Inflation Investing is Now Prohibited in Canada.

by | May 5, 2023 | Invest During Inflation | 41 comments

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Canada recently made headlines when it announced that it is banning inflation investing. The move has been met with mixed reactions, with some applauding the government’s efforts to curb what is seen as a risky investment practice, while others criticize the move as an infringement on individual financial freedom.

What is inflation investing?

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Inflation investing, sometimes referred to as inflation trading, is the practice of investing in assets that are likely to increase in value as inflation rises. This could include stocks, commodities, and real estate, among others.

The rationale behind inflation investing is that when inflation rises, the value of traditional investments such as bonds and cash decreases. Therefore, investors place their money in assets that are expected to perform better in an inflationary environment.

Canada’s decision to ban inflation investing

Canada’s government has taken a hard stance against inflation investing, banning it outright. The government cites concerns over risk and market instability as the reasons for the ban.

The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA), an organization that regulates securities laws across Canada, issued a warning in May 2021 about inflation-based investment products. The CSA warned that these products can be complex and carry significant risk, including the risk of losing most or all of the invested capital.

The ban on inflation investing comes as the Canadian government looks to stabilize the economy after the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The government is expected to announce further measures aimed at stabilizing the economy and promoting economic growth.

Reaction to the ban

The ban on inflation investing has received a mixed reaction. Some experts see it as a prudent move, given the risks involved in these types of investments. They argue that the government should be protecting consumers from risky investments.

Others, however, view the move as an infringement on personal financial freedom. They argue that the government should not be dictating what investments individuals can make with their money.

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Canada’s decision to ban inflation investing has generated significant debate. While some see the move as a prudent effort to protect consumers from risky investments, others view it as an infringement on personal financial freedom. Regardless of one’s opinion, the ban is a significant development in Canada’s financial landscape, and it remains to be seen what impact it will have on the economy and markets going forward.

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  1. Russell Matthews

    A reminder to everyone (that I wish I didn't have to make!)

    I will never ask you to contact me in a YouTube comment, and as a general practice, never contact anyone who asks you to in the comments.

    There are many scammers taking advantage of viewers, impersonating YouTubers and acting like they have an investment strategy that you can use. This, of course, is not true.

    I would hate for any viewers to lose money as a result of these scammers!

  2. AnakaShack

    Why is freebush still speaking for Canadian citizens when freebush is obviously not needed or wanted?

  3. Gerry Johnson

    …what it's doing with OUR money.


    so you are saying that if they can't screw the buyer's they will screw them another way .

  5. H MacQuarrie

    We get what we deserve. How are these people still in power? The incompetence is overwhelming. Now the pensions are at risk just so they can spend…spend…spend.

  6. critterfritter69

    Canada is just doing what any bond issuer would do. In an environment where inflation is likely to go up. If the government continued issuing RRBs and inflation goes through the roof, then taxpayers would be left holding the bag by underwriting these bond guarantees. It cuts both ways.

  7. Dr Toetag..

    Hey Freeland we want our 2 billion dollars back from the imaginary investment

  8. Financial education

    At 8:27 it reads “Canada is now the only G7 Country not issuing new sovereign inflation index linked bonds” But I wonder if there is a work around solution. Are there American real return bonds that can be purchased instead? An ETF maybe? And if so would hedged or unhedged work better in an inflationary environment?

  9. Rocko99 Rocko99

    Freeland is such a financial genius she needed her parents to co-sign a loan for her house she lives in. Now she runs the governments money in Canada. What could possibly go wrong?

  10. Kathy Murphy

    You are so smart – I am glad I found you – you make finance 101! You are signalling what we are in for in my view – more inflation snd more interest rate increases by the BOC – I have no faith in there ability to wrestle inflation to the ground! I am switching to a closed mortgage next week at below 6 percent! Feel confident in my decision! I have lived through this trouble before!! Bless you – keep up the great work!

  11. speedy

    Only one thing is sure. Everything this govt does hurts the average canuk. Its bloody malicious.

  12. ro c

    BOC is crap

  13. Okan Obuz

    This corrupt government would do whatever they can to screw their hard working citizens.

    They say it is because of inflation. Inflation is because of this screwed up government who feeds just their voters, taking from the hardworking Canadian. It is totally penalizing the worker, rewarding the lazy voters who are sitting on their ass..s all day and live with our taxes.

  14. Greg Baxter

    I was just censored on social media for showing the huge warning signs in Canada fiat money. Bank of Canada is loosing money daily which has never happened in the history of B of C. Once the bond market freezes up fiat comes to a screeching halt. And one part of the reset begins. Look and the big 5 banks and see how over extended they all are… a perfect set up to have to switch to new currency.

