Inflation and Investing: False Alarm or Fair Warning?

by | Oct 17, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 40 comments

Inflation and Investing: False Alarm or Fair Warning?

While 2021 has been a good year, so far, for stocks, it has also been a battle between two forces pulling in opposite directions, an economy coming back stronger than expected (positive) and concerns about the return on inflation (negative). In this session, I look at inflation across time in the US, as well as differences across countries, and provide a framework for understanding why Inflation, in both its expected and unexpected forms, affect the values of financial assets. I then look at US market history to examine how different asset classes have performed, as a function of inflation, and also delve into how segments of stocks (value vs growth, small vs large, industry groups) have been affected by inflation. I close with an assessment of the debate is about whether the surge in inflation that is occurring is transitory or permanent, and argue that since there is a non-trivial likelihood that this is permanent, the Fed should be careful about not talking itself into inaction.
Blog Post:
1. Inflation in the US from 1928 – 2020:
2. Expected Inflation Rates for US from 1978-2020:
3. Expected Inflation Rates by Country from 2021 to 2026:
4. Historical Nominal and Real Returns by Asset Class from 1928 to 2020:
5. Historical Returns by Industry Groups from 1928 to 2020: …(read more)

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  1. Rocco Di Vincenzo

    This topic has aged pretty well now 😀

  2. Swetha Urs Naresh

    Fed- *speak less, act more* epic one!!
    An amazing content. Thank you very much for your valuable teachings. Never I’ve completed watching your videos without learning more and more.

  3. h l

    Whatever “forecasted” data this presentation used is total BS… again… proofed that forecast is BS

  4. Ivan Laws

    Really Good – More Please!

  5. A P

    In the real world of investments, economics and their infinite number of theories and theorists, everything seems true until it is not. Think of the illusionist, you believe what you watch but the reality is playing behind what you don't see, that's how investments and economy work in the real world, not by the book.


    Professor, I watched your video in June and you guided us to wait till October to understand if inflation is transitory or not. We just received October's inflation numbers and those are the highest in 30 years at 6.2%. Can we confirm high inflation now?

  7. Fabsmaster5

    Well, it seems that the genie is indeed out of the bottle.

  8. J S

    love your channel!!!!!!!!

  9. AryNova

    If inflation can be high but expected inflation low which will make bonds better vs if expected inflation is high then how come bonds always perform bad when inflation is high? Also in 1970s gold went parabolic because Nixon quit gold standard. When inflation goes high feds are raising rates. When t bonds is over 200 bases points it’s deadly for gold in normal circumstances. Yes in abnormal upcoming circumstances gold will still absorb extra dollars printed and in circulation but I disagree that gold will thrive in upcoming inflation. If stocks crash then people can switch to gold but stocks should absurd extra dollars too to at least go up by rate of inflation. Historically there have been stagnant period for stocks for like 10 years then uptrend period for like 10 years. 1970s was stagnant period and it might be similar if inflation doesn’t don’t spike because of stupid war.

  10. hawtwax

    Love your videos. Trying to get through the backlog. Thanks for the content

  11. Kumaran N

    Professor, thank you for your efforts and sharing the knowledge..

  12. Alex H.

    Thank your for your brilliant insights and selfless sharing as usual!

  13. rchen404

    Would be good to compare how commodities did during 60s and 70s, but oil embargo would probably throw things off

  14. Botu

    I was kind of expecting you will not bite the hand that feeds you and tell the real truth

  15. Rishabh Jain

    Mere man me ek sawal aata h jab me desh ke bahar rehne waale logo ko dekhta hu: Kya lagta h isko hindi/tamil aati hogi? Thodi bohot? Ya sab bhul gaya hoga?

  16. Daniel Orlov

    How is it rational to expect 3% inflation and accept a 2% coupon? Have followed and loved your work for years- thanks for making it available.

  17. Victor Piousbox

    Couple comments:
    1. logarithmic graph of bitcoin vs gold would be better IMO : )
    2. bitcoin is a "millenial" gold, so it doesn't behave like gold! If you are looking for an asset that behaves like gold, I recommend gold itself. Bitcoin is a revolutionar… blah blah technology, behaves like a tech stock, but IMO it's true that bitcoin is a value container, much like gold. We'll see.

  18. Frank Einstein

    So basically, there is nothing I can do except maybe buy gold and real estate and hope for the best? Yes, that is depressing…

  19. dmen ace

    Mate, your lecture is unbelievably darn good! Thanks very much for taking the effort of doing this. As a non economist, all these forces are beginning to make some sense.

  20. md shajid

    You deserve more. Real knowledge. Thankyou very much sir. You are grate teacher

  21. T-Jay

    Great video! I’m 45, my goal is to retire a multi millionaire before 50 and I've set asides $100k to achieve this, but considering inflation, how or where should I invest in?

  22. MDMX

    thank you so much for the interesting video

  23. Munawar Cheema

    So much great straight talk! Fantastic video

  24. Paul Meyer

    Thank you for the usual, excellent and thoughtful analysis. Not being a monetarist, I also see global supply chain disruptions as contributing to a lowering of the efficiency of global markets and thereby contributing to inflation.

  25. tbird792

    Not even Aswath can save me now from my impending mortgage renewal

  26. 으누션

    Thank you for sharing the insigtful framework. It is extremely helpful. One quick comment on typo: on slide 19, 'Expected Inflation' should be 'Real inflation'.

  27. Rodney King

    Thank you very much for sharing your extensive view on the imminent issue!

  28. Matthew

    Lucid as always, thank you.

  29. KUK


  30. Jonathan C. Phelps

    This is fantastic. Thanks so much Professor!

  31. Taco Cruiser

    My portfolio includes stocks, long-term treasuries, gold, and commodities. All of the asset classes in my portolio have increased over the past month. But gold and commodities have significantly outperformed the stocks and treasuries. Stocks have actually been the WORST performer in my portfolio (despite still increasing). So real assets>treasuries>stocks.

  32. Nuggetrouble

    Aswath my brother from Madras. You are the GOAT and a legend. The info on your YouTube channel help many people.

  33. CeeGix

    Just buy Bitcoin

  34. Arivarasan Ila

    Thanks for the excellent presentaion and talk

  35. Moduhlize

    I watched this entire video and I want to say that I can't believe you published this for free. You're very generous. Thank you!

  36. 靈

    You have to look at the causes of inflation as well. Until we can rid of covid, we don't have the deflationary factor from globalized production.

  37. bjtheonetaken

    Thanks aswath! It's so refreshing in this day and age to hear something of substance rather than the usual superficial sound bytes and production heavy videos that's all just fluff

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