less educated.
    OR 10 years later we’re still living the lie with no political will. Keep us worrying about the border or birth control right?

  21. Edwina Mendelssohn

    Life isn't equal. Never has been and never will be. Not in the animal kingdom and not among humans. It's a vain exercise.

  22. Kevin Hambel

    Somebody with the video editing skills, make a bunch of videos promoting Robert Reich for president.

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