Inflation Analysis: In-Depth Exploration of Property Investment Implications

by | Jul 12, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 3 comments

With inflation raging, it was time to take a deep dive on this topic through the landlord and property investment lens.

We are joined by economist Andrew Sissons, and Lendlord CEO, Aviram Shahar for this in-depth discussion.

Andrew gives us the low down on his view of inflation and how it can impact landlords, both positively and negatively.

Towards the end, Aviram demonstrates how the Lendlord portfolio management software can be used to keep your portfolio cash flow up-dated, re-finance to fixed rates to protect against inflation, and also to financially model how inflation might affect your portfolio.

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Deep Dive on Inflation from a Property Investment Perspective

Inflation is a term that often causes concern among investors, as it can erode the value of their investments over time. For property investors, understanding the impact of inflation is crucial, as it can significantly affect the returns and profitability of their investments. In this article, we will delve into the concept of inflation from a property investment perspective and explore its implications.

Firstly, let’s define inflation. In simple terms, inflation refers to the general increase in prices over time, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of money. When inflation is on the rise, it means that the value of each unit of currency is declining, making goods and services more expensive.

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So, how does inflation impact property investments? Well, it largely depends on the type of property investment and its financing structure. In general, real estate is considered a tangible asset that can act as a hedge against inflation. When inflation occurs, the value of properties typically rises, allowing investors to benefit from capital appreciation. This means that property prices tend to outpace inflation, preserving and growing the value of the investment.

Additionally, rental income can act as a natural shield against inflation. As prices rise, landlords can increase rental rates, ensuring that the income generated keeps pace with inflation. This is especially true for properties located in areas with high demand, as landlords have more leverage to negotiate higher rents.

Moreover, property investors can take advantage of inflation to enhance their returns through leverage. When interest rates are low, borrowing money to invest in real estate becomes more attractive. As inflation rises, central banks might increase interest rates to curb inflationary pressures. However, if the rental income increases in line with inflation, investors can cover their debt repayments without significant strain.

On the other hand, inflation can also have negative implications for property investors. Rising prices not only affect investors but also potential homebuyers. As the purchasing power of the population diminishes due to inflation, the overall demand for property may decrease, leading to a slowdown in the market. This can impact property sales and rental demand, potentially reducing the profitability of the investment.

In addition, inflation can cause construction and maintenance costs to rise. From the perspective of property investors, this means that the cost of acquiring, renovating, or maintaining properties increases. Such increases in expenses can erode profitability and lower overall returns. It becomes crucial for investors to carefully monitor their costs and make strategic decisions to counterbalance these effects.

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Furthermore, property investors need to be aware of the impact of different types of inflation. Core inflation, which excludes volatile elements such as food and energy prices, may have a more direct bearing on property investment. As property-related costs such as property taxes, insurance, and labor costs rise, they can exert upward pressure on rental rates and reduce profit margins.

In conclusion, inflation is a double-edged sword for property investors. While it can lead to capital appreciation and increased rental income, it can also dampen demand and increase costs. In order to successfully navigate the impact of inflation, property investors should carefully analyze market trends, rental demand, and expenses. Moreover, they should consider diversifying their investments to hedge against the potential risks associated with inflation. By staying informed and proactive, property investors can make sound decisions to protect and grow their investments in an inflationary environment.

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  1. Nikki Dr

    That is not a correct definition of inflation. Rising prices are symptoms of inflation!

  2. Danny Murphy

    Good discussion, I can see Lendlord would be a good help in a situation like this. One thing Andrew did not mention was the risk of imported inflation caused by a falling currency, if the £ keeps falling the B of E will have no option but to put rates up.

    I think for landlords the issue is not so much inflation and interest rates but employment levels and ability to pay. Like how many months can you pay the mortgage if you have no tenants. I would be very worried if I was a landlord in London as it is a very expensive place to live plus has a massive service economy. It's obvious resturants and shops are going to be the big loser with food fuel and labour inflation.

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