Inflation is Here – My 2022 Investment Strategy (European Investor)

by | Aug 7, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 18 comments

Inflation is Here – My 2022 Investment Strategy (European Investor)

With inflation reaching levels never seen before in Europe, how can we protect our savings? Here are my thoughts and my investment strategy for 2022 and beyond. 🇪🇺 Best EU Broker:

Inflation Hedge #1 – Stocks & ETFs:
🇪🇺 Interactive Brokers:
🇪🇺 Degiro:
🇦🇹🇩🇪 Germany & Austria only:

Inflation Hedge #2 – P2P Lending:
📌 Viainvest (10€ bonus):
📌 Robocash:
📌 Lendermarket (1% bonus):
📌 Bondster (1% bonus):
📌 Iuvo Group (0,75% bonus):
📌 Bondora Go&Grow (5€ bonus):
📌 Mintos:
💰 P2P Bonus Offers & Conditions: ​​

Inflation Hedge #3 – Crypto (Bitcoin & Ethereum):
🚀 Bitpanda:
🚀 FTX:
🚀 Kraken:
👛 Hardware Wallet:

Other Tools I Love:
💳 Bank account with free world-wide ATM withdrawals:
💰 All my investments & accounts:

00:00 Inflation In Europe
01:15 How high is inflation really?
02:15 Electricity and gas prices are skyrocketing
03:03 How can we protect our euro savings against inflation?
04:00 1. ETFs (stocks)
05:20 Hedge against hyperinflation?
05:51 ETF returns and market timing
07:24 2. Peer to Peer Lending
09:03 3. Crypto: Bitcoin & Ethereum vs. Gold
Coin Bureau:
11:57 Conclusion

Recent Videos:
🎬 ETF Investing for Europeans in 2022 – How to use Interactive Brokers, Degiro, Flatex:
🎬 My TOP 5 in P2P Lending – Here’s Why (Incl. Autoinvest Settings):
🎬 Portfolio Update – My Investments in 2021 (November):
🎬 Distributing vs. Accumulating ETFs – What You Need to Know:
🎬 Best Brokers for Europeans in 2021:
🎬 Best ETFs in 2021:

#ETFs​​ #Investing​​ #Inflation​​
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Some of the links are affiliate links, which help support me and the YouTube channel. I only link to services I use and am convinced of myself, none of the links are sponsored.

See also  Markets' Response to High Inflation

Disclaimer: I am only sharing my own experience. I’m not a financial advisor and you should always do your own research and due diligence before investing. Investing involves risk of losses….(read more)

LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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  1. Tiago Figueiredo

    In Portugal, I've felt inflation mostly in electricity/gas and fuel (this one of course not only due to inflation) and food, especially food. Crazy vs. last year.

  2. בני מור

    Thank you for this important information! God universe Buddha what ever Bless you!

  3. Brennan

    I noticed a very "good vices only" vibe from you. I don't think people will care about good vibes when they have to fend off assault because of food.

  4. Ambesawu Teveje

    Where should I put the cash in such situations because my bag is currently exposed?

  5. Jan Sabela

    OMG. Rising prices doesn't equal INFLATION! You are describing prices increases due to supply/demand mechanics of lockdowns. Inflations means there is a bank landing behind this(inflation is an expansion of money! and ECB doesn't print money….it just does not). And stock market has nothing to de with inflation ether its just a speculation mania.

  6. Mikk Lustmets

    Commodity ETFs, GSG, DBC?

  7. A B

    was that RIP blogger who sold all stocks and now bought back much higher?

  8. Mike

    Plans for 2022. Try to hold as little cash as possible. With the FED raising interest rates I just don't see huge growth this year. Personally I'll still be investing regularly into VUSA but I'll be dollar cost averaging as it seems like everything is taking a haircut right now with the looming interest rates changes. With what I have left over I'll be looking to buy specific value stocks and the remainder goes into crypto.

  9. Kev In

    Servus Angelo,
    I remember you mentioned you'll be on ORF2 in January. When is the episode premiering?

  10. Hristo Panov

    Thanks for the video and Happy New Year, Angelo!
    I'll also quit investing in single stocks. Maybe I'll just leave some money in a trading account for short term trades.
    I recently added CCEUA ETF as it tracks commodities and I hope it will hedge against inflation even if the stocks are not so good. Any thoughts on it?

    P2P is working quite well for me – I gained more then 10% in 2021 considering more than 35% is in Bondora G&G. Don't you have fears that some originators may go bankrupt during crisis and impact your p2p portfolio a lot??? The recovery from such event will take quite longer than in stock market.

  11. Slavisa Belic

    Thx for video. Inflation is definitely here – haircut 15 eur comparing with 10 eur before corona. Meals in restaurants 10% more… Is this first time in history that stocks and gold / real estates are jumping together? Good economy = sell gold and buy stocks. Insecure time = sell stocks and buy gold or flat. But in last year we had huge jump in all assets: gold, real estates, stocks, crypto… By the way I have invested 10% in real estate fond. I think this asset is with small risk but small return as well.

  12. vio cheng

    Hello Angelo and Happy new year! Brilliant video as always! Regarding inflation protection, a popular opinion seems to be REIT ETFs. They have a small correlation to stocks and their performance is relatively good. VWCE includes around 4% of REITS but what about an overweight? 90-10%? An accumulated REIT might be more suitable as the cash flow (it's large in REITs) despite inflation can be used to grow the fund. That of course for investors (like myself) who don't want to invest in bonds due to even negatively yields.
    What is your view on this?

  13. steve maryns

    Hi sorry for the question as I’m just starting to learn and understand. Is there a specific reason you have you do have your main etf quoted in usd. Does it have any advantages as it seems to me as an extra risk as we don’t know the usd rate by the time you want to take your money out. Best regards

  14. blingblang1234

    Concerning P2P: Why are you invested in so many different ones? Doesn't tehát make filing taxes very tedious? Not to mention that in another comment, you said that you have to them every year vor P2P

  15. NoUseForMySoul

    I think it was AQR that published data insights in crypto diversification. Long story short, they are too correlated to growth stocks, of which you already hold a lot in VWCE. It's debatable if and when the value spread closes, but crypto does not seem to offer much diversification, if any. Commodities in general, but especially gold, has traditionally been a good inflation hedge – for investors with a 4 digit time horizon. It's too volatile for a single human lifespan. That's still somewhat useful for estate planning, but not as a good short term hedge. Both, crypto and commodities, are also non producing assets while stocks and lending do have yield that is not intrinsic to pure speculation. Commodities overall also had a negative real return of about 1,3% in the last 200 years. Generally speaking, I like your approach, but think a deeper dive into academic risk factors in stocks and bonds could be worthwhile.

  16. andronclock

    Something I struggle with , is finding information about economics and statistics in europe , like the inflation numbers, money printing etc. Maybe it is a good video idea for the future, because everything i see on yt is about the USA's numbers.

  17. Valentin P.

    heyy thanks for your update, i saw you don't invest on swaper anymore. May you explain why ?

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