  15. yarrowcentral

    The fact that they were called "real return bonds" is pretty telling in itself. It's all such a joke, thanks again Russell for great content and coverage!

  16. wasup fool

    Freeland is even more dangerous than Trudeau

  17. vera brunobossio

    Is this for people starting up a rdsp

  18. Sorella Toronto

    was china buying even more canadian debt and this is a way to stop that

  19. vera brunobossio

    Freeland give some comments aboutbond and apt something about it didn't u derstand please ck it out..and simply explain in simpler ways thanks

  20. Ray Beez

    If you fallow her plan to destroy Canada's financial sovereignty, treason is the reason.

  21. Mariam Mariam

    I work in the food industry, in the capacity of food ingredient sales. I work for a distributor. We distribute ingredients to food manufacturers on behalf of global food ingredient companies who don’t have a Canadian sales team or distribution network.

    Almost all ingredient companies are issuing pricie increases for the 3-5th time in the past year. Increases are at a minimum 10% but many are 30-50%, some are more like 60%. What this means is that food manufacturers in Canada will be forced to increase the prices they sell their finished goods at to the retailers. The retailers will need to again increase prices as stock of finished goods produced at 2022 pricing depletes. Consumers will see continued price increases on groceries through summer/fall.

    I don’t see the prices of food ever dropping in this country. Manufacturers were already producing foods as inexpensively as possible. I know this because I worked in food product development on the manufacturer side for 15 years. It’s a very low margin industry. The food contribution to inflation is not going to decline for a long time, if ever bc the war and the climate crisis will continue to real havoc on food supply. The food industry is entirely global.

  22. David Foley

    If the ultra wealthy and the pension funds are largely the only ones able to benefit from this (leaving individuals out in the cold on it) I have no problem with it being cancelled. The already rich get too many benefits already.  

    Also, if it costs the rest of us honest taxpayers MORE simply to pay for the program, and the benefits are just getting sucked up by greedy pension funds, I'm additionally fine that it's gone.  

    I'd love to have so much money I could pay someone else to make money for me.

  23. Tyra Masters-Heinrichs

    I've told my kids to consider leaving Canada, at the very least they and everybody else, need to get their money out of the banks, get out of debt, and buy silver, or other things of physical value, because these arrogant and ignorant narcissists are going to continue in their Fascist plans, and devalue the Canadian dollar until they just 'have to' bring in a Digital Programmable Token to replace money…

  24. miles forsberg

    The writing is on the wall, inflation is going to be here for a while and the government doesn’t want anyone making even a pittance from it.

  25. iCon_xB2Gen Rich

    The EL CHAPO Trudeau
    The leader of liberal Criminal organization in Canada
    Supported by the corrupt minister speaker in the cabinet

  26. Dougie P

    And you actually listen to the fascists

  27. jolanda

    LETS just tell the truth eh no money to invest no one wants canadians funds trudy klause freeland sing screwed our economy OH but their wealth their fiends wealth and corp wealth sure has grown and canadians shity dkky thats all

  28. jolanda


  29. The Guide To Things

    No, that program has got to go. The sooner we hit rock bottom the better.

  30. Dim Oji

    Russel enjoys reading the cr55p from s7cu8mbags politicians. Unfortunately , the media is on our taxpayers money check with Tr00-Dope and Kristina – the daughter of run away N9atzi collaborator in WW2 who fled to Canada on all legs like a hunted dog.

  31. vera brunobossio

    Weres the bill had this padded 3 readings? And werez grandfather Clauses to protect those under the old act?

  32. Sonny Jim

    Liberals are a stupid race and therefore think we are as dumb as them. They expect us to believe that people don’t want inflation protected bonds and prefer unprotected global warming bonds? I retire to bedlam.

  33. gary wabersich

    Thanks for the update, Russell. Have a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

  34. Eliot Ness

    This was the only good bond product. Who wants to buy super expensive bonds that yields 2%, when inflation is at 10% ? Maybe some donkeys do i dont know… Lose money on purpose jesus

  35. Durtisdanger

    Great Segment Russell

  36. vera brunobossio

    Merry Christmas to you..but if i may.. weres the bill thats passed 3 readings and became law?

  37. Wilf Higginson

    There’s not going to be a “green transition” and there is not going to be “socially responsible investing” there’s just going to be the decent folks generating resources to be confiscated by the disgusting criminals in the ruling class. Nothing is ever about what the fascists say it’s about.

